Carranza's Clinical Periodontology

Carranza's Clinical Periodontology
Newman, Michael G. & Takei, Henry H. & Klokkevold, Perry R. & Carranza, Fermín A.
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The most widely used periodontics text, Carranza's Clinical Periodontology provides both print and online access to basic procedures as well as the latest in advanced procedures and techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy. Not only does this book show how to do periodontal procedures, it describes how to best manage the outcomes and explains the evidence supporting each treatment. Written by leading experts Michael Newman, Henry Takei, Perry Klokkevold, and Fermin Carranza, along with a pool of international contributors, this edition also discusses the close connection between oral health and systemic disease. A new Expert Consult website includes the entire, fully searchable contents of the book, and takes learning to a whole new level with content updates, videos, a drug database, and much more.

NOTE: The current Expert Consult platform will be discontinued at the end of 2014, and this title will no longer be available on Expert Consult after December 31st, 2014.

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