Statistical Analysis and Data Display

Statistical Analysis and Data Display
Heiberger, Richard M. & Holland, Burt
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This contemporary presentation of statistical methods features extensive use of graphical displays for exploring data and for displaying the analysis. The authors demonstrate how to analyze data--showing code, graphics, and accompanying tabular listings--for all the methods they cover. Complete R scripts for all examples and figures are provided for readers to use as models for their own analyses.

This book can serve as a standalone text for statistics majors at the master's level and for other quantitatively oriented disciplines at the doctoral level, and as a reference book for researchers. Classical concepts and techniques are illustrated with a variety of case studies using both newer graphical tools and traditional tabular displays.

New graphical material includes:

an expanded chapter on graphics

a section on graphing Likert Scale Data to build on the importance of rating scales in fields from population studies to psychometrics

a discussion on design of graphics that will work for readers with color-deficient vision

an expanded discussion on the design of multi-panel graphics

expanded and new sections in the discrete bivariate statistics capter on the use of mosaic plots for contingency tables including the n�2�2 tables for which the Mantel-Haenszel-Cochran test is appropriate

an interactive (using the shiny package) presentation of the graphics for the normal and t-tables that is introduced early and used in many chapters