[Gutenberg 54138] • Camp Cookery. How to Live in Camp

[Gutenberg 54138] • Camp Cookery. How to Live in Camp
Parloa, Maria
american , camping , cooking
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Considered one of America's first "celebrity chefs", Maria Parloa (1843-1909) has often been credited with the first published recipe for tomato soup.

"Camp Cookery" (1878) -- not to be confused with the 1910 Horace Kephart book by the same title -- was her second book.

Her other notable publications include the "Appledore Cook Book", a book on canning for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and a book on chocolate.

The opening chapter of "Camp Cookery" discusses camping equipment, cooking utensils, and hygiene.

The remaining chapters are devoted to recipes.

Recipes in this book include:

**BIRDS:** Birds Roasted in their Feathers, Broiled Birds, Stewed Partridges or Pigeons, Brown Fricassee of Chicken, White Fricassee of Chicken, Chicken Curry, Chicken Salad,

Sauce for Birds, Broiled Chicken.

**FISH:** Chowder, Fish Chowder, No. 2, Fried Cod, Broiled Cod, or Scrod, Baked Cod, Broiled Salt Fish, Broiled Mackerel, Fried Mackerel, Baked Mackerel, Smelts, Brook Trout, Eels Fried, Baked Eels, Boiled Halibut, Fried Halibut, Broiled Halibut, Smoked Halibut, Fried Salmon, Broiled Salmon, Salmon Trout, Shad and Haddock.

**SHELL-FISH:** Clam-Bake, Clam Chowder, Clam Chowder, No. 2, Clam Boil, Clam Fritters, Scalloped Oysters, Fried Oysters, Broiled Oysters, Oyster Stew, Oyster Soup, Broiled Lobster, To Boil Lobster, Stewed Lobster, Curried Lobster, Lobster Salad.

**EGGS:** Poached Eggs, Scrambled Eggs, Omelets.

**MEATS:** Fried Salt Pork, Broiled Salt Pork, Salt Pork Fried in Batter, Fried Ham, Broiled Ham, Ham and Eggs, Breakfast Bacon, Beefsteak Smothered in Onions, Broiled Beefsteak, Fried Beefsteak, Stewed Beef, Lamb Chops, Broiled Veal, Fricassee of Veal, Mutton Chops, Mutton Pie with Tomatoes, Veal Cutlets, Mutton Cutlets, Fried Sausages.

**VEGETABLES:** Boiled Potatoes, Baked Potatoes, Fried Potatoes, Fried Boiled Potatoes, Potatoes warmed with Pork, Potatoes warmed in Gravy,

Fricassee of Potatoes, Boiled Sweet Potatoes, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Boiled Onions, Fried Onions, Baked Squash, Beets, Pickled Beets, Shelled Beans, Boston Baked Beans, String Beans, Green Peas, Boiled Rice, Boiled Rice, No. 2, Boiled Macaroni, Boiled Green Corn, Boiled Turnips, Stewed Tomatoes, Sliced Tomatoes, Baked Tomatoes, Mock Bisque Soup. — Very nice.

**BREAD:** Fried Corn Dodgers, Baked Corn Cake, Oat-Meal, Hominy, Hominy Griddle-Cakes, Fried Mush, Spider-Cakes, Biscuit, Decker's Prepared Graham, Milk Toast.

**PUDDINGS:** Boiled Rice, Baked Rice, Minute Pudding, Apple Dowdy, Down East Pudding, Bread Pudding, Corn Starch Pudding.

**CAKE:** Tea Cake, Berry Cake, Plain Cup Cake, Soft Molasses Gingerbread, No. 2.

**SAUCES AND DRESSINGS:** Sauce for Birds, Drawn Butter, Egg Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Salad Dressing, Boiled Salad Dressing, Caper Sauce, Mint Sauce, Viniagrette Sauce, Tartare Sauce, Brown Sauce, Dried Apple Sauce.

**DRINKS:** Tea, Coffee, Shells, Chocolate, Prepared Cocoa, Coffee, No. 2, Mead

**FOR THE SICK:** Rice Water for Diarrhoea, Flour Gruel, Oat Meal Gruel, Indian Meal Gruel.


**Boiled Salad Dressing.**

Three eggs, one tablespoonful of sugar, one of oil, one each of mustard and salt, scant one cup of vinegar, one cup of milk.