
The three-dimensional object that results from the manipulation of virtually any material, regardless of whether intended as a purely aesthetic object.

As a category, sculpture includes a wide array of objects, from the forty-ton winged bulls carved from stone in eighth-century B.C.E. Assyria to the sugar sculptures of the Italian Baroque, from the butti (fetish figures) of the BaBembe in Africa to the twentieth-century metal mobiles of Alexander Calder. Because of its relative portability, sculpture—especially small- and medium-scale pieces— has been traded around the world for millennia.

Sculpture in ancient civilizations most often served religious purposes. Some of the world’s oldest sculpture includes thousands of animal and human clay figures found in Jarmo, an ancient Mesopotamian settlement dating to the seventh millennium B.C.E.; they were likely used in a fer tility cult. The highly stylized freestanding sculpture of ancient Egypt acquired its conventions as early as the Early Dynastic period (c. 2925–2575 B.C.E.) and held them for two millennia. Egyptians used stone as their primary sculptural medium, although wood and metal were also widely used.

Much ancient sculpture was also commissioned by—and thus used to glorify—secular rulers like the relief panels of the royal palace at Khorsabad (eighth century B.C.E.) built by Assyrian king Sargon II. These stone panels depict in narrative form the conquests of the king’s army. Yet, small-scale sculpture bought and owned by merchants, governmental officials, and other members of the ancient middle classes was also common and frequently traded along trade routes as a luxury good. Shipwrecks discovered during the twentieth century B.C.E. have revealed the extent of this trade: for example, the cargo of a merchant’s vessel, downed near the southern coast of Anatolia around 1350 B.C.E. on its way toward Greece, included ebony and a golden scarab of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti. Used most often as jewelry, these scarabs—with statuettes and other small art objects—have been found throughout the Mediterranean region, including Spain and Italy. Ancient Egyptian sculptural style likewise spread through trade: Syrian ivories, themselves a major artistic export during the latter part of the second millennium B.C.E., show clear exposure to art objects imported from Egypt.

Greek Sculpture

Ancient Greek sculpture has exerted a wide influence on Western aesthetics, whether that sculpture is free-standing—like Myron’s famous Discobolus (c. 450 B.C.E.) or the Nike of Samothrace(c. 190 B.C.E.)—or architectural like the so-called Elgin Marbles removed from the Parthenon (448– 432 B.C.E.) in the early nineteenth century. It was also widely dispersed through the Hellenic world, in part because sculptors were often located near important sources of stone throughout the Hellenic world. There, they were commissioned to create statuary that was later shipped to distant temple sanctuaries. Quarried stone was sometimes imported for sculpture, as at the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (c. 170 B.C.E.). According to some estimates, during the Archaic Period (c. 700–480 B.C.E.) well over 250 tons of marble were moved in and around Greece in one year. As with Egyptian sculpture, Greek style was disseminated through trade: Mesopotamian cultural objects show its influence, as does Etruscan terracotta work from roughly the seventh century B.C.E.


Ancient Greek sculpture has exerted a widespread influence on Western aesthetics. Pictured here is Myron’s famous Discobolus(c. 450 B.C.E.). (Library of Congress)

Ancient Rome acquired much Greek sculpture through its army’s looting during the first and second centuries C.E. Much of this sculpture— especially in bronze, widely used but often later melted down—has survived only through ancient Roman copies, usually in marble. Unlike the Greeks, who tended to associate sculpture with religious practice, the Romans considered these works to be art objects worthy of copying and collecting. Accordingly, the Roman empire became the center for a burgeoning market in sculpture. Sculpture workshops were spread across the empire, especially near urban centers where demand for sculpture was high. Buyers came from all social backgrounds and commissioned a wide range of objects, from mundane portraits and sarcophagi to the famous Laocoon (first century C.E.), made by Greek sculptors for a Roman patron.

The decline of the Roman empire brought a decline in sculpture markets. Sculpture during the Middle Ages became largely architectural: the entry portals at Saint Pierre in Moissac (c. 1115– 1135) and at Saint Lazare in Autun (c. 1130), both in France, incorporate perhaps the best examples of Romanesque sculpture, and the central portal at the cathedral in Reims (c. 1225–1290) in France includes important Gothic examples. Small-scale sculpture achieved some circulation in Europe because of the era’s extensive population movement. Likewise, sculpture was increasingly designed to be moved: the small Harbaville Triptych, for example, a detailed, finely worked Byzantine ivory relief carving from the late tenth century, was made expressly as a portable altar.

The Italian Renaissance is traditionally defined as the rediscovery of Greco-Roman culture; it was spurred in part by the rediscovery of Roman copies of Greek sculpture. The Renaissance also marks the emergence of what we recognize today as the modern art market: from the late fifteenth century onward, a constant trade in both historical and contemporary art emerged and was sustained by private collectors, from royalty to— by the nineteenth century—the middle classes. Interest in ancient statuary can be traced to the early fifteenth century, when the return of the papacy to Rome in 1415 following the Great Schism prompted building projects there that resulted in the discovery of many artifacts. Papal collections began during roughly this period and were primarily responsible for exhibiting the ancient art that would fuel the Renaissance. Sixtus IV is typically credited with creating the first public art collection in 1471, which included bronze Etruscan statues. Julius II bought the Laocoon after its discovery in 1506 and added it to his substantial collection of Roman works.

Rulers elsewhere in Europe entered these markets—or engaged in looting during military campaigns—during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: after conflict in Italy, the French king Louis XII and his court built collections of Italian art, while his successor, Francis I, pursued ancient statuary. In the seventeenth century, the French royal collection, augmented especially by Louis XIV—who made the acquisition and public display of antique sculpture, whether original or as copies, a priority—grew rapidly, as did the short-lived English collection of Charles I. Royal ministers also built significant collections during this period: Thomas Howard, the earl of Arundel, owned one of the more notable collections of Greco-Roman statues.

From the eighteenth century onward, the sculpture market—like art markets more generally—broadened to include buyers beyond the royal court. Liberated from architecture by the Renaissance, sculpture served roles familiar since ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt: commissioned most often by the wealthy and powerful, sculpture was used for portrait busts, funeral monuments, and home and garden decoration. England emerged as one of the most important countries for the collection and resale of art, while Italy continued to hold its place as the center for trade in ancient statuary. Collections in England were started and enriched by the Grand Tour, the semiritualistic travels of the nation’s young elite throughout Europe to study art and culture. Italy was an important destination, where these travelers typically purchased sculpture, typically small-scale copies of famous works, which were then either carried or shipped to England for domestic display. Throughout eighteenth-century Italy, workshops filled with copies and some original work catered to these Grand Tourists; the Lazzerini family in Carrara, in business from 1670 to 1942, was one of the more prominent. These workshops proliferated in the nineteenth century, when international tourism became more widespread: Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy (1861) referred to Carrara as “one continuous studio.”

Private Collectors

Private collectors could also acquire sculpture through auction houses, which in England rose to prominence by the 1730s, although the now-dominant Sotheby’s (1744) and Christie’s (1766) were relative latecomers. The eighteenth century likewise witnessed the emergence of state museums formed to oversee both large private and royal collections, such as the British Museum (1759) in London and the Louvre (1793) in Paris. By the nineteenth century, museums—especially new American art museums with slim holdings— were important players in the sculpture market, not only for ancient and contemporary sculpture, but also for copies of famous ancient works. Increasingly oriented toward an encyclopedic survey of the history of art, these museums seized on ancient sculpture in any form as instant authority and prestige.

Since the seventeenth century, many countries—especially Italy and Greece—have tried to restrict the export of sculpture and other art objects. Papal edicts in the sixteenth century, from Paul III in 1534 to Gregory XIII in 1574, represent early efforts to stem the flow of art from Rome, yet they, like more extensive edicts in 1733, had little effect. Only after World War II were legitimate exports of significant, historical Roman art fully regulated. Greece took decisive strides toward regulation during the second half of the nineteenth century, and from the later nineteenth century, museums near excavation sites in Greece and the Near East were developed for the exhibition of artifacts, such as at Olympia, Delphi, Seljuk, and Tripoli, all notable for their ancient sculpture holdings. Beginning in the early 1900s, Great Britain likewise experimented with legislation limiting the export of art, primarily to defend against the increasing wealth and power of American collectors, although not until the 1950s were any substantial regulations put in place.

Despite controls in these and other countries, illegal trade in sculpture and other cultural objects continues to flourish. In 2000, according to Interpol statistics, almost 1,600 pieces of sculpture in Italy alone were stolen. War has always sparked illegal trade: after 1794, for example, the Louvre swelled with art objects looted by Napoléon Bonaparte’s army from around Europe, although most objects were returned after 1815. Only that of Adolf Hitler has rivaled Napoléon’s plunder. Although smaller in scale, recent civil disruptions around the world have likewise resulted in the disappearance and likely illegal trafficking of sculpture, from pre-Colombian San Agustín statues from Colombia to soapstone cult statues from Nigeria.

J.E. Luebering

See also: British Empire; Greek City-States; Roman Empire.


Barrali, Altet. Sculpture: From Antiquity to the Present. 4 vols. Cologne: Taschen, 1996.

Garnsey, Peter, Keith Hopkins, and C.R. Whittaker, eds. Trade in the Ancient Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

North, Michael, and David Ormood, eds. Art Markets in Europe, 1400–1800. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 1998.

Sicca, Cinzia, and Alison Yarrington, eds. The Lustrous Trade: Material Culture and the History of Sculpture in England and Italy, c. 1700–c. 1860. London: Leicester University Press, 2000.