Advetures in Mutation

Advetures in Mutation
Vanguard Press
sci-fi & fantasy anthology
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Mutations are in the air!Now that newspapers are headlining reports on the possibility that mutations or sudden genetic changes in men, animals, and plants might result from the exploding of too many hydrogen bombs, science-fiction’s own imaginings on the subject take on an almost topical interest.

The world’s best writers in this field have been turning out superb stories about mutations for years and years. In this rich collection of twenty-one of their best tales on the subject you will find the whole problem examined from almost every conceivable angle.

For example: mutations are not always harmful, nor do they occur only as a result of radioactivity. They can occur naturally; they can, perhaps, be brought about by surgical, chemical, or other scientific means; they may even be possible through selective breeding.

Read this book and enjoy to the full the imaginings of such science-fiction experts as Eric Frank Russell, James Blish, Theodore Sturgeon, Henry Kuttner, Murray Leinster, Fredric Brown, F. L. Wallace, Margaret St. Clair, and many others, on the infinitely varied possibilities of genetic mutation.

None of the stories in this volume has ever appeared in book form before, and one is here published for the first time anywhere. In addition, the editor, whose fifth “idea” anthology this is, has included a carefully selected list of the best stories on mutations that have appeared in other collections or in science-fiction magazines.