Crashed, How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World

For a decade much of the world has been haunted by the spectre of the Great Financial Crisis that became public in September 2008 with the collapse of Lehman brothers. As its appalling scope and scale was revealed, the financial institutions that had stood at the heart of the West's triumph since the end of the Cold War, seemed - through greed, malice and incompetence - to be about to bring the entire Western system to its knees.
Crashed is a brilliantly original and assured analysis of what happened and how we were rescued from something even worse - but at a price which continues to undermine democracy across Europe and the United States. Gnawing away at our institutions are the many billions of dollars which were conjured up to prevent complete collapse. Over and over again, the end of the crisis has been announced, but it continues to hound us - whether in Greece or Ukraine, whether through Brexit or Trump. Adam Tooze follows the trail like no previous writer and has written a book compelling as history, as economic analysis and as political horror story.