Our Woman in Jamaica

Our Woman in Jamaica

Sometimes the ballot-box and the bullet arent incompatible

Jamaica, 1980. A general election is in the offing. The left-of-centre People's National Party stands a chance of winning a third term of radical social reform. Ties with Russia and Cuba will likely be strengthened. The IMF will be shown the door. Newly hatched revolutionary movements, like the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and the JRG in El Salvador, will take firm encouragement.

The powers that be in London or Washington are not prepared to countenance any of that. Not at all. Unfortunately, the only person available to address the situation is someone the Brits would rather not acknowledge. At just twenty-five, Ruby Parker and MI6 have a fractious shared history. She has already been written off by just about everyone in that organisation who matters.

Written as a prequel to the other books in the Tales of MI7 series, Our Woman in Jamaica...