Delian League

An Athenian-led alliance founded in 478 B.C.E., which gradually transformed into an Athenian empire.

The Delian League arose from the discontent with Spartan leadership of the Greek forces after the great victories against the Persians in 480–479. Its purpose was to punish Persia for invading Greece and to liberate any Greek cities still enslaved. According to ancient sources, it was under pressure from the people of Chios, Samos, and Lesbos that the Athenians took over the leadership, who immediately decided on the contributions to be paid by members of the new alliance, either in the form of fully equipped warships or money (the first assessment was 460 talents). In addition, they arranged for a council, at which members had equal votes, to meet at the sacred island of Delos, where the alliance’s treasury was established.

As far as the league’s extent is concerned, the ancient sources do not provide us with the exact list of the original members. It seems likely, however, that the alliance was Ionian-based and built up around the offshore Aegean islands and the coastal cities of northern Greece, the Hellespont and Ionia, excluding any Dorian cities and islands. By c. 446, the alliance counted over 200 members.

The league successfully fulfilled its initial purpose by driving the remaining Persians out from northern Greece, liberating Greek cities in Asia Minor, and finally crushing a huge Persian force in a battle at Eurymedon River in Pamphylia (466). Eventually, in c. 450 a peace treaty was signed (known as the Peace of Callias).

The end of hostilities against Persia meant that the league was no longer in need. The Athenians, however, had no intention of losing control of the resources of the alliance (it is not a coincidence that in 454 the league’s treasury was moved from Delos to Athens). The opportunities for their own benefit were simply too many to let go. Athens now controlled most of the Aegean, which allowed it to monitor the flow of goods, especially of grain, and therefore to secure its ever-growing import needs. It was during this time that the alliance started to transform to an Athenian empire. The Athenian Assembly and not the council of allies now sanctioned the use of league funds for purely Athenian purposes. Athenian coinage, measures, and weights were imposed on members. Even the names in the various treaties changed, and “allies” became “subjects.” Those members who failed to pay tribute or tried to defect were severely punished.

The end of the Delian League came in 404 with the defeat of Athens by Sparta. At the Battle of Aegospotami, the Athenian fleet was trapped into total defeat; only 12 ships out of 180 survived the battle.

Ioannis Georganas

See also: Athens, Ancient


de St. Croix, G.E.M. “The Popularity of the Athenian Empire.” Historia 3 (1954–1955): 1–41.

Meiggs, R. The Athenian Empire. Oxford: Clarendon, 1972.