Chapter 6

Hearts and Flowers

The middle of February heralds the arrival of the “holiday of love,” Valentine’s Day. The stores become filled with heart-shaped boxes of candy, stuffed animals, romantic greeting cards, and lots and lots of roses. Since this day is so prominent in our society and love spells are such a large focus of magical practice, this chapter on Valentine’s Day is needed.

Holiday: Valentine’s Day

Looking at this holiday, we see three possible options: Focusing on the possible Pagan origins of the day as being a Christianized form of Lupercalia, a Roman holiday that was celebrated in the middle of February; focusing on “Saint Valentine” and one of the legends surrounding his connection to the holiday; or focusing on the holiday as its modern secular incarnation—a day dedicated to romance. Addressing the first point; the ancient Roman holiday of Lupercalia was a purification and fertility holiday where the priests, adorned in goat hide, struck passersby with goatskin straps and those struck were thereby believed to become more fertile as a result. 6 The second point, regarding the actual Saint Valentine; there are actually several Saint Valentines identified by the Catholic Church. Legend has it that “the” Saint Valentine was either an early Christian priest who married young couples even though it was forbidden by the Roman emperor to do so, or that he was imprisoned and fell in love with his jailor’s daughter. Eventually his legend grew and he became the patron saint of lovers. 7 The third option and my preferred focus is to just celebrate the day as it is now, a day for love.

Simmering Potpourris

To create an environment filled with loving and romantic energy, this potpourri bubbling on the stove with its sweetly-scented steam drifting into the air is a fantastic first step.

Aura of Romance Potpourri

Fill a pot about halfway with the wine or water. Add the apple slices and the spices and charge the ingredients with the intention to fill the atmosphere with loving energies. Turn on the stove and allow the pot to simmer for as long as desired, adding more wine or water as needed.


Far from the notion of an evil old crone giving a young person a vial of mysterious liquid then used to enchant the object of their affections, most potions today are not designed to dominate the will of another. Many potions are worn rather than ingested in order to yield their influence. The potion included here is meant to be drunk, but not as a magically compulsory elixir. It is meant to enhance already present feelings according to free will. It also works well as a libation during love spells or as a general mood enhancer. In my experience, its effects last for about an hour and a half.

Bubbling Love Potion

Chill the club soda and apple juice. Pour the water into a pot and add the cloves and basil. Simmer the mixture just until it starts to boil. You’ll definitely be able to smell it in the air. Remove from heat and strain it through a sieve into a cup. Using one of those permanent filters from a coffee pot is a good idea. You can buy a spare one and use it exclusively for things like this. Stir in the sugar and allow it to cool. Once cooled, pour in the apple juice and charge with the intent that “This potion shall enhance the love already felt between those that drink it, according to free will and for the good of all.” Add the club soda and serve.


The drifting, curling smoke of this incense can fill the air with just the right energy for love. With a spicy scent and associations with the air and fire elements, this incense brings forth a strong vibration of sexy romance.

Fiery Enchantment Incense

Grind the herbs together and charge them with intent. Bottle the incense for use.

Incense Spell

Similar to smudging the air to be rid of difficult energy patterns, you can infuse the atmosphere with energy geared toward any desire, as in this spell.

Charging the Air for Romance

If you are going out—especially on a date and are going to be picked up—and you are looking to enhance the romantic potential of your evening, this spell can be cast in your home filling the area and surrounding yourself with the ideal energy. If you do not have access to an incense burner that can be carried around, you can use a heatproof bowl filled halfway with sand or salt to hold the charcoal and carry it around.

Light the charcoal, place it in the incense burner, and when it is glowing and ready, sprinkle on the incense. Carry the burner around your home moving clockwise, and focus on feeling romantic. Let this feeling envelop you as you go from room to room. Pay special attention to the living room and bedroom, and hold the incense over the outfit that you will wear. After you have completed the circuit, allow the incense to burn out in the living room and seal the intent with this spell:

Twisting and curling in magical dance,

infused and aligned for love and affection;

enchanted smoke of tender romance,

fill the air with my intention!

Make sure the charcoal is completely out and cooled (putting it in water if necessary) before you go out for the evening.


A dab of a magical oil designed for love on each wrist, the third eye point on your forehead, and the back of your neck are all that is needed to surround yourself with an aura of attraction you carry with you wherever you go. Beyond this, the oil can also be used to anoint spell candles, love letters, or charms to radiate a loving vibration.

Apple Pie Love Oil

First, peel the skin from one apple. It does not have to be done very carefully or in one single strip or anything. You can even use a cheese grater if you don’t mind a lot of juice everywhere. Place the peels in a pot. Next, add the pumpkin pie spice. If you cannot find premade pumpkin pie spice, you can mix your own by blending together 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, ¾ teaspoon allspice, and ¾ teaspoon cloves. Pour the oil into the pot over the peelings and spices, and simmer over very low heat, stirring a little if needed. Remove from heat after you can smell the herbs in the air and allow the oil to cool. Once cooled, charge the oil for love, strain, and bottle it for use.

Oil Spell

This spell can be used to find a new love; it is a call for a compatible partner and is not designed to be cast “on” someone specific. Prior to casting this spell, find a suitable tree that you can (for lack of a better word) befriend and return to often. Ideally, a fruit tree such as apple, peach, or apricot but any tree that makes you feel comfortable will do. Visit the tree and give it water, talk to it, ask it if it will accept being part of your spell. If you feel uneasy, rejected, or “strange” around the tree after asking, then it is best to find a new tree. Once you have connected to the correct tree and established a bit of a rapport, then cast this spell. Do not substitute an unknown oil for this spell. The ingredients of the oil called for in the spell contain only safe substances.

Love in Every Realm

Bring the tree an offering of water with a tablespoon of the love oil stirred into it. Focus strongly on how you want to feel when you have found new love and the type of person you would like to meet. As you pour the water at the base of the tree, say this spell either out loud or simply think it strongly.

Sacred tree, reaching through realms divine,

For strong relationship, I no longer wait;

Draw new love, romance be mine,

Send the message to a compatible mate.

Forged in magic, by free will,

Let this wish be fulfilled.

Thank the tree for its assistance and continue to visit it and care for it as a magical ally.


Love powder sounds odd, doesn’t it? It does to me at least, but it is useful to have around to encircle candles as a power boost, to use in magic bags as a quick charm, or in the love-themed magical project I include.

Fire of Desire Powder

Combine the ingredients in a bowl or use a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder to blend all the powders into one. Charge the powder with your desire and bottle for use.

Powder Spell

Valentine to Yourself

If you decide to use a plate, make sure that it is one that you don’t mind ruining for all other uses. You can get a little plate from a dollar store fairly easily which would be ideal. For the construction paper, the colors should be either pink or red and it should be cut into a circle. If cardboard is used, it too should be circular and painted in one of the appropriate colors.

Using the glue stick, outline a heart and any other symbols you’d like on the surface of the chosen item. Fill in the outlines with a thin layer of the household glue. Cover the entire surface with a dusting of the Fire of Desire powder and leave it to dry overnight. The next day, on a covered work surface, gently tap the item so that the excess powder falls off. This should leave a powder-covered design on the item. Holding the item in your hands, envision yourself filled with pink light, an irresistible aura of happiness and attraction surrounding you and drawing in love. Mentally infuse this feeling into the item as well, charging it as a love talisman. Store this where you will see it often but it won’t be seen by random people. It can also be kept on an altar particularly during other love magic.


A simple, natural charm to bring love to you that would only seem slightly odd if found by another person is a magically charged nut. The Brazil nut is naturally infused with energy that brings luck in love. When magically transformed into a talisman, it can keep you surrounded by the energy of attraction for compatible people.

Love in a Nutshell

On a table or countertop, arrange an altar with the red candle on the left, the pink candle on the right, and the salt or pentacle in the middle. Set the cup of water in front of the red candle and the incense burner in front of the pink candle. Have the Brazil nut in the middle in front of the salt, and the bottle of oil in front of that, closest to you. Using the oil, anoint the candles, from the top to the middle and from the bottom to the middle. Light the charcoal and when it is glowing, add the incense.

After completing your preferred method of pre-ritual preparation such as a circle casting, light the candles, red and pink respectively. Hold the Brazil nut in your hands and will that it be free from any energies not in harmony with your goal then touch it lightly to the salt or pentacle. Again holding it, focus strongly on your magical intention; infuse this vision and feeling into the nut and anoint it with a drop of water and a drop of oil. Hold it over the smoke of the incense and finally high over the flame of the red and then pink candles.

Press the nut to your heart and say this spell to seal the intent: “By each element, earth, water, air, and fire, infuse this charm with my desire; gift from earth, draw love to me, as I will so mote it be.” Drink a sip of the water (or potion) in thanks before ending the ritual. Extinguish the candles and the incense and pour the remainder of the water onto the earth. Carry the charm with you as much as possible when looking for new love.


Any of the standard aphrodisiac foods could be used for a nice Valentine’s Day dinner provided that no one involved has an allergy to the ingredients. Nothing shifts focus away from a night of passionate romance faster than anaphylactic shock! Whether it’s oysters, chocolate-covered strawberries, honey-dipped figs, or the cake in the following recipe, just make sure that the foods you include are safe, well-prepared, and delicious in order to create a meal most enchanting.

Honey-Butter Applesauce Cake

Preheat the oven to 350º F. If you can find a heart-shaped pan (9- or 10-inch) that would be ideal but any shaped pan will do: round; square; tube; etc. In a large mixing bowl, stir the flour, salt, baking soda, cardamom, and cinnamon together. In a separate bowl and with an electric mixer or wire whisk, beat butter, honey, eggs, and brown sugar together until combined and fluffy. Stir in the flour mixture until just combined, then add the Love oil and applesauce.

Grease the pan with the little extra Love oil or some cooking spray. Whether or not it is heart-shaped, trace a heart in the oil on the pan, mentally charging it with love energy, and then pour the batter into the pan. Bake in the oven 55 to 60 minutes until a knife inserted in the cake comes out mostly clean. Remove from oven and cool in the pan on a wire rack 15 minutes or until the pan is cool to the touch. Invert the pan on a cookie sheet to turn out the cake and then flip it onto its serving platter so it is right-side up. Frost with store-bought cream cheese frosting, leave plain, or dust the cake with powdered sugar as desired. Serve to enhance the feeling of love and happiness.

Bath Salts

Part of the preliminary work before going out to socialize usually includes a shower or bath. This can be a wonderful first step in the magical process as well. The bath salts presented here can be used as a way to shift your energy and focus prior to casting a love spell and also during the interim as you are seeking its result.

Apple Pie Bath Salts

Combine the Epsom salt, baking soda, and sea salt. Add the oil and stir. Hold your hands over the jar and infuse the salts with your desire. Put the lid on the jar and store in a dry, dark place for at least three days to allow the salts to absorb some of the energy and fragrance of the magical oil. Use as desired.

Witch Bottles

The purpose of a witch bottle is to act as a magical battery. Even the ancient recipes designed to protect from “evil witchcraft” were a type of battery in that they continually transmitted their intent on their own after their creation. The bottles are a larger incarnation of talismans. A bottle crafted to bring or enhance love is a spell enacted to project its energy continually so that a steady shift is enjoyed. It is not “bam, pow!”-high drama magic to force love but instead is a permanent improvement in that area of life; a special advantage, so to speak.

Elements of Venus Bottle

Each of the ingredients for this bottle are aligned with the planet Venus and the goal of love. Though related to Venus, each resonates to a different element, and with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water all represented they combine in this bottle to form a complete magical intention. To begin, wash and dry the mason jar and lid. Charge the pink candle with your desire and light it and the incense if used.

Layer the ingredients into the jar starting with the apricots, then the cranberries. Pour the honey into the bottle over the dried fruits and top with the tarragon. The herb is not only aligned to love, but the green color is one of the colors of Venus, its planetary ruler, making it doubly beneficial. Charge the open jar with your intent and then screw the lid on tight to contain the magic. Seal the lid by carefully dripping wax from the pink candle onto it in a clockwise circular pattern until the top is covered. Once the jar is sealed, hold it in your hands and once more focus on your desire while saying the spell to bind the intention.

Through power of Venus, vibration surge,

water, fire, earth and air;

charged with desire, together merge,

encouraging love beyond compare;

for good of all, with harm to none,

I seal this bottle, the spell has begun.

Place the bottle near your bed where it can radiate its influence while you sleep. If the bottle should ever spoil (though the honey helps discourage that), unseal the bottle, bury its contents deep in the ground, discard the jar, and create a new witch bottle using entirely new ingredients.

Witchy Ways

Not everything has to be made from scratch in order to be given magical intent. For Valentine’s Day, a box of chocolates can be purchased and charged with loving energies. Simply trace a heart over the box with the first two fingers of your dominant hand and visualize pink, green, or copper colored light pouring into the candy, filling it with love magic. These chocolates can be shared with a loved one to build the emotional bond between the two of you or eaten by friends and family to increase love and friendship in general.

Valentine’s Day Shopping List


6 Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Witches Bible Compleat, (New York: Magickal Childe, 1984), 65.

7 Jeannie Meekins, Saint Valentine: The Man Who Became the Patron Saint of Love (Learning, 2013), 1–5.