A collection of pieces for anyone who’s comfortable with biscuits, mortises and tenons, and ripping a $200 panel on a table saw.
Designed by Sara Schalliol-Hodge
Described by its creator as “a storage cabinet for the young (and young at heart),” Avocado is, as a furniture design, equal parts funky and fine. On the funky side you have the cabinet boxes of OSB (yes, oriented strandboard, also known as construction-grade sheathing and subflooring). This material is transformed by a lacquered paint wash and given “windows” glazed with acrylic that’s hand-sanded to offer just enough translucence to reveal shadows of contents within (they also change with the room’s ambient light). On the fine side are the crisp Baltic birch panels, clear-coated and beautifully mitered at the corners. Supporting it all is a solid-walnut base with Danish-tapered legs and mortise-and-tenon joinery. And there you have it: fine, funky furniture.
Using a planer (or the best available sanding equipment), plane the 3⁄4" OSB stock down to 1⁄2" in thickness, so the surface is smooth and relatively uniform.
Lay out and cut the panels for the two cabinet boxes, following the OSB cutting diagram. Each box gets a door, a top or bottom panel, one exterior side, and one middle horizontal panel (this becomes the bottom panel on the upper box and the top panel on the lower box). The single middle vertical panel spans the height of both boxes, serving as the inside panel of each carcass. Be sure to follow the miters noted on the diagram.
Cut the door radii and openings with a jigsaw. Rabbet the inside edge of each door opening at 3⁄8" wide and 1⁄4" deep, to receive the glazing.
Use the jigsaw to cut the acrylic window panels to size, following the acrylic cutting diagram. Sand the cut edges smooth, then sand the faces of the panels with coarse paper until they are evenly cloudy.
Assemble the OSB carcasses with glue and biscuits, checking carefully for squareness. Because of the common middle vertical panel, you have to glue up both carcasses at once.
After the glue cures, finish-sand all surfaces and edges of the assembly, as well as the door frames. Finish all the OSB parts with bright-green acrylic paint (or as desired) diluted with water and applied with a sponge. Be sure to test the paint wash on scrap first. If necessary, add a second coat of paint wash to achieve a uniform color. Let the finish dry completely.
Cut the four plywood panels from 1⁄2" Baltic birch or similar hardwood plywood, following the plywood cutting diagram. The miter joints on these pieces are an important element in the look of the finished piece, so cut them carefully on the table saw.
Glue up the two L-assemblies with glue and biscuits, making sure the miters are tight and the pieces are perfectly square. After the glue dries, finish-sand the parts, keeping the edges crisp but smooth.
The legs and stretchers of the base are assembled with mortise-and-tenon joints using loose tenons. The single main stretcher spans across the inside of the leg pairs and is roughly centered under the cabinet unit. The completed base is fastened to the lower OSB box and lower plywood L with screws driven up through the bottom edges of the three stretchers. All the base parts are cut from solid walnut stock planed to a uniform 1" thickness.
Plane the faces of the walnut stock to bring it to 1" in thickness, then joint the edges, as needed. Cut the main stretcher, right and left stretchers, and four legs to size, following the walnut cutting diagram.
Drill counterbored pilot holes for the cabinet unit, as shown in the diagram; the hole placement isn’t critical, as long as the screws are evenly spaced so the legs will attach firmly to the OSB and plywood pieces. Also make sure the holes won’t interfere with the tenons on the stretchers. Finish-sand the walnut parts.
Cut and shape the loose tenons to size. The tenons should be at least half the width of each piece they are entering. Cut the mortises to match the tenons. Test-fit the entire base assembly, and make any necessary adjustments. Glue up and clamp the base, checking carefully for squareness.
After the glue cures, finish-sand all of the walnut surfaces and edges.
Dry-assemble the entire unit. Mark and cut biscuit slots for joining the plywood Ls to the OSB boxes. Attach the plywood Ls to the OSB unit with biscuits and glue; clamp, and check for squareness. After the glue cures, fasten the base to the OSB and plywood assembly, using 11⁄4" wood screws. The base should be centered under the cabinet assembly.
Spray the entire unit (and unattached OSB door frames) with clear, semigloss lacquer. After the finish dries, sand it lightly and add a second coat, as directed by the manufacturer.
Fit the acrylic panels into the rabbets of the door frames, and secure the panels with 3⁄8" finish screws. Cut the two piano hinges to length at 13", if necessary, using a hacksaw. Install the hinges on the boxes and door frames so they are centered from top to bottom and the hinge barrels are on the outsides of the boxes.
Designed by Steven Ewoldt
If you’ve ever dreamed of getting your house into Metropolitan Home or Architectural Digest but then screwed it all up by having kids, modBOX 2010 might just be your salvation. It is, in the words of its designer, “a modernist toy box for the hipster tyke.” Yet as cool as it looks on the outside, modBOX is all about the kid experience. It has a big catchall chest (perfect for emergency cleanups), plus two drawers that pull out, two book niches, and, best of all, two secret compartments. And if there’s anything a kid likes, it’s little, private places to put things. So even if you never see your living room featured in a shelter magazine, at least your hipster tyke can have an architect-designed toy box for hosting chic play dates.
Following the plan illustrations, lay out and cut the following parts from 3⁄4" plywood:
Label all the parts as shown in the plan and arrange them for easy reference. Sand all faces and edges smooth, and slightly ease any exposed corners; do not sand any edges that will join with other pieces (including butt/biscuit, dado, and rabbet joints).
To create the distinctive two-tone look of the project shown here, stain the parts of the chest and foot; these are indicated in the plan with dark gray coloring and include the chest sides, front, and back, as well as all foot pieces. Don’t stain any surfaces that will be joined with other parts.
Start laying out the project on the box bottom. Locate the chest sides first by drawing reference lines on the top face of the box bottom.
Cut the biscuit joints that will connect the box bottom to the niche sides and the chest sides, as shown in the plans. Also cut the biscuit joints that will connect the niche sides and chest sides to the niche tops.
Cut the biscuit joints between the center support (drawer divider) and box bottom, then cut the joints between the box bottom and the front foot piece.
At this point, the box bottom should have five lines of biscuit joints cut into its top face (parallel to the short side) and three biscuits (in one line) on its bottom face for the front of the foot (parallel to the long side).
Cut horizontal dadoes into the inside faces of the chest sides to receive the chest base. Cut vertical dadoes into the inside faces of the niche sides to receive the niche back pieces.
Cut the four ledge pieces to size at 53⁄4" wide and 51⁄2" tall from 1⁄2" plywood; these will serve as ledges to support the compartment lids.
Cut biscuit joints between the ledges and the chest sides and niche sides. Glue one ledge to the inside face of each compartment front so their side and bottom edges are flush. Glue the remaining two ledges to the inside face of the niche backs so their inside and bottom edges are flush.
With all the dadoes and biscuit joints cut, you’re ready to dry-fit the complete chest and niche assemblies and the box bottom to make sure everything fits snugly and squarely.
Glue up the assemblies, starting with the niches (sides, backs, and compartment fronts) and the chest sides. Then glue the chest base into the dadoes on the chest sides. Glue the chest front and back to the chest sides, install the center support and box bottom, and add the foot front to the underside of the box bottom. Clamp the entire assembly and let the glue dry.
The toy chest lid must have some type of safety hardware to hold the lid open and ensure that it closes slowly. For the project shown, both safety features are accomplished with torsion hinges (available from Rockler Woodworking Hardware; see Resources).
Mortise the top edge of the chest back panel to receive the two hinges, so the lid will fit flush with all edges of the chest. The hinge knuckles are fully exposed at the back of the lid (no lid overlay).
Measure the drawer pockets and front openings to verify all dimensions for the drawer boxes and fronts. Cut the side, back, and bottom pieces for each drawer from 1⁄2" plywood, as shown in the drawer plan. Cut the drawer fronts from 3⁄4" plywood, then mill a 3⁄4"-wide slot into each face to serve as a pull hole.
Glue up the drawers as shown in the plan, using dadoes for the front-side joints and rabbets for the side-back joints; the bottom should fit inside the box frame with dadoes or rabbets, as desired.
Measure and cut each compartment lid to fit its space, using 1⁄2" plywood. Mill a 3⁄4"-wide slot into each lid, centered near the front, matching the pull holes in the drawer fronts.
Cut the chest lid to size, allowing for a small clearance at each side edge.
Use corner braces to attach the two side foot pieces to the foot front.
Finish-sand all surfaces of the project, and slightly ease all edges and corners. Wipe all surfaces clean and finish the entire piece with the desired finish (clear polyurethane was used for the project shown).
Install the hinges and chest lid. Fit the drawers and compartment lids into place to complete the job.
Note: Mirror the plan below for left drawer; verify dimensions of finished drawer pocket.
Designed by Anna Parrella
Like its name, everything about this piece is dual-function. It was designed for a daycare center, with the primary goal of occupying an infant while building strength and curiosity. The sloping panel is both a ramp for crawling up and a slide for zipping down (it’s also a lid for a storage compartment). The seat at the top is a landing for the slide and a fun place to perch for reading and games. And the cutout beneath the seat is as good for storing books and toys as it is for crawling through. Aren’t you tempted to make one in adult size?
Note: All of this project’s main parts can be cut from one 4 × 4-foot sheet of plywood. The back panel is made with two pieces joined with a hidden piece of blocking. If you prefer to have a single piece for the back, you can cut it at full size from a separate piece of plywood. Also, as an option on some of the joinery, you can substitute splines in place of the glued and nailed joints described in the steps; see Spline Joints.
Lay out and cut all the plywood parts, as shown in the cutting diagram. Use a circular saw with a straightedge guide or a table saw to ensure straight cuts. Round off both front corners of the slide panel and the top front corner of each side panel with a 13⁄4" radius, using a jigsaw. Also round off the corners of the two slide support blocks with a 1⁄2" radius.
Cut a 2" × 13" strip from any of the plywood scrap. Set the Back A and Back B pieces facedown, and fit their 137⁄16" edges together, with their side edges aligned. Place the scrap strip flat on the back pieces, centered over the seam and between their side edges. Fasten the strip to both pieces with four 11⁄4" screws, driven through the strip and into the back pieces.
For safety, ease the edges of the main parts that will be exposed in the finished piece. These include:
Don’t round over any edges that will mate with other pieces. If you discover any missed spots after the final assembly, you can round them over with sandpaper.
Drill one hole in each side edge at the upper end of the slide for a roto hinge, and drill corresponding holes in the side panels (see the side construction view). Use a bit with the same diameter as the hinge; this will provide a snug fit without glue, which could hinder the hinge movement.
Using a router and cove bit, mill the bottom front edge of the seat panel to provide clearance for the slide panel when it is lifted; see the side construction view. Then round over the front top edge of the seat with the roundover bit.
The soft-close hardware used in the project shown has a profiled edge that must be fitted into a matching cutout in each of the slide support blocks (see the slide support detail drawing). Trace the profile of the hinge on the block, then make the cuts with a jigsaw or coping saw. The top of the hinge, when fully compressed, should be flush with the top of the block. Round over the remaining outside edges (along the inside face) of each support block. Install an eye screw into the rear edge of each block.
Lightly sand all the pieces, being careful not to round over any mating edges. With a helper, dry-assemble all the parts, as shown in side construction view, and clamp the two sides together to hold everything in place. You can leave off the slide panel and triangular corner blocks at this time. Drill pilot holes for 6d finish nails through the side panels and into the seat and long supports. Also drill pilot holes through the back and into the sides and seat.
Disassemble the parts, maintaining the relative positions of all the pieces. Again with a helper, glue the back to one of the sides, and nail the back in place. Glue and nail the five long supports to the same side panel. Clamp the assembly again and make sure the joints are square. Let the glue dry.
Install the roto hinges on the side panels. Glue and nail the seat to the assembled side panel and to the back panel. Apply glue to the exposed ends of the long supports, seat, and back. Fit the slide into the roto hinges as you set the remaining side panel into place. Nail the unfastened parts, clamp the assembly, and let the glue dry. If you have enough clamps, you can glue the corner blocks in place now (one at each corner of the storage compartment), or you can wait until after the assembly dries.
Mark the position of the slide support blocks so their top edges are on the closing line of the slide. Glue and clamp the blocks in place, and let the glue dry.
Install two eye screws on the upper inside face of the slide panel, 3⁄8" in from each side edge. With a helper holding the slide open just beyond the vertical position, thread a cable through both eye screws on one side, and secure and trim the ends so the cable is taut. Repeat on the remaining side, making sure the cables are equally taut when the slide is resting in the open position. For safety, wrap the cut ends of the cables with tape if they are exposed.
Measure the top and bottom of the tunnel area, and cut hardboard pieces to fit. Holding these in place, measure the sides, and cut hardboard pieces to fit. Glue the hardboard in place with the smooth faces exposed–top and bottom first, then side pieces. Clamp the pieces, using wood blocks as needed for uniform pressure. Let the glue dry.
Use a nail set to set all nail heads slightly below the surface. Sand all surfaces smooth, rounding over any rough or splintery edges. Apply the finish of your choice. In the project shown, the finish is Hope’s 100% Tung Oil.
Note: You can line the floor of the tunnel with a custom-cut piece of textured mat, such as a thick yoga mat (textures aid in sensory development). Cut the mat to fit, and secure it with self-adhesive Velcro tabs, or leave it unsecured, as desired. You can also install a lock to keep the lid secured for safety.
For her original prototype of this piece, the designer used 3⁄4"-wide hardboard splines for the joints between the seat and sides, between the back and sides, and between the back-panel pieces. If you know how to make spline joints, this is a desirable option. A glued spline joint is stronger than a glued and nailed butt joint, and splines mean there aren’t any nail holes in the exposed surfaces.
Designed by Todd Ouwehand
For anyone unfamiliar with bamboo plywood, this piece is perhaps the best introduction you could ever get. One look speaks volumes about the beauty and versatility of this new breed of sheet material. It’s pricey, for sure, but if you’re looking for a fine finished product, it’s definitely worth consideration.
Now, about this wall unit: it’s actually three freestanding pieces set close together to give the illusion of a built-in–and also allowing the designer to build in his studio instead of on-site. Created for a private client, the unit serves as a computer work station, media and storage cabinet, serving counter, and display case. The center credenza and right-side sections have enclosed storage areas with shelves, while the left-side section houses two drawers and a pull-out shelf for a laptop. Clearly, this is a furniture maker’s piece–in both design and construction–and it’s loaded with nice details, like zebrawood veneer, double laminations (some with full panels, some with material-thrifty strips), walnut elements, and little step-backs (with the vertical panels, doors, and drawers) for added depth and interest.
Note: This project is suitable for those with advanced woodworking skills and materials experience. The instructions here provide an overview for building the unit as shown. However, given that the unit functions as a built-in, you’ll likely want to modify the dimensions of one or more pieces to suit your needs and space.
Most of the parts for the wall unit are laminated together into double-thick panels or, where practical, are given the illusion of being double-thick with the addition of a 3"-wide strip along the underside of the leading edge (see note below).
Following the cutting list below, rough-cut the parts 1⁄4" oversize as noted, then trim them to final dimension after lamination. Cut out the parts on a table saw, using the fence and a crosscut sled to ensure square cuts.
Glue up double-thick panels for the inner and outer shelf-unit uprights, top shelves, and cabinet sides in a veneer press (either a cauls-and-clamps type or a vacuum-bag type). Drive at least two nails through each pair in the waste area to keep them aligned while pressing.
The long horizontal surfaces of the built-in (the tops and bottoms of the credenza and shelf-unit cabinets) are made to look double-thick by adding a 3"-wide strip to the underside of the front edge only. Use a few nails for alignment during glue-up, and fill the holes later.
Note: Bamboo plywood has 1⁄8"-thick outer veneer with a very regular pattern and can therefore be easily built up into wider panels with biscuit joints to minimize waste–a big plus, because the material is very expensive.
Cut the remaining panels for the primary assembly, following the cutting list below.
The panel joints use full-length concealed splines made of 1⁄2" Baltic birch plywood set into dadoes that are cut with a handheld router. Use a router and edge guide to create a centered dado that’s 1⁄2" wide and 3⁄8" deep on the ends of the panels, and use a 90-degree clamping straightedge guide to cut dadoes 1⁄2" wide and 1⁄4" deep across the faces of the panels. Stop the cuts about 1" from the front edges, but cut through the back edges.
Assemble the cases one panel at a time, being careful to ensure square joints. First assemble the lower cabinets and upper shelf units, then join the two assemblies together. The credenza has two internal vertical dividers that must be glued up before you can attach the top; see the front view of the credenza in the plan drawings. Also, notch the cabinet sides on the upper front corner to allow for the 3⁄4" × 3" front edge treatment.
After the cabinets are assembled, use a router with a rabbeting bit to cut recesses to receive the back panels. Square the corners of the rabbets with a chisel. Use a portable drill and a shop-made drill guide (see Making a Drilling Guide) to drill the holes for the adjustable shelves in the upper shelf units and inside the credenza.
The doors and drawer fronts are veneered with zebrawood on 3⁄4"-thick Baltic birch plywood substrate, edge-banded with 1⁄8"-thick walnut. Veneer both sides with the same material in order to keep the panels flat and stable. Typically, the striped pattern of the zebrawood looks best when slip-matched.
Make the three sliding doors for the credenza individually. The two hinged doors and drawer fronts can be cut from a single panel after it has been veneered. Cut the parts to size and apply the solid-wood edge banding. Trim the banding flush with a router and flush-trimming bit. Rout full-length dadoes 1⁄4" wide and 1⁄4" deep in the doors and drawer fronts to receive the integrated pulls that mimic the zebrawood stripes. Make these out of walnut and size them to protrude 5⁄8 to 3⁄4" so they are easy to grasp and pull.
Build separate drawer boxes out of solid cherry, utilizing drawer lock joints cut on a table saw and 1⁄4" plywood bottoms, and attach the fronts with screws. Mount the finished drawers to the case with full-extension slides, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Mount the two hinged doors with self-closing hinges, insetting them 1⁄2" from the front edge of the cabinet.
Bamboo plywood sands well. An oil-based finish is recommended to produce a rich color that highlights the unique end-grain structure. The unit shown here was finished with several coats of wipe-on polyurethane applied to all surfaces, inside and out.
The shop-made drilling guide for the Bamboo Ply Wall Unit’s shelf pin holes is best made with hardwood stock of an appropriate width and length for the number of holes required. Cut the piece about 2" thick, and drill the holes on a drill press so they are precisely spaced, aligned, and square. Trim the bottom end so the first hole in the guide is at the desired height for the lowest shelf, with the guide referenced to the location of the cabinet bottom. Clamp the guide to the panel to be drilled, and use a portable drill with a stop on the bit. The thickness of the guide will ensure straight holes.
Designed by Mark Bradley
For those of you who don’t know about cornhole yet, the designer of this customized set explains the game: “Cornhole is a fun lawn game, similar to horseshoes, only portable and safer for kids. In essence, you toss beanbags at a target some 30 feet away. Each target is roughly 2 by 4 feet with a 6"-diameter hole near the top end, which is slightly elevated by short legs. Players toss four bags per round. A bag on the target scores one point; a bag through the hole scores three.”
At his family’s request, the designer made this set, based on the standard design–with upgrades, of course (master woodworkers don’t build standard versions of anything). The result is a complete game set that’s not only better looking than any you’re likely to find, it’s also more portable.
Cut the full 5 × 5-foot plywood panel in half along the direction of the grain. From each half, rip three pieces at 17⁄8" wide along the direction of the grain; these will become the sides and ends–leave them long for now. Finally, cut the two tops to width and length, following the cutting list. Save the scrap for use as test pieces later.
Mark a centerpoint for a target hole in each top, 9" from one short end and centered side to side; see the plan drawing Set a compass to 3" and draw a 6"-diameter circle around the centerpoint. Drill a 3⁄8" starter hole inside the circle, then carefully cut the hole with the jigsaw. Smooth the cut edge of the hole with 80-grit paper.
The top outside edge of the side and end pieces get a 1⁄8" × 1⁄8" rabbet; see Detail A drawing. The rabbet makes an otherwise difficult joint much more forgiving of slight imperfections, and it accents the beautiful laminations on the edges of the Baltic birch plywood tops.
Using a router and 1⁄8" rabbeting bit, set the depth for 1⁄8" and run some test cuts. Then rabbet one square corner from the top outside edge of each side and end piece.
Set your miter saw to 45 degrees on the right. With the workpiece flat against the saw’s back fence (good side out, rabbet up), cut the right-side miters of all the side pieces. Measuring from the long point, mark the length of each side piece and add 1⁄16". Reset the miter saw to the left and cut the side pieces to length. Repeat the process to miter and trim the end pieces to length. Save the scrap for test pieces.
Biscuits are used for assembling the sides, ends, and top, affording a clean look overall and considerable lateral strength for the sides, which ultimately must carry the weight of each target (about 22 pounds) during transport.
You’ll mark the biscuit centers on the top (rabbeted) edge of the side and end pieces, measuring from the long point of the miter. On the side pieces, mark the following distances: 2", 81⁄4", 141⁄2", and 203⁄4", first from one end and then from the other. On the end piece, mark the following distances: 2", 7", and 12", first from one end and then the other.
Study the top edge of a side piece: there should be roughly 1⁄2" left, as you removed 1⁄8" with the rabbet. Set the biscuit joiner to cut for a #10 biscuit. The maximum depth should be about 7⁄16".
Set the fence on the biscuit joiner so that the slot cut is centered in the material that remains in the top edge of the side piece; see detail A drawing, below. Practice on a scrap piece and adjust the fence until you get it just right. Clamp one piece at a time, facedown on a work surface, slightly overhanging the edge. Center the biscuit joiner on the marks you made in step 5, and cut each slot.
These cuts require folding back or removing (on older models) the fence on the biscuit joiner. The slots will be cut vertically with the biscuit joiner facedown, so the fence would be in the way. You will index the joiner by clamping an edge or side piece onto the back of the top.
The marks made in step 5 will show you where to cut the mating slots. The trick is to know how far from the edge to clamp the piece: Using a reserved scrap top piece, try clamping one of the reserved scrap side pieces parallel to the edge but inset 3⁄4" from the edge. Cut a test slot on a piece of scrap. Try it out with a biscuit and an end or side piece. The idea is to have the plane of the front edge of the side or end in line with the side or end of the top. To achieve this you may have to move the clamped piece in or out slightly. Once you know the exact distance, you can replicate this on the bottom of the actual top pieces.
Clamp the pieces so they lie flat, with the rabbet facing up and the edge with the marks facing out. Be sure to align the side or end piece with the edges of the top piece before you clamp it into place. Use each side and end piece in turn and mark it and its location to ensure proper alignment during assembly later. Cut the biscuits.
Using dry biscuits (no glue yet), test-fit each side and end piece, and trim the miters as needed until they fit snugly together. Leave the sides and ends in place.
Remove one side and its biscuits. Apply enough glue to the sides of the slots in the back of the top so that, when you push the biscuit in, a little glue escapes from each end, but not a lot. Be sure to center the biscuits and push them in, leaving half (3⁄8") sticking up out of the plywood.
Apply glue to the slots in the side and a modest bead all along the top of the side. Return the side to its proper place, mating glued slots to glued-in biscuits, and clamp the pieces together. The clamps are necessary for only about 30 minutes. Work around the sides and ends of the tops in this fashion, gluing the miters as you go.
Using the miter saw, cut two 8" pieces from the 2 × 4 stock. Mark a square line around the blocks 13⁄4" from each end. On the end grain, mark a rectangle that is 1⁄4" smaller than the sides; see Detail B drawing. Using the belt sander with a 50-grit belt, taper all four sides of each end of both blocks. Finally, cut the corner blocks to length at 31⁄2", yielding four blocks with one square end and one tapered end.
Using the miter saw, cut two 13" pieces from the 2 × 4 stock; each of these will become two legs. The legs taper from 2" at one end to 11⁄4" at the other; see detail B drawing.
Mark each end of each piece at 11⁄4" in from the side, measuring from opposing sides at each end. Set the compass to 1". Center the compass in a corner of a leg piece, and mark a 2"-diameter semicircle that touches the end and one adjacent side of the stock, as shown in detail B drawing. Draw a straight line from the edge of the semicircle to the 11⁄4" marking at the opposing end of the piece. Repeat to mark the other leg to be cut from the board, and mark the other board in the same way.
Carefully cut out the legs with the jigsaw, and then use the belt sander to smooth your cuts. Mark the center of the semicircle on the opposite face of each leg, to match the first centerpoint. Using a 1⁄4" bit, drill halfway through the leg at this mark. Turn the leg over and complete the hole, starting from the other mark. They should meet in the center and allow you to drill all the way through.
Using the router and a 1⁄8" roundover bit, round over the exposed edges on the target units, plus the edges of the corner blocks and legs; see detail C drawing, below right. Leave the vertical (mitered) corners between the sides and ends square so that the plywood laminations don’t show.
The corner blocks are installed in the inside corners at the upper end of each target, with their square ends flush against the side and end pieces, as shown in the section drawing. Drill pilot holes, and install each block with glue and two 2" drywall screws driven through the block and into the plywood sides. Each target gets two corner blocks.
With the target units upside down on a work surface, position a leg against a side piece, aligned with the tapered edge of a corner block. Place a nickel under the leg’s semicircular end, to hold it 1⁄8" off the top piece, which will allow it to pivot without binding. Clamp the leg in place and drill a 1⁄4" hole through the leg and the plywood side. Use a scrap block on the inner face of the side to minimize tearout. Mark this leg and its mated side to indicate that they are matched.
Remove the nickel, and partially insert a carriage bolt through the hole from the outside, placing an oversized washer between the side and the leg; don’t drive the bolt home just yet. Repeat these steps for the other legs on each target unit.
Pivot each leg up until it stops on the corner block in the fully open position. On the inside of the leg, measuring from the back of the top, make a mark at 113⁄8". Rest one end of the 6-foot straightedge on the front end piece and move the other end up or down until it intersects the mark on the leg. Draw the line described by the straightedge on the inside of the leg. Slide the leg off the bolt, match this angle on the miter saw, and cut the leg. Do the same for the other legs.
Connecting the legs is a nice touch but isn’t absolutely necessary. The advantage is that the two legs move as one. This simplifies setting up and packing up the targets.
Slide the legs back onto their respective bolts on one target unit, in the proper orientation. The oversized washers should be between the legs and the sides. Pivot the legs into their fully open position again. Make a mark on the insides of the legs, 10" above the back of the top. Center this mark across the width of each leg. Push the legs tight against the sides. Measure the distance between the legs near the bolts. Write this distance down. Now slip the legs off again.
Using the 3⁄4" spade bit, drill a hole in each leg at the mark you just made. Drill slowly and keep checking the depth of the hole, stopping at 1". Add 2" to the measurement you wrote down. Cut the 3⁄4" dowel to this length. Dry-fit the dowel into both legs and return the legs to their bolts. The whole leg unit must be able to pivot up and (especially) down between the sides. Trim the dowel a little if the leg unit is too wide. Remove the leg unit one last time. Glue the dowel in place.
Clamp the leg unit together on a flat surface. Predrill with a 3⁄32" bit through the 11⁄2" side of the leg, through the side of the dowel, and back into the leg on the other side of the 3⁄4" hole. Drive a 11⁄4" drywall screw into the predrilled hole.
Repeat the process to join the legs for the other target unit.
The corner blocks should allow the two units to index into each other, back to back. If they don’t, modify the blocks with the belt sander as needed. Mount the draw hasps–centered on the ends–to hold the units together tightly. Attach the longer portion of the draw hasp on the end with the legs, so it won’t hit the ground during play.
With the hasps holding the units together, choose one side to locate the holes for the webbing handles. Each target unit gets one handle. You will be drilling four holes, two on each target unit, about 41⁄2" apart, and as a pair centered on each end. Drill pilot holes with the 3⁄32" bit. Open the units up and drill the holes with a 3⁄8" bit, drilling in turn from each side and meeting in the center to prevent tearout. Finally, countersink both sides of each hole with the 1⁄2" bit.
To prevent the targets from migrating backward during play, each unit gets two landscaping staples located at the inside front end. The staples are secured with two small mounting blocks in each target unit; see detail D drawing, at right.
Cut the four mounting blocks to size at 11⁄2" × 4" from scrap plywood. Measure the distance between the sides of a landscape staple, and mark this on the backs of the blocks. Set your circular saw depth to match the thickness of the staples. Score the back of each block so the kerfs will capture the staple. Using wire cutters, cut each staple to 31⁄2" in length.
Remove the draw hasps and sand all the wood surfaces with 150-grit paper. If desired, paint a border on the top of each target, as shown in the unit here. Finish the pieces with a durable, exterior-rated clearcoat. The unit here was painted and then finished with three coats of spar urethane.
After the finish has cured, remount the leg units. Remember to place a large washer between each leg and the adjacent side. Drive the carriage bolts home with a hammer, and secure them with the small washers and lock nuts. Using 1" drywall screws, mount the blocks and landscape staples to the inside front end, no more than about 21⁄2" from each corner.
Cut the webbing in half, and thread it through the holes. Tie knots on the inside, leaving adequate slack to accommodate your hand. Remount the draw hasps.
Make your own beanbags, or order a set online, and start perfecting your game!
Created in fall 2010 for an exhibition titled “On Disobedience, Abstraction, and the Opposable Thumb” at the Kirkland Art Center Gallery in Kirkland, Washington, Tank Man marks the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989. It is a testament to the unknown man who had the audacity to break through the crowds and stand in front of a column of army tanks in mid-victory procession. The now-iconic image of this man has become emblematic not only of the struggle at Tiananmen Square but also of that distinctly human capability of using resistance to demand equity.
My design objective was to use elements of mass production and references to mass media to examine the role of journalism in society as something that informs us of who we are and as an invaluable branch of government in and of itself. As such, it was important for me to use methods and materials that are both common and directly linked to industry and/or mass production.
The element with perhaps the greatest impact in this piece is a 1:3 model of a Type 59 Chinese army tank, the same tank used in the Tiananmen Square victory procession. With the help of a dedicated production team, I rendered a digital model using Rhinoceros (a CAD program) and developed machine operations for a flatbed CNC router to cut the files from 3⁄4" sheets of shop-grade poplar plywood.
Once 80 sheets of plywood were cut and organized, we used an elaborate peg system to register the parts and screw them together into ten 6"-thick sections. Each section was drawn together with threaded rod to hold them in compression, and plywood end caps hide the inner workings. The tank is roughly 12 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 4 feet tall, weighing upward of 700 pounds, and it rolls like a dream on 20 heavy-duty swivel casters. For exhibition, it was engulfed in the armature of a massive billboard.