The Awakening

The Awakening
Quickly, Kat
Andrews UK
the arctic , global , publishing , love , healers , new york , competition , magic , dreams , warming , romance , erotica , immortal , thriller , swimming , destiny , woods , shape shifters , legend , evil , intrigue , polar bears , conflict , sensual , politics , good , wolves , environment
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What if you were the one who could do something about Global Warming? Would you believe the ramblings of a strange but handsome older man, and accept your destiny as the immortal daughter of Ursula the Warrior Goddess, protector of the Great Ice, and save the planet? This is Carmen Whyte's destiny: of which she is oblivious until she meets Victor Bernhard, enigmatic owner of Great Blizzard Publishing Enterprises. Once Victor takes Carmen's hand she senses a powerful connection that she spends much of the novel resisting. After all she is engaged to Andrew Adams: the most desirable bachelor in New York. Victor must bring Carmen to accept her fate; re-awaken the Half-lings, immortal half men-half bear/wolf, shape shifters like Victor, and restore the Great Ice. Carmen must accept her destiny willingly; expediently. Evil forces are gathering. The most dangerous threat is Andrew's father, Will, powerful Senator industrialist. Will's initial approach is through Andrew. But as Victor's influence grows, Will's sense of urgency spurs him to drastic action. Will knows that Carmen can only be disempowered through marrying a mortal and bearing his children. Thus a battle is waged - a battle Carmen is reluctant to join, despite Victor's warnings. Her true powers of insight and healing are slowly emerging. Finally the truth of Carmen's birth is revealed, she sees Andrew's true heart and goes to Victor. In a dangerous final confrontation between good and evil Carmen and Victor defeat Will and Andrew. Andrew is humiliated, now Carmen's sworn enemy.