The Dreams of the Succubii

The Dreams of the Succubii
Calvin, Stephanie
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The Dreams of the Succubii

The Succibii are mythical female vampires who feed, not on blood, but on human sexual activity.

They sup from the frantic couplings of mortals, they wickedly cavort amongst themselves, and then, perhaps, they sleep. But if they sleep, then surely they must dream?

And if the Succubii do dream, what tantalising tales would stir their jaded lusts? Their appetites, their imaginings, must be the distillation of the erotic daydreams of ordinary women. A concentrated essence, a lascivious liqueur.

These three stories, of magical happen stance, elegant sodomy, and gentle, preparatory spankings, are like the lusty tatters of those dreams. They swirl, around slick thighs and shuddering, sobbing midnight cries, to sting the Succubii awake.

The first, of Kali the Destroyer. Eater of Souls. A professional wrestler and part time dominatrix finds that a case of mistaken identity, one which could destroy her reputation, and even land her in prison, is just the rod she needs to spur her ingenuity. One last time, Kali must teach a man the beauty of submission to her will, and the pleasure that is the reward for that surrender.

The second tale is of Customer Complaints, where Connie Masterby discovers that being firm with surly staff can lead, at certain times, and in certain secret places, to temptation beyond endurance, as she stumbles on to a hidden temple of Dionysus, and gives herself to the little God of buggery and flagellation.

The last, a curious, modern tale of the corporation, AnonymAss, where those, like the beautiful, but scar faced Ghita O' Connor who seek salvation, can offer their anonymous bottoms to the highest bidder. The sacred Whores of Isis are reborn, with Ghita as the sacrifice, in a modern temple of Sodom.

Publishers warning: This is a work of erotica. It is strictly adults only, as it contains lurid scenes of perverse sexual behaviour not suitable for minors, or those of a prudish disposition.