Days With Indigo

Days With Indigo
Harrison, Christa Belle
Black Bread Box
friendships , regret , england , roses , betrayal , mental illness , food , secrets , hungry lucy , family history , loyalty , tea
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A pot of tea, a cozy fire, and a cardigan. This is all she wants, or needs, tonight. Chloe Adair settles into her chair, well-aware of the cold winds that blow outside. Her ever-faithful companion, Indigo, happily tends to her every need. Though the night is cold and dark, they have each other, always. Chloe opens her book, finds her place, and begins to read. Indigo pours the tea.

Meet Chloe Adair. An only child born from two loving parents. Through years of memories, mysteries and the madness of her own mind, she will discover that things are never exactly as they seem. She will spend most of her life wondering what made her the way she is. She will search for that one piece of truth that defines her entire life. Does such an item exist?

“Days with Indigo” is a cold-weather story that begs to be savored. With its quirky characters and boldly honest questions, this story delves into the tightly knit world of Chloe Adair. Her heart beat is fierce, deliberate. Her will is strong, unyielding. Her love is unbreakable, eternal. Her story is hers. Hers alone.

Genuine and rich in quaint sentimentality, you will not want to leave these characters behind. You will get to know them. You will grow to love, or hate, them. You will want to know all of the things that Chloe wants to know. Are you ready for the journey? Pour the tea, and let’s begin.