Lena's Fall · Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey

Lena's Fall · Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey
Carlsbad, Alex
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** This is a compilation of Volumes Eight through Fifteen of Lena’s Journey **

When I fell in love with my mother's physician, I had no idea things would turn out the way they did. Strong, rich, and very assertive, he seemed just like that person for me, and I was more than willing to be taken in hand by him.

But just like a butterfly attracted to candlelight I burned my wings. He kept wanting so much more from me, and I only wanted to please him. He had friends, and they all belonged to a dark ancient society. As it turns out, the hive had a leader -- a monster no one wants to disappoint, a demon soul with a craving for innocence and a lust for me.

This is the story of my downfall.