Zionism in America · Seven Strikes & Counting.... (Trump Revolution Book 21)

Zionism in America · Seven Strikes & Counting.... (Trump Revolution Book 21)
Vivas, Robert David STEELE
Earth Intelligence Network
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Preface: Strikes 1-5 appeared in an earlier article and Kindle Short (War in the Middle East). Numerous requests were received to isolate and extend this itemization of Zionist Strikes that will lead to its eviction from the halls of power in the USA. For those who worry about our President Donald Trump being “owned” by Russian Jewish crime families and Zionists generally, we would offer a caution: Trump can turn on a dime, appears vastly more imaginative and devious than people give him credit for, has clearly cut a deal with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and General Secretary Xi Jinping of China, and has the full weight of the US Marine Corps and the White Hats of the secret intelligence community, both aspiring to a restoration of the US Constitution.

The Looming End of Zionist Influence in the USA

Zionists rule in the USA is being challenged openly now. There is a fury sweeping across the USA against the Zionists, neutralizing what was once a formidable lobbying force – so formidable it could reasonably be described as an “occupation Army” camped in Washington DC and controlling the banks of New York City as well as the media and entertainment (propaganda) organizations that front for the Deep State.

Israel now has no fewer than seven strikes (in baseball it takes three to get thrown out, my estimate is that it will take at least nine to completely end the influence of Israel in the USA, an occurrence that will be noted when the B’Nai Brith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are all required to register as agents of a foreign power: Zionist Israel, followed by an end to US funding Israel as well as Saudi Arabia, together the primary sponsors of both terrorism world-wide, and illegal Muslim immigration toward Europe and the USA.

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A word on Donald Trump an Jerusalem:

The announcement by President Donald Trump with respect to moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem can be interpreted in two ways: as a subordination of the USA to the Zionist state, or – my preference – as a stake in the heart of the very corrupt Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist state that my own colleagues in the Mossad despise. The arrogance of Zion with respect to Jerusalem is exceeded only by the arrogance of Zion with respect to the America.

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I have no doubt that in 2018 Israel is going to earn Strikes 7-9.

The Vatican – the Jesuits in particular – and perhaps also the darker side of the Mormon Elders – could join the Zionists and the Arabs in being globally condemned on the latter aspect. Eight million children a year – 22,000 a day – disappear and die within two years of purchase or capture – to keep the Deep State elite in a state of euphoria from a constant ingestion of adrenochrome.

Pedophilia once fully exposed to the public is going to take down the Deep State across all boundaries – banks – religions – governors – universities – mayors – and more. Let me end by emphasizing that Zionism – and the #GoogleGestapo system of censorship, crowd-stalking, and digital assassination and blackmail that the Zionists manage on behalf of the Deep State – are 20% of the problem….the most important 20%. Take out the Zionists and the rest of the Deep State dominos will fall fast.