
My love for makeup began by watching my mother put hers on before she went out at night. I sat fascinated as she applied cream bronzer, eye shadow, mascara, blush, and lipstick. I couldn’t imagine a more glamorous and grown-up activity. And I couldn’t wait to get my hands on all her stuff (which she let me do, long before she let me wear makeup out). Most little girls begin their love affair with makeup much the same way: by observing a sister, cousin, or mother and then later imitating these older role models.

All girls love to play with makeup. Lipstick, nail polish, and blush are pretty—just like sparkles, rhinestones, her mama’s pearls, and, of course, the color pink.

But when are you old enough to get started really wearing makeup? Well, a lot of that depends on you (and, I guess, your parents). Some girls will run out to buy lip gloss the minute they collect the money from their first allowance, while others don’t get interested until they’re in high school. Only you can decide when you’re ready to start playing with makeup seriously.





All girls, no matter how old they are, love to play with makeup and to dress up. It’s just part of our DNA. Whether layering on lip gloss or jewels, have a good time experimenting with your look. There are no rules when it comes to fun.

beauty on your time

Makeup is one thing, but what about eating well, exercising, wearing braces, and other stuff you might be starting to think about now that you’re growing up? Here’s my advice on when it might be right for you to add some of these elements to your own beauty routine. These are just general guidelines. Remember, everyone is different, so respect your own rhythms and interests.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: Right away. It’s never too early. I can’t stress this enough. Eating fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, dairy, and lean protein is one of the most important things you can do to look beautiful. I think it makes skin look better, and it definitely is the source for shiny hair and strong teeth and bones. Plus, it gives you the energy boost you need to get through your busy day (click here for more on good eating). You may not make the decisions when it comes to food shopping at home or what they serve at school, but you have some say. Skip the soda and drink water instead. Head out to the grocery store with your parents once in a while. Take an interest in what goes into your body.

WHY DELAY: There’s no reason. Now, I’m not talking about diets here. Please don’t get confused. You are still growing and need all the nutrients you can get. If you are overweight, see a doctor or nutritionist who can guide you safely through a weight-loss program. Otherwise, skip the diets. And enjoy your favorite foods like fries, chocolate, and pizza in moderation. Just make healthy eating the rule, not the exception.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: I’m an exercise fanatic and think you should do something each day to get your blood pumping. But I know not everyone is as into sports as I am. Still, the more you exercise, the more energy you’ll have.

WHY DELAY: No reason. You don’t need to join a gym or spend a lot of money on sports equipment to exercise. Some of the simplest forms of exercise are the best for your body. One example is jumping rope, which many top athletes do as part of their workout routine. If that’s too intense for you, grab a friend and go for a brisk walk. As long as you can feel your heart beating faster or you are a little out of breath, it’s all good.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: You should only start wearing deodorant when you need to—that means when you have body odor. Everyone’s body works differently. You might find you only sweat when you are working out or during very hot weather. Then you only need to wear deodorant at those times. However, it’s perfectly normal to sweat all the time and wear deodorant every day.

WHY DELAY: No reason. If you do start wearing deodorant, don’t pull out your dad’s stinky antiperspirant and start rolling it on. Talc-free baby powder is great to start with. When you are ready, shop for a product that’s right for you. I prefer natural deodorants that you can find in health food stores because they don’t have as many chemicals as the mass-market brands. Also, opt for deodorant, which neutralizes the odor, over antiperspirant, which blocks the sweat. If you find that you sweat a ton, then you can move to a more heavy-duty formula.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: Doctors say that babies who are six months old should start wearing sunscreen. And your mother probably started slathering it on you around then. But now you’re too old for her to remind you to protect your skin (well, almost). You know to load up on high SPF sunscreen at the beach, but sunscreen isn’t just for the surf. Start wearing a light moisturizer with SPF on ordinary days when you’ll be outside (click here for more on sunscreen).

WHY DELAY: Don’t! The earlier you start protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays with sunscreen, the better it will look later on. You are also doing important work in preventing the real threat of skin cancer that comes from burns and over-exposure to the sun.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: If you are dying to wear makeup, by twelve years old I think it’s okay to start using a little bit. A little bit. That means mascara and a swipe of lip gloss. Anything more, like a little blush and some sparkle on the eye, is for dances and parties only. Save the smoky eyes for when you’re older.

WHY DELAY: Basically, I think nine is way too early. Learn to appreciate your face the way it is, and enjoy that incredible skin! Concentrate on friends and fun. That can include playing around with lipstick, nail polish, and some blush at home with your pals.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: This is more about your body hair than it is about age. Some girls get thick, coarse leg and underarm hair before they hit their teens, and some never get it (lucky them). If you’ve got thick body hair growing, I can understand why you would want to get rid of it. Shaving is the easiest, least painful way to get started, but there are a variety of hair-removal options (click here for more on hair removal).

WHY DELAY: If your hair is light and fuzzy, my advice is to hold off. Shaving or waxing might seem interesting and sophisticated before you do it. Once you start, though, it’s hard to stop because of the way the hair grows back. The novelty quickly wears off, and you are left with another chore in your schedule.


WHEN TO GET STARTED: I’m not a huge fan of girls younger than teenagers coloring their hair. Hair envy is a fact of life, like the sun rising or your parents bugging you about your homework. For some reason, we always want what we don’t have when it comes to our hair. If you want to experiment with a different hair color, get a product that washes out of your hair. Do a colorful strip or a lighter tone all over. If you don’t like it, you’ll be happy it isn’t permanent.

WHY DELAY: If you have black hair, you’ll never be a blond. It might work for Madonna, but for the rest of us mere mortals, you’ll just make a mess of your hair. Depending on what kind of color you use, it can damage the hair. Plus, to do it right—with a professional, in a salon—can cost a lot of money. Spend some time and energy making what you do have look great (for more on hair, see Chapter 10).


WHEN TO GET STARTED: Most kids get braces between the ages of ten and fourteen, while the head and mouth are still growing and teeth are easier to straighten. There are so many different choices these days when it comes to braces, including invisible, removable, and straight-up wire. If you think you are ready for braces, talk to your parents about visiting an orthodontist, who can walk you through all your options.

WHY DELAY: Getting braces before you have all your adult teeth is considered risky because you don’t know what they will do before they grow into your mouth. Braces are also very expensive and take responsibility and maturity on the part of the wearer. (You need to avoid certain foods, wear your night brace and rubber bands, and follow the dentist’s directions for years until they come off. It will be worth it. I promise!) So don’t get braces until you are willing to take them seriously. If you get them on and feel self-conscious, don’t worry. Deal with dry lips often caused by braces with some pretty, sheer tinted lip gloss. Play up your other features with a light-sheen shimmer eye shadow and a touch of blush.


Hannah is naturally pretty without makeup, so it didn’t take much to bring out her amazing features. A light sweep of sparkly shadow across her lids and a little eyeliner made her hazel eyes really pop. She didn’t need any foundation. A pinkish, sheer lip gloss just pulls her whole gorgeous look together.
