To access a property of an object, or to invoke a method, we can generally take two approaches: direct or indirect. The indirect approach uses an object variable—that is, a variable that has an object data type—whereas the direct approach does not.
For instance, to set the Bold property of the Font object for the first row in the active worksheet, we can take a direct approach, as in:
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
Alternatively, we can assign an object variable. Here are two possibilities:
Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Rows(1) rng.Font.Bold = True Dim fnt As Font Set fnt = ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font fnt.Bold = True
Object variables are more important than they might seem at first. The most obvious reason for their use is that they can improve code readability when we need to refer to the same object more than once. For instance, instead of writing:
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Bold = True ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Italic = True ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Underline = False ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Size = 12 ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font.Name = "Arial"
we can use a Font variable to improve readability as follows:
Dim fnt As Font Set fnt = ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font fnt.Bold = True fnt.Italic = True fnt.Underline = False fnt.Size = 12 fnt.Name = "Arial"
In fact, VBA
statement to handle just the situation in the
previous example, which could be written as follows:
Dim fnt As Font Set fnt = ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Font With fnt .Bold = True .Italic = True .Underline = False .Size = 12 .Name = "Arial" End With
The general syntax of the With
statement is:
'statements go here
End With
where the statements generally refer to the object, but do not require qualification using the object's name, as in the previous example.
The main reason that objec t variables are important is not to improve readability, but to save execution time. In particular, to execute each of the five lines in the first version of the previous code, VBA needs to resolve the references to the various Excel objects ActiveSheet, Rows(1), and Font. That is, VBA needs to "climb down" the Excel object model. This takes time.
However, in the code that uses an object variable of type Font, VBA only needs to resolve these references once. Therefore, the second version runs much more quickly. This difference can be very noticeable when there are hundreds or thousands of references to resolve.
There are some very important differences between object variables and nonobject variables, such as those of type Integer, Single, or String. As we have mentioned, a nonobject variable can be thought of as a name for a location in the computer's memory that holds some data. For instance, in the code:
Dim iVar As Integer iVar = 123
the variable iVar
is a 4-byte memory
location that holds the integer value 123. This can be pictured as in
Figure 9-2. (Actually, the 4-byte memory location
holds the value 123 in binary format, but that is not relevant to our
Further, if we were to write:
Dim iVar2 As Integer iVar2 = iVar iVar2 = 567
we would not expect the last line of code to have any effect upon the
value of the variable iVar
, which should
still be 123. This is because iVar
represent different areas of memory,
as pictured in Figure 9-2.
However, an object variable is not the name of a
memory location that holds the object. Rather, an object variable is
the name of a memory location that holds the
address of the memory location that holds the
object, as shown in Figure 9-3. Put another way,
the object variable holds a reference to or
points to the object. For this reason, it is an
example of a pointer variable, or simply a
pointer. In Figure 9-3, the
object variable rng
points to an object
of type Range, namely, the first column in the active sheet.
The code that goes with Figure 9-3 is:
Dim rng as Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Columns(1)
One of the consequences of the fact that object variables are pointers is that more than one object variable can point to (or refer to) the same object, as in:
Dim rng as Range Dim rng2 as Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Columns(1) Set rng2 = rng
This code creates the situation pictured in Figure 9-4.
We emphasize that while rng
are different object variables, they
hold the same value and so, point to the same object. Thus, we can
change the first column using either of these object variables.
It is important when programming with objects to keep very careful
track of all object variables and what they are referencing.
Furthermore, it is generally not a good idea to have more than one
object variable pointing to the same object (as in Figure 9-4) unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
It is very easy to change the object using one object variable (say
) and then later use the other
variable (rng2
), thinking it refers to
the unchanged object.
To free an object variable so that it no longer points to anything,
we use the Nothing
keyword, as in:
Set rng2 = Nothing
It is good programming practice to free object variables when they
are no longer needed, since this can save resources. An object
variable is also set to Nothing
automatically when
its lifetime
Note that once an object no longer has any references to it, the object will automatically be destroyed by VBA, thus freeing up its resources (memory). However, all references to the object must be freed before the object is destroyed. This is another reason not to point more than one object variable at the same object if possible.
To compare the values of two ordinary variables,
and Var2
we would just write:
If Var1 = Var2 Then . . .
However, the syntax for comparing two object variables to see if they
refer to the same object is special (as is the syntax for setting the
value of an object variable—using the Set
statement). It is done using the Is
If rng Is rng2 then . . .
Similarly, to test whether or not an object variable has been set to
, we write:
If rng Is Nothing Then . . .
Be advised that there is a problem with the Is
operator in the current version of VBA. This problem exists in the
version of VBA used by Office 97
and Office 2000. (Microsoft has acknowledged the
problem.) For example, the code:
Dim Wks As Worksheet Dim Wks2 As Worksheet Set Wks = ActiveSheet Set Wks2 = ActiveSheet MsgBox Wks Is Wks2
will correctly display the value True
. However,
the analogous code:
Dim rng As Range Dim rng2 As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Rows(1) Set rng2 = ActiveSheet.Rows(1) MsgBox rng Is rng2
incorrectly displays the value False
. If we change
the penultimate line to:
Set rng2 = rng
then the message box correctly displays True
In most object models, many objects have a default member (property or method) that is invoked when a property or method is expected but we do not specify one. For instance, in the Microsoft Word object model, the default member for the Range object is the Text property. Hence, the VBA Word code:
Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveDocument.Words(1) rng = "Donna"
sets the first word in the active document to Donna, since Word applies the default property in the last line, effectively replacing it with:
rng.Text = "Donna"
Unfortunately, neither the Excel VBA documentation nor the Excel object model make an effort to identify the default members of Excel objects. Accordingly, my suggestion is to avoid the issue when programming Excel.
In any case, default members tend to make code less readable, and for this reason, I generally avoid them. One notable exception is for a collection object. It is generally the case that the default member of a collection object is the Item method. Hence, for instance, we can refer to the fourth cell in the current selection by:
rather than by the more clumsy:
Since this use of the default member is not likely to cause any confusion, we will use it.
Many of the properties and methods of the Application object can be
used without qualifying them with the word
. These are called global
. For instance, the Selection property is
global, and so we can write:
instead of:
To identify the global members, the Excel object model has a special object called the Global object. This object is not used directly—its purpose is simply to identify the global members of the object model. Note that the members of the Global object form a proper subset of the members of the Application object (which means that not all of the members of the Application object are global).
Table 9-2 lists the (nonhidden) global members of the Excel object model
Table 9-2. Excel global members
_Evaluate |
CommandBars |
Parent |
_Run2 |
Creator |
Range |
ActiveCell |
DDEAppReturnCode |
Rows |
ActiveChart |
DDEExecute |
Run |
ActiveDialog |
DDEInitiate |
Selection |
ActiveMenuBar |
DDEPoke |
SendKeys |
ActivePrinter |
DDERequest |
Sheets |
ActiveSheet |
DDETerminate |
ShortcutMenus |
ActiveWindow |
DialogSheets |
ThisWorkbook |
ActiveWorkbook |
Evaluate |
Toolbars |
AddIns |
Excel4IntlMacroSheets |
Union |
Application |
Excel4MacroSheets |
Windows |
Assistant |
ExecuteExcel4Macro |
Workbooks |
Calculate |
Intersect |
WorksheetFunction |
Cells |
MenuBars |
Worksheets |
Charts |
Modules | |
Columns |
Names |