Hansel and the Gingerbread Queen: A Retelling of Hansel and Gretel (A Villain's Ever After)

Hansel and the Gingerbread Queen: A Retelling of Hansel and Gretel (A Villain's Ever After)
Lea Doué
Butterwing Publishing
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Evony is the daughter of a witch, with all of her reputation but none of her powers. She's spent her whole life in the heart of the forest, safe from outsiders in a wondrous candy cottage as dangerous as it is beautiful. Kept company by a trio of tiny companionsa loyal gingerbread dragon and two mischievous browniesEvony's one desire is to find a place in the human world. But first, she must find a way to undo her mother's spells and free the poor souls who fell to temptation. Only two obstacles stand in her way. A traveler with distracting molasses-brown eyes, and the one creation the witch left behind with the power to stop her: the gingerbread man.Hansel and the Gingerbread Queenis one of twelve short novels in A VILLAIN'S EVER AFTER, a collection of stand-alone stories featuring villainous twists on some of your favorite classic fairy tales. Read the series in any order for magical adventures and fall in love with villains as you've never seen them before. Who said villains can't have happily-ever-afters?