Napoleonic Wars

A series of European wars that disrupted world trade between 1806 and 1812.

The Napoleonic Wars were a continuation of the French revolutionary wars, although a brief period of peace, known as the Peace of Amiens between England and France, occurred from 1802 to 1803. Hostilities soon rekindled between these two powers, and one of the major reasons for the resumption of war was rivalry in trade.

Napoléon Bonaparte sought to conquer Europe, and expand his empire across the Continent. The general had been successful in his campaigns and battles against the European powers, with the exception of Great Britain. The British controlled the seas, and since the French navy did not match that of the English, Napoléon had to reconsider his method of defeating them. He would do so through economic means by bringing the “nation of shopkeepers” to its knees. After his defeat at the hands of Lord Horatio Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, Napoléon instituted the Continental System a year later, which set off a form of economic warfare that involved most of the world at that time.

Another possible motive for Napoléon’s introduction of the Continental System involved his attempt to regain markets and sources of supply that the French had lost from their colonies throughout successive wars and colonial revolts. Besides his practical ambitions of both conquering England and making France a great industrial power, Napoléon remained deeply influenced by the principal economic doctrines of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: mercantilism and physiocracy. He truly believed that France was more capable of withstanding economic warfare than England because its wealth was based in land rather than in the sea. He was convinced that a military power based on agriculture remained superior to a commercial power based on the strength of its navy.

The Continental System

The Continental System involved a blockade of Britain from its European trading partners and its colonies. Napoléon wanted to paralyze Britain by destroying its commerce. Britain would become an isolated nation.

The Berlin Decree of November 21, 1806, formally initiated the Continental blockade. In the preamble, the decree indicated that England did not acknowledge international law, that it treated all foreigners as enemies, and that it extended the right of capture to merchant vessels, merchandise, and private property. The decree itself stated that the British Isles “are in a state of blockade, that all trade or communication with them is prohibited” (Articles 1 and 2). “All trade in British goods is prohibited and all goods belonging to England or coming from her factories or her colonies are declared to be fair prize, half of their value to be used to indemnify merchants for British captures” (Articles 5 and 6). The final article stated, “[E]very vessel coming from direct ports of Great Britain or her colonies, or calling at them after the proclamation of the decree, is refused access to any port on the continent” (Article 7). The significance of this decree is that, for the first time, a number of actions, which had already been occurring, became formalized in law.

Napoléon issued this decree immediately after his victories over the Prussian army at the Battles of Jena and Auerstädt on October 16, 1806. He claimed to be retaliating against the British for their blockade of the entire coast of Europe from the Elbe River to Brest. He insisted that this British blockade, illegal and unenforceable, remained a paper blockade. According to the emperor himself, this blockade and isolation of Britain was intended “to conquer the sea by power of the land.”


Napoléon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander II negotiate the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807. The treaty proved effective in closing continental Europe to British trade. (Mary Evans Picture Library)

Napoléon issued a number of subsequent decrees: the Warsaw Decree, the Milan Decree, the Fontainebleau Decree, and the Rambouillet Decree, all of which reiterated and expanded the Berlin Decree. The Warsaw Decree of 1807 extended the Berlin Decree. The Milan Decree, issued at the end of 1807, declared that any ship complying with the British Order in Council would be considered “denationalized” and thus be open to search and seizure by the French. The Fontainebleau Decree of October 18, 1810, allowed for the seizure and burning of any British goods found on the Continent. The Rambouillet Decree of March 23, 1810, directed against the United States, ordered American ships sold with their cargo.

Napoléon believed that Britian’s loss of trade and precious metals would ruin English credit and destroy the Bank of England. This did not happen. The British retaliated against the French punitive decrees with their own: these included the three Orders in Council (November 11 through December 18, 1807), which forbade any nation that adhered to the Berlin Decree to trade with England. The Orders in Council, meaning that they were issued without Parliament’s consent, gave the British the right to search the contents of any neutral ship that landed in Britain. The British extended their old 1756 Rule to coastal shipping between enemy ports from which English ships had been excluded. In effect, this created a counterblockade that affected not only the countries allied to France, but also neutrals such as the United States. Napoléon responded with his Milan Decree, stating that these ships, which called into port in Britain and allowed themselves to be searched, became British and thus could be seized by France.

Although initially targeted against Britain, the Continental System involved all of Europe, including neutral countries as well as Europe’s trading partners such as the United States. The English bombarded neutral Copenhagen in 1807 and seized a Danish fleet. Amsterdam, which had previously been a major port, declined because of the blockade and never regained its previous significance. The Russians were also involved and had agreed to join the blockade as part of the Treaty of Tilsit (July 7, 1807). As part of this peace, the two powers agreed that if the Scandinavian country of Sweden remained neutral, Russia had the right to declare war on it and take Finland as compensation. This took place. Prussia stopped trading with Britain and closed its ports. The Treaty of Tilsit proved effective in closing continental Europe to British trade. Relations between France and Russia broke down at the end of 1810. Tsar Alexander II began opening up Russian ports to neutral ships because of the negative impact of the blockade on Russian trade. Napoléon invaded Russia in June 1812.

Napoléon also became embroiled in a war with the countries located in the Iberian Peninsula over the blockade. Portugal had continued to import British goods. Napoléon sent his armies through Spain to reach Portugal and thus began the Peninsular War that lasted from 1808 to 1813.

The Napoleonic Wars and the United States

As far as the United States is concerned, the conflict between Britain and France remained partially responsible for causing the War of 1812. American trade suffered because of the French and British embargoes, thus President Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of State James Madison pushed Congress to pass the Embargo Act on December 22, 1807. This act came in direct response to the Chesapeake Affair, in which the British navy had attacked an American ship and impressed American sailors into service. The British declared that these sailors were not Americans because they had been born before American independence. The Embargo Act closed American ports to foreign trade. This act proved unsuccessful. Smuggling grew, and the American South suffered for the lack of a market for its cotton.

Thus, Congress replaced the Embargo Act with the Nonintercourse Act on March 1, 1809, which opened up American trade to all nations except England, France, and their colonies. This act also failed, and in 1811 Congress replaced it with Macon’s Bill No. 2, which opened up trade with Britain and France. It provided for trade with both Britain and France unless one of those powers rescinded its restrictions; in that case, the president received authorization to forbid commerce with the country that had not also revoked its offensive measures. Britain did revoke its Orders in Council, but by the time the news reached the United States, it had already declared war on Britain.

The trade wars that accompanied the Napoleonic Wars had a negative effect on the economies of all involved. The Continental System, which lasted from 1806 to 1812, was never successful. There are many reasons for its failure. First, Napoléon broke his own rules by not enforcing the blockade. His Saint Cloud Decree of July 3, 1810, regularized licenses to conduct trade (prohibited by his earlier decrees). His next decree, the Trianon Tariff of August 5, 1810, permitted British colonial goods to enter France, though with a payment of a 50 percent ad valorem tax. For all intents and purposes, Napoléon himself became a smuggler. Napoléon also sold French wheat to Britain during this time. The British, for their part, also violated their Orders in Council. In 1808, the British cabinet obtained the permission from Parliament to allow ships to enter blockaded ports and to transport goods to them. The long-term consequence of the Continental System was a widening of the economic gap between France and Britain.

Leigh Whaley

See also: Continental System; Embargoes; Mercantilism; War of 1812.


Ellis, Geoffrey. Napoleon’s Continental Blockade: The Case of Alsace. Oxford: Clarendon, 1981.

Emsley, Clive. The Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe. London: Longman, 1993.

Heckscher, Eli F. The Continental System: An Economic Interpretation. Oxford: Clarendon, 1922.

Pollard, S., and C. Holmes, eds. Documents of European Economic History. Vol. 1, The Process of Industrialization. London: Edward Arnold, 1968.