[Novokin Alliance Invasion 03] • Defying the Alliance · ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)

[Novokin Alliance Invasion 03] • Defying the Alliance · ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)

Captured, Betrayed, Alone...Discover the naked truth in this stunning conclusion to Captain Caspia Jones' Defiance of the Novokin Alliance!Captain Caspia Jones has failed. Failed hard. Captured by her nemesis Asmot, the cold blooded Novokin butcher sends Caspia to face the Grand Inquisitor. Can the little Terran captain stand up to the worst the Alliance has to offer?The massive golden alien with the gorgeous green eyes is angry...angry enough to chew through an entire battalion of Novokin Soldiers and have enough room left over for desert. Separated from his one true love Trex will lead an army to save the woman who saved his heart.Betrayals, Babies and Plasma Bombs, oh my!