List of Illustrations

  1. Bristol Blenheims of 13 Squadron in 1942 (E. L. Beverley)
  2. Flight Lieutenants Eric Beverley and John Shaw (E. L. Beverley)
  3. Squadron Leader le Roy DuVivier (via ChazBowyer)
  4. Douglas Boston heading towards Dieppe(Imperial War Museum)
  5. Squadron Leader Emile Fayolle
  6. Squadron Leader Desmond Griffiths and Wing Commander Pelly-Fry (Imperial War Museum)
  7. Wing Commander Minden Blake's Spitfire (W3561)(M. V. Blake)
  8. Sergeant Per Bergsland(P. Bergsland)
  9. Wing Commander M. V. Blake DSO DFC (M. V. Blake)
  10. Flight Lieutenant Gus Daymond and SquadronLeaderChesley Peterson (via Chaz Bowyer)
  11. Aerial photo of Dieppe
  12. Fred Fearnley (Norwegian Forsvaramuseet)
  13. Janeigil Lofsgaard (Norwegian Forsvaramuseet)
  14. Einer Sem-Olsen (Norwegian Forsvaramuseet)
  15. Pilot Officer Frank Mitchell (Imperial War Museum)
  16. Flight Sergeant C. B. Watson(J. W. Brooks)
  17. Pilot Officer John Godfrey (Senator John Godfrey)
  18. Flight Lieutenant Stuart Hordern (S. S. C. Hordern)
  19. Squadron Leader Johnnie Johnson
  20. Lt Rolf Berg (Norwegian Forsvaramuseet)
  21. 174 Squadron Group in 1942 (J. W. Brooks)
  22. Flight Sergeant Dixie Alexander(R.L.Alexander)
  23. 2/Lt Sven Hegland (Norwegian Forsvaramuseet)
  24. Wing Commander Denys Gillam(D. E. Gillam)
  25. Squadron Leader Stanislaw Skalski
  26. A post-war picture of Mike Maciejowski
  27. Pair of Mustangs of 400 RC AF Squadron
  28. Roland Beamont(R.L.Watson)
  29. Boston of 88 Squadron (Z2233 RH-K)(Imperial War Museum)
  30. Group Captain Harry Broadhurst(Imperial War Museum)
  31. Wing Commander David Scott-Maiden(Imperial War Museum)
  32. Squadron Leader Peter Brothers(P. M. Brothers)
  33. Squadron Leader Don Carlson (Imperial War Museum)
  34. John Brooks (J.W.Brooks)
  35. Squadron Leader Pete Wickham (Imperial War Museum)
  36. Flight Lieutenant Foss Boulton (Imperial War Museum)
  37. Flight Lieutenant Don Kingaby
  38. Wing Commander Peter Donkin (P. L.Donkin)


  1. Squadron locations—19 August 1942
  2. Dieppe