Mrs Morris Changes Lanes

Mrs Morris Changes Lanes

After 30 years in a joyless marriage and a dead-end job, Juliet Morris is resigned to a humdrum life in her quiet corner of the Cotswolds, until a chance encounter at a dental appointment reminds her of what might have been.

Craving an afternoon alone to think, Juliet accepts the offer of an unusual loan car whose satnav seems to have a mind of its own. Following its directions, she begins a remarkable journey of second chances and fresh hopes, leading to surprising destinations.

A delightful and original romantic comedy, full of Debbie Young's renowned humour and optimism, with a touch of magical realism.

By the author of the Sophie Sayers Village Mysteries and the Staffroom at St Bride's series of school stories for grown-ups. For books in both series, Debbie Young has been shortlisted for the Selfies Award for Best Independently Published Fiction in the UK. (2020 for Secrets at St...