Summer’s End
In the area where I live, the heat of summer doesn’t fully break until the third week of October. Not being a fan of triple-digit temperatures (or anything above 75º F actually), it is a welcome relief when the heat dissipates and autumn finally takes hold. The leaves have barely begun to change color by this time and the clouds begin to drift through the cooling breezes, whisking away the clinging heat of the sun. Large displays of pumpkins await me at the supermarket, each one a potential jack o’ lantern. My usual pattern is to buy one as soon as they are available and then buy one or two each week up until the big day.
Calling on the Ancestors
One of the hallmarks of the Samhain season is that it is a time when the veil between the worlds is thin and we may have greater connection to the otherworld. During this window of time, we can enhance our ability to contact out ancestors. Generally, there is a significant difference between our ancestors and the Ancestors; the first being the departed members of our immediate family that were known to us and the latter being the larger members of our tribe, community, or special group. Those special, powerful predecessors that originated our particular way of life and have spiral upward into the otherworld to be revered for their skill; ascended masters, if you will, are honored during this time and often at every holiday. Aside from calling them the Ancestors, those beings are sometimes referred to as “the Ancient Ones” (though this can have other meanings) or the “Hidden Company.” 17
Calling upon our departed loved ones is a process that has a great many fans but also has some detractors. Some people feel that these ancestors are best left alone to move through their own destinies and may not appreciate being summoned by us for a chat. 18 In that case, it is still a very appropriate practice to honor them and reflect upon their meaning in our lives. If however, the desire to make contact is strong, there are some gentle methods to try that are not about coercion but instead require an atmosphere of cooperation from both sides.
Beacon of Light
In a quiet place, settle yourself in a comfortable area. Sprinkle some of the saltwater in a circle around you, visualizing that it is dissolving any harmful energy, leaving only appropriate vibrations. Focus on the mementos and let your mind drift to happy, strong memories of the departed person. Allow yourself to slip into a meditative state, let your eyes close and begin to focus on where your loved one is right now. Feel as though you are sending out a beacon of shining light from where you are out into their realm and that this light shall act as a bridge for them to make contact. Visualize them in real time. Try to get a sense of what they may look like in spirit; don’t force an image, simply allow it to form. Reach out with your feelings and speak to them, asking them to make a positive, enjoyable, mutually beneficial contact.
Continue to visualize them and after a time, they may begin to speak to you. Again, do not force what you think “should” occur, simply be receptive and allow things to unfold. Have a nice meeting and when it is time to part, commit what they have said to memory and bid them farewell. See them move back into their realm and withdraw the light back down. Open your eyes and write down as much as you remember of the contact.
Word of caution: If anything begins to take an uncomfortable turn, hold up your dominant hand, mentally assert yourself, and cut off the beam of light to immediately break the connection. Open your eyes and take a tiny sip of the salted water to ground and seal your energies.
Holiday: Samhain
Glowing jack o’ lanterns, shrieking ghosts, fluttering bats, and spooky disembodied howling embody the atmosphere of the day. Hordes of goblins, monsters, superheroes, and cartoon characters flood the streets, seeking one particular type of treasure: candy. In the dark of night, Witches enact mysterious rituals to honor the sacred shifts in energy of the year. The power of Samhain is second to none; it is the highest of the high holidays, the Witches’ grand sabbat. Though each holiday is theoretically of equal importance, this day has always held a higher significance to many Witches.
This time of year is considered the end of summer or the light half of the year and the beginning of winter or the dark half. It is the doorway from one year to another, hence it being considered the Witches’ New Year. This is an important day when we can use magic to keep anything harmful from the past out of our futures. 19 It is a key time for change in that because we are entering a new cycle, we can magically project how we wish our lives to be for that time. This has implications in everything from costume choice to food selection and evening plans; we can make this night exactly how we want it and our futures to be.
This is also an excellent night for divination to look into the new year and see what our futures hold. Beyond our own concerns, we can also honor the ancestors (both the regular and capital “A”), acknowledge the dead in general, give thanks to the deities, and light the sacred fires for protection and reverence. Though this is an exciting, magical, and sacred time, there can be difficulties. Uninvited spirits or faeries can make themselves known, playing their pranks and being disruptive. If this happens, a house cleansing may be in order.
House Cleansing
A good basic house cleansing can be done with little more than an athame and a black candle.
Get Out Already
Beginning near your front door and moving clockwise through the house, go through each room holding the candle and athame, visualizing white light streaming from the knife, filling your home with positive energy so strong it pushes out anything incompatible. Go from room to room, making a clockwise circuit but also walking in a clockwise circle within each room. Trace a pentagram over each window and door. Each time you trace a pentagram, say, “Causing strife, not in harmony; I command you now, get out already!” When you have completed the circuit, extinguish the candle and once it has completely cooled, dispose of it outside in the trash.
Simmering Potpourris
The aroma of this potpourri drifting through the air on Samhain enhances the atmosphere for ritual and recreation. Tarragon and rosemary are key ingredients. Rosemary provides a powerful almost woodsy scent, and tarragon is related to both mugwort and wormwood, making it appropriate for this time of year.
Hallowed Aura Potpourri
Combine all ingredients and simmer in a pot for as long as desired, adding more water if needed.
For the Samhain Witches’ brew, you’ll need a giant cauldron over a bonfire, the fruit of a dragon, and the black of night. If these things are unavailable, a better option is the following recipe—cackling optional, of course. This potion helps to open psychic awareness and can aid in communication with the otherworld and divination.
Samhain Psychic Potion
Heat the water and the first four ingredients in a pot until it just begins to boil. Remove from heat and strain. Stir in the pomegranate syrup and charge with intent before serving. If pomegranate syrup is not available, substitute 1 tablespoon pomegranate juice and sugar to taste.
This incense is designed to clear away old energy and pave the way for renewal. It is good for connecting with the energy of Samhain and for ridding yourself of negatives.
Samhain Freedom Incense
Grind each of the herbs together and charge with the intent of banishing and the energy of Samhain.
Incense Spell
This spell helps to banish specific things from your life. It should be used with care and for the good of all.
Banishing of Negativity
Light the candle and light the incense in the cauldron. On a piece of paper write what you wish to banish in red ink. Crumple up the paper and focus on what you have written leaving your life. Make this intent strong and when you are ready light the paper in the flame of the candle, drop it into the cauldron of incense, and say, “Dark of night and banishing smoke, your power of freedom I invoke; to rid me of what blocks my way, releasing me into bright new day.” Extinguish the candle and incense, and when the ashes are cooled flush them down the toilet.
This oil can assist in both connecting to the energy of Samhain and also in calling upon departed ancestors in ritual.
Ancestor Oil
Warm the olive oil and the first five ingredients in a pot until you can smell the herbs in the air. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Strain the oil into a bottle and add the remaining ingredients. Charge with intent and use as needed.
During this time of natural decline, it is customary to wok magic for cleansing and banishing of negativity. The reason for this is not that this time of year is evil (far from it), but rather that it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next. It creates a solid foundation for the new year if we remove the leftover residue of the past and replace it with the energy of blessing. It also keeps us secured from any incorrect or harmful forces that may be in the vicinity.
Banishing Powder
Combine these ingredients and charge them to banish incorrect, unwelcome energies and forces. Bottle for use. To use: sprinkle at the threshold or on windowsills to keep evil or incompatible people and energies from entering.
The magic of Samhain is that of endless possibility. Since we return to the beginning, we can begin anew in any way we wish. This time is a cross quarter day, the day between seasonal shifts, and so is a crossroads. An important symbol of crossroads deities and their power to create change is the key. Keys symbolize being able to find new opportunity, to open doors. This charm uses a key blank from the store or an old key you no longer have a use for to create new opportunity.
Key of Change
Once you have obtained the chosen key (either a key blank from the store or an old unused key), soak it in blessed saltwater overnight to cleanse it of any disharmonious energy, then clean it in pure water and dry with a towel. Have a clear idea of what doorway you would like to open, what goal you want to reach. Anoint your wrists, back of neck, and third eye area with the Ancestor oil. Light the candles and incense. Pick up the key and focus on your goal. Anoint the key with the oil and say, “Doors of opportunity, shall now be open to me; powers of the crossroads, make open the way, that my goal is reached without delay.” Hold the key briefly over the smoke of the incense and the flame of the candles. Keep the key with you, ideally on your regular keychain.
There are traditional foods used to honor the spirits that roam about on this night. Apples are one, black beans and fava beans are two others. Turnips too are a traditional food of this time and turnips were the original jack o’ lanterns. This recipe can be used in the Samhain meal and also as a food offering to the ancestors.
Ancestor Food
Pre heat the oven to 425º F. Slice the turnips and apples into wedges and coat with the olive oil. Toss with the oregano, pine nuts, and garlic, and spread in a baking pan. Roast until cooked through, about 30 minutes. Serve.
Bath Salts
Absorb the magic for wisdom, healing, and love with this Samhain bath salt, perfect for aligning with the sabbat energy before the ritual.
Samhain Bath Salt
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl and add the oil, extract, and juice, stirring to combine. Charge with intent and bottle for use.
Witch Bottles
This bottle is designed to assist in calling upon a specific departed ancestor. It acts as a beacon to their energy and gives them a channel for contact.
Beacon of Love Bottle
In the bottle, arrange an attractive grouping of items that remind you of the departed person and give the feeling of strong connection. Charge the bottle with white light to be a beacon directly to the person and seal the bottle. Keep on or near the Samhain altar.
This Samhain ritual connects to the ancestors and spirits, the wise crone, the power of protection for the home and land, and the magic of divination.
Hallowed Ground Ritual
Jack be little pumpkins are those tiny pumpkins that fit in the palm of your hand. Get two of those and cut a hole in the top large enough to fit a candle, scooping out the stem and any seeds or pulp. In one pumpkin fit the black candle and in the other the white, placing the black one on the left and the white one on the right toward the rear of the altar. Place the three apples in the middle between the candles. Set the cauldron in the center with the incense charcoal inside it. The cup of potion goes just to the left of the cauldron and the athame on the right. The plate of bread or cookies is placed in front of the cauldron, and the divination medium is to the left of the plate.
To begin, light the candles and incense and use the athame to cast a magic circle around yourself and the working area, calling any guardians you choose. Anoint yourself with the Ancestor oil on the wrists, back of the neck, and the third eye. Close your eyes and focus on this night, the power and mystery of Samhain. In legend, the Cailleach arises this night to bring forth the power of winter. She roams across the land, striking the ground with her hammer causing it to frost. The Cailleach is an ancient Celtic crone goddess of winter and of the land. Meditate on the magic of this time, the doorway to the otherworld being open and the focus of the land being shifted to the dark half of the year. Mentally reach out to the crone of wisdom (either the Cailleach or your own chosen deity) and ask her to bless you with strength and the power to thrive in the winter. If desired, ask her to open the doorway to allow communication with any chosen loved ones at this time. Ask her to bless and protect your home that it may be fit for magic and a safe haven throughout the year as witchly, hallowed ground.
Bless the bread with the words:
Samhain cakes for the dead,
I bless you now that all may be fed.
Partake of the magic of this night
and nourish the living with magical sight.
Take a drink from the cup of potion. If you wish to communication with the departed, speak directly to a chosen person and ask them to make themselves known through the divination method you have chosen. Ask questions and use the divination to find answers. When you have asked all your questions, thank them for coming to visit you.
In thanks, crumble some of the cookies or bread around the incense charcoal in the cauldron. Conclude the rite by holding up the cup in salute and saying:
May the blessings of Samhain be upon us all.
Let the living meet with their beloved dead,
homeward to commune may they be led.
Crone of wisdom, bless this land
with the time of rest and repose at hand.
Keep us safe the winter through
and let our magic manifest true.
For good of all and blessed be,
as I will so mote it be.
Take another sip of potion and pour the rest into the cauldron, extinguishing the incense charcoal. Open the circle and extinguish the candles. Bury the contents of the cauldron along with at least one apple.
Witchy Ways
If you would like to combine modern festivities with old traditions, you can carve magical jack o’ lanterns. Pumpkins are magically attuned to the moon, prosperity, and healing, so the jack o’ lantern can be a very effective protective charm. They can be carved to resemble your totem animals or with elemental symbols, placed around the circle at the cardinal directions as both markers and guardians. You can also sprinkle the banishing powder into the bottom of the pumpkin to lend it extra potency to keep evil from entering your home or ritual area.
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