[Western Night Series 04] • Caitlin and the Cowboy

[Western Night Series 04] • Caitlin and the Cowboy

Welcome to the Wilds of Texas, it is 1891 and Stephenville is bursting with courageous women and rugged men. Caitlin and the Cowboy, is all about the desire to have and hold on to your dreams no matter how hard it may seem for them to come true. Come along and meet a couple of newcomers to the town.... Albert Dalligan is a mild-mannered man, happier with his beloved books and teaching the young minds of Stephenville than he could ever have been out on the land. But he little expected that he would find a woman who would love not just him, but the wild world in which he had chosen to make his home. But how will the good people of Stephenville take to a woman with all the sensibilities of a man, and will he be strong enough to love her with his whole heart despite the opinions of his family back East?Caitlin Macgregor has traveled further than she ever thought possible, from the parlours of chic Boston society to the wilds of Texas. She has always dreamed of having her own ranch, breeding her own horses.But in a world where women are deemed to be pretty trinkets, too weak to work out on the land, will she ever find a place where she can be herself? Many women before her have made their fortunes out on the Western Frontier, maybe this time, amongst the rugged and tough people of Stephenville, Texas she will find her dreams can at last become a reality. Incredible Bonus Gift Inside: Romance Short Stories Collection