Essential SQLAlchemy

Essential SQLAlchemy
Copeland, Rick
O'Reilly Media
reference , python , programming
0.41 MB
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_Essential SQLAlchemy_ introduces a high-level open-source code library that

makes it easier for Python programmers to access relational databases such as

Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. SQLAlchemy has become increasingly

popular since its release, but it still lacks good offline documentation. This

practical book fills the gap, and because a developer wrote it, you get an

objective look at SQLAlchemy's tools rather than an advocate's description of

all the "cool" features.

SQLAlchemy includes both a database server-independent SQL expression language

and an object-relational mapper (ORM) that lets you map "plain old Python

objects" (POPOs) to database tables without substantially changing your

existing Python code. _Essential SQLAlchemy_ demonstrates how to use the

library to create a simple database application, walks you through simple

queries, and explains how to use SQLAlchemy to connect to multiple databases

simultaneously with the same Metadata. You also learn how to:

Create custom types to be used in your schema, and when it's useful to use

custom rather than built-in types Run queries, updates, and deletes with

SQLAlchemy's SQL expression language Build an object mapper with SQLAlchemy,

and understand the differences between this and active record patterns used in

other ORMs Create objects, save them to a session, and flush them to the

database Use SQLAlchemy to model object oriented inheritance Provide a

declarative, active record pattern for use with SQLAlchemy using the Elixir

extension Use the SQLSoup extension to provide an automatic metadata and

object model based on database reflection In addition, you'll learn how and

when to use other extensions to SQLAlchemy, including AssociationProxy,

OrderingList, and more.

_Essential SQLAlchemy_ is the much-needed guide for every Python developer

using this code library. Instead of a feature-by-feature documentation, this

book takes an "essentials" approach that gives you exactly what you need to

become productive with SQLAlchemy right away.