[Boys of the Bayou 04] • Crazy Rich Cajuns · Boys of the Bayou Book Four

[Boys of the Bayou 04] • Crazy Rich Cajuns · Boys of the Bayou Book Four
Nicholas, Erin
EN Fiction, Inc.
romance , contemporary
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He wears suits and ties. He'll one day inherit a fortune. He has a law degree. He shines his shoes, for God's sake. What is she doing attracted to a guy like him? But she is. She so is.

She drives air boats on the bayou, drinks and cusses, and gives city boys in suits a hard time just for fun. Why can't he get her out of his mind? But he can't. He definitely can't.

A weekend trip to Savannah for a fancy-schmancy party with his highfalutin family is the surefire way to prove that they have nothing in common but intense chemistry. And to maybe scratch this I've-never-wanted-anyone-like-I-want-you itch once or twice. Or five times.

But it takes only about twenty-four hours for the bayou girl and the city boy to figure out that they don't really know much at all--about each other, or about themselves. And figuring all of this out is going to be downright crazy.

A hot, small town, opposites attract rom com!

Kennedy Landry and Bennett Baxter's story!