Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures · What 100+ Pws Taught Me

Stuttering & Anxiety Self-Cures · What 100+ Pws Taught Me
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Stuttering Anxiety Self-Cures (SAC) is the only book written BY A STUTTERER that claims to offer DETAILED SELF-CURES (172 pages vs. the 20-30 pages of the typical stuttering primers that proliferate on Kindle), AND it is the only stuttering-book that offers an INTERACTIVE FEATURE; that is, the author invites readers to email him, complete a questionnaire and participate in one-on-one or group-Skype sessions to discuss specific problems – AT NO CHARGE. Curing stutterers is the author’s charity. The author, long a practicing attorney, had a stuttering problem so severe that he could not say his own name in court. The problem had emerged in his teens and grown progressively worse into his mid-twenties, when he sought psychiatric help. Lacking the funds for more than six sessions, he began to create his own self-cures. His, book, SAC, is a living, breathing, very real human and sometimes painful story of the evolution of stuttering-SELF-cures and of the author’s 25-year speech-battle. By his late 30’s, the author gave some 50 speeches in one year, all without detectable stuttering. The author believes that typical stuttering-cases should be cured within several months to a year, by applying the self-cures that are meticulously and lucidly detailed in his book, which took him years to discover and perfect. Anyone who stutters, or who suffers speech-anxiety, should read this unique, semi-interactive book and say “Goodbye” to speech problems and “Welcome” to the joy and freedom of speech fluency. As far as the author knows, there has never been an offer like this, and it can’t last forever – as the author isn’t young, and he can’t handle an infinite number of cases, but he intends to accommodate every single stutterer that he possibly can. So, call his bluff. Read the book and email the author and launch your self-cure.