Mission2Moga (1, #1)

Mission2Moga (1, #1)
Jonathan FABLE
:Jonathan FABLE
dystopian , sci-fi , hip-hop , graffiti , ethereal
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A dystopianthriller with sci-fi elements that takesyou on ajourney through space andtime!

Wherethe technology of today can be the destruction of tomorrow or our salvation now!

TheHIP-HOP inspired Monument OfGrapheneArmor survivesanapocolyptic event destroying nearly everything on the earthssurface.

4 cities originally builtbythe Governments of today that roseupfrom deep underground military bases controlled by an A.S.I..(Artificial Supreme Intelligence) program that controleverything andattempts to smother the spirit of all its inhabitantsgoes to absolute lengths to control and keep its subjects in check.

While the Mogaan interactive graffiti inspired architectural masterpiece allows its sovereign kings and queens their free will to explore and experiment in the very quest for the meaning of existence, while taking in all the art forms and trades the robots over time leaving the humans subject to the will of the a.s.i.,

Moga provides its inhabitants the ability to grow and build nets verse giving out free fish with the hooks still in them.

Follow three children as they escape the city of fire, guided by their dreams and some unexpected assistance to endure and acheive with great focus, will power, and determination on their Mission2Moga!