CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) Exam Cram · 2nd Edition

- Authors
- Prowse, David L.
- Publisher
- Pearson IT Certification
- 9780789760579
- Date
- 2019-08-31T00:00:00+00:00
- Size
- 34.49 MB
- Lang
- en
This is the perfect study guide to help you pass CompTIA(R)'s new A+(R) Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) exams. It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic, including substantial new coverage of Windows 10, as well as new PC hardware, tablets, smartphones, macOS, Linux, cloud computing, and professional-level networking and security. Extensive prep tools include quizzes, Exam Alerts, our great last-minute Cram Sheet, two full practice exams in the print book and an additional two exams in the test engine, plus complete real-time practice and feedback through Pearson's state-of-the-art test engine. You'll also find 14 exclusive Real-World Scenario case studies, all linked to simulations or video on our bonus content site. **Covers the critical information you'll need to know to score higher on your A+ Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) exams!** \--Deploy and manage computers running Windows 10/8/7, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android --Master and practice the six-step A+ troubleshooting process --Understand, install, configure, and troubleshoot motherboards, CPUs, and memory --Test and troubleshoot power-related problems --Use all forms of storage, including SSDs, optical devices, and RAID systems --Work effectively with mobile devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones --Configure Windows components and applications, use Windows administrative tools, and optimize Windows systems --Repair damaged Windows environments and troubleshoot Windows issues --Install and manage printers and other peripherals --Understand and work with networks, network hardware, wireless protocols, and cloud technologies --Install and configure SOHO wired/wireless networks, and troubleshoot connectivity --Secure desktops and mobile devices, implement authentication methods, prevent malware attacks, and protect data
Make sure you're 100% ready for the real exam! --Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers --Multiple test modes --Random questions and order of answers --Coverage of each current A+ exam objective