Sticky Fingered Books

Sticky Fingered Books

Sticky-Fingered Books12th Jolie Gentil Cozy MysterySpecial Price Until November 15th

It isnt every day that you find a body at your kids school. Unless youre Jolie Gentil. Then its more of an option.Someone broke into Sand and Sea Daycare, leaving a broken window and plenty of rain in the directors office. When Jolie hears an angry man say the intruder must have been looking for some books, she remembers the center hadnt deposited money raised at its annual rummage and bake sale.

But thats not her business. Her job at the co-op center is to place orders for the food the kids gobble. Scoobies contribution, as a poet, is to lead a rhyming session with the kids. Its bedlam and they love it.

But when Jolie goes into the center for an evening board meeting, she finds a body at the desk of the Sand and Sea director.

With help from Mayor Madge, Jolie learns that the daycare center building has...