Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot Casualties

Jagdesgeschwader 2

Staff Staffel Oblt Erich Leie Kommodore I/JG2, wounded
and baled out
Staff Staffel Stfw Erwin Kley1 Killed in combat with Spitfire
1st Staffel Uffz Kurt Epsiger Missing 2 km south of Dover
after collision with a Spitfire
2nd Staffel Ltn Reinhart Böhm Missing
2nd Staffel Ofw Karl Schweikart Missing
3rd Staffel Missing 4 km north of Dieppe
after shooting down a Spitfire
hit by flak and disintegrated
3rd Staffel Uffz Rudolf Roebbers Wounded
4th Staffel Gefr Siegfried Eimers Killed in combat with Spitfire
4th Staffel Uffz Werner Urben Wounded in combat with
4th Staffel Uffz Heinz Schulze Wounded in combat with
4th Staffel Ltn Ludwig Spinner2 Wounded in combat with
6th Staffel Ltn Franz Sommer Missing after combat with
6th Staffel Uffz Gunther Gegunds Missing after combat with
9th Staffel Fw Heinrich Pfeffer Wounded and baled out
9th Staffel Uffz Wilhelm Gunther Wounded, shot down during
ground attack

1Stabsfeldwebel Kley was credited with 13 victories.

2Leutnant Spinner was killed 6 September 1942.

Jagdesgeschwader 26

2nd Staffel Ofw Paul Czwilinski Killed in action
5th Staffel Ofw Werner Gerhardt3 Killed in action
5th Staffel Uffz Hans Rieder Killed in action
9th Staffel Fw August Golub Killed in action
10th Staffel Uffz Heinrich von Berg Killed in accident
11th Staffel Obit Johannes Schmidt4 Killed in action

3Oberfeldwebel Gerhardt was credited with 13 victories.

4Oberleutnant Schmidt, credited with 12 victories, was Staffelkapitän of II/JG26.