[Gutenberg 52052] • The Puzzle King / Amusing arithmetic, book-keeping blunders, commercial comicalities, curious "catches", peculiar problems, perplexing paradoxes, quaint questions, queer quibbles, school stories, interesting items, tricks with figures, cards, draughts, dice, dominoes, etc., etc., etc.

[Gutenberg 52052] • The Puzzle King / Amusing arithmetic, book-keeping blunders, commercial comicalities, curious "catches", peculiar problems, perplexing paradoxes, quaint questions, queer quibbles, school stories, interesting items, tricks with figures, cards, draughts, dice, dominoes, etc., etc., etc.
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It is hoped that this little book may prove useful, not only in

connection with puzzles for home amusement, but that by inducing

people to consider the various difficulties met with in business and

trade some at least may be led to greater success in dealing with the

practical puzzles and problems of everyday life.

It is the special desire of the author to produce a “sugar-coated

mathematical pill,” as he feels convinced that many can more easily

grasp the truth when it is put before them in a light manner than

when brought forward in the usual orthodox fashion.

No pains have been spared to make the PUZZLE KING the best

of its kind yet produced, and the author here wishes to thank his

many friends who have so kindly assisted him. It would be well-nigh

impossible to individualize; but especial thanks are due to Thos.

Finney, Esq., M.L.A. (Brisbane), for the interest he has manifested

throughout, and the kindly help he has so often rendered the author.

It might afford our readers some pleasure to know that this work

is entirely Australian. The printers, artist, and author are all

colonial-born, and the production of the former two, at any rate,

will compare favourably with that of any others.

The engravings throughout have been in the hands of Mr. Murray Fraser

and staff, whose experience in this special art has tended to make

the book more attractive than it otherwise would have been.

The author is not above receiving any suggestions or contributions in

the way of peculiar puzzles or commercial comicalities, which might

enhance the value of the book. Intending contributors are invited

to communicate to the address given below, and can rest assured

that they will be remunerated according to the merits of their
