


1.     Armour: The Development of Armoured Forces and their Equipment (London, Stevens, 1960, and New York, Praeger, 1960), published in Italian as I Corrazzati (Rome, Instituto per la Divulgazione della Storia Militare, 1964, revised and published as Armoured Forces (London, Arms and Armour Press, 1970).

2.     Design and Development of Fighting Vehicles (London, Macdonald, 1968, and New York, Doubleday, 1968); revised and published in Japanese as Modern Fighting Vehicles (Tokyo, Gendai Kogakusha, 1986).

3.     Technology of Tanks, (2 vols) (Coulsdon, Jane’s, 1991); revised and published in German as Technologie der Panzer (Vienna, Verlag Herold, 1998).

Chapter 1

1.     A. Duvignac, Histoire de l’armé motorisée (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1948), pp.3–16.

2.     P. Ventham and D. Fletcher, Moving the Guns, The Mechanisation of the Royal Artillery 1854-1939 (London, HMSO, 1990), pp.1–2.

3.     D. Fletcher, ‘The Armoured Fowlers’, Road Locomotive Society Journal, vol. 47, no. 4 (November 1994), pp.108–19.

4.     A. Duvignac, op. cit., p.155.

5.     B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (London, Cassell, 1959), vol. 1, pp.14–16.

6.     ‘Notes and Memoranda’, The Engineer, vol. 82 (11 December 1898), p.589.

7.     A. Duvignac, op. cit., p.62 (quoting La France Automobile of 6 March 1897).

8.     H. C. B. Rogers, Tanks in Battle (London, Seeley Service, 1965), p.35.

9.     ‘The Automobile Club Show’, The Engineer, vol. 87 (23 June 1899), pp.627–29.

10.   ‘Self-propelled War Car’, The Engineer, vol. 93 (11 April 1902), p.368.

11.   ‘The Simms Motor War Car’, The Autocar, vol. 8 (12 April 1902), pp.363–66.

12.   J. H. A. Macdonald, ‘Automobiles for War Service’, Cassier’s Magazine, vol. 22 (May–October 1902), p.676.

13.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Armored Car: A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 2002), p.9.

14.   ‘Notes and Memoranda’, The Engineer, vol. 88 (1 September 1899), p.218.

15.   A. Duvignac, op. cit., pp.120–21.

16.   A. Gougaud, L’Aube de la Gloire (Saumur, Musée des Blindés, 1987), pp.12–16.

17.   A. Gougaud, op. cit., p.16.

18.   W. J. Spielberger, Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer des Osterreichischen Heeres 1896 heute (Stuttgart, Motorbuch, 1976), pp.321–24.

19.   A. Gougaud, op. cit., pp.17–19.

20.   L. Ceva and A. Curami, La meccanizzazione dell’Esercito Italiano dale origini al 1943 (Rome, Stato Maggiore dell Esercito, 1989), vol. II, Documentazione, pp.39–42.

21.   A. Pugnani, Storia della Motorizzazione Militare Italiana (Turin, Roggero & Tortia, 1951), p.90.

22.   P. Touzin, Les vehicules blindés français 1900-1944 (Paris, EPA, 1979), p.18.

23.   J. F. Milsom, Russian Armoured Cars (to 1945) (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1973).

24.   M. Baryamiski and M. Kolomiey, Broneavtomobili russkoi armii 1906-1917 (Moscow, 2000), p.106.

25.   D. Fletcher, War Cars (London, HMSO, 1987), p.91.

26.   A. Pugnani, op. cit., pp.91–92 and 172.

27.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., pp.11–13.

28.   A. Gougaud, op. cit., pp.85–93.

29.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War (London, John Murray, 1920), pp.289–96.

30.   J. F. Milsom, Russian Tanks 1900-1970 (London, Arms and Armour Press, 1970), p.17.

31.   C. Falls, Official History of the War: Military Operations: Egypt and Palestine (London, HMSO, 1930).

32.   C. R. Kutz, War on Wheels (London, Scientific Book Club, 1941), pp.95–97.

33.   R. McGuirk, The Sanusi’s Little War (London, Arabian Publishing, 2007), pp.244–46.

Chapter 2

1.     E. D. Swinton, Eyewitness (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1932), p.10.

2.     R. B. Gray, Development of the Agricultural Tractor in the United States (St Joseph, MO, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1956), Part I, pp.40–42.

3.     P. Ventham and D. Fletcher, Moving Guns – The Mechanisation of the Royal Artillery 1854 – 1939 (London, HMSO, 1990), pp.11–13.

4.     R. E. Crompton, Reminiscences (London, Constable, 1928), p.214.

5.     A. Duvignac, Histoire de l’armée motorisée (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1948), pp.157–59.

6.     F. Heigl, Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns, 1927), pp.11–13.

7.     J. Milsom, Russian Tanks 1900–1970 (London, Arms and Armour, 1970), p.11.

8.     B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (London, Cassell, 1959), vol.I, p.16.

9.     E. D. Swinton, op. cit., pp.79–82.

10.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., pp.23–24.

11.   E. D. Swinton, op. cit., p.103.

12.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., pp.24–25.

13.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., pp.23–29.

14.   M. Sueter, The Evolution of the Tank (London, Hutchinson, 1937), pp.50–51.

15.   S. J. Zaloga and J. Grandsen, Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two (London, Arms and Armour, 1984), pp.26–27.

16.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War (London, John Murray, 1920), pp.22–23.

17.   W. S. Churchill, The World Crisis 1911-1918 (London, Butterworth, 1931), pp.311–12.

18.   M. Sueter, op. cit., pp.60 and 68–69.

19.   A. G. Stern, Tanks 1914-1918 (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919), p.17.

20.   J. Glanfield, The Devil’s Chariots (Stroud, Sutton, 2001), pp.88–90.

21.   A. G. Stern, op. cit., p.29.

22.   ‘Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition’, The Engineer, vol. 116 (25 July 1913), pp.97 and 99.

23.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Articulated Tracked Vehicles’, The Engineer, vol. 212 (24 November 1961), pp.849–54.

24.   L. A. Legros, ‘Tanks and Chain-Track Artillery’, The Engineer, vol. 132 (2 December 1921), p.593.

25.   M. Sueter, op. cit., pp.74–76.

26.   M. Sueter, op. cit., pp.78 and 100–01.

27.   M. Sueter, op. cit., p.83.

28.   E. D. Swinton, op. cit., pp.129–49.

29.   A. G. Stern, op. cit., p.31.

30.   E. D. Swinton, op. cit., p.151.

31.   E. D. Swinton, op. cit, p.172.

32.   E. D. Swinton, op. cit., p.171.

33.   W. S. Churchill, op. cit., pp.308 and 313.

34.   M. Sueter, op. cit., p.189.

35.   J. P. Harris, Men, Ideas and Tanks (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1995), pp.3–36.

36.   E. H. T. d’Eyncourt, ‘Account of the British Tanks used in the War’, Engineering, vol.108, no.2802 (12 September 1919), p.336.

37.   A. G. Stern, op. cit., pp.52, 57 and 297–98.

38.   A. Duvignac, op. cit., pp.271–83.

39.   F. J. Deygas, Les chars d’assaut (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1937), pp.63–69.

40.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., p.82.

41.   P. A. Bourget, Le Général Estienne (Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1956), p.44.

42.   P. A. Bourget, op. cit., p.91.

43.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., pp.284–91.

44.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., pp.95–107.

45.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., pp.113–14.

46.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., pp.131–32.

Chapter 3

1.     E. H. T. d’Eyncourt, ‘Account of the British Tanks used in the War’, Engineering, vol.108, no.2802 (12 September 1919), p.336.

2.     Short History of the Royal Tank Corps (Aldershot, Gale & Polden, 1945), p.6.

3.     A. G. Stern, Tanks 1914-1918 (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919), p.80.

4.     E. D. Swinton, Eyewitness (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1932), pp.161–62.

5.     E. D. Swinton, op. cit., pp.226–27.

6.     E. D. Swinton, op. cit., pp.129–34.

7.     E. D. Swinton, op. cit., pp.198–214.

8.     E. D. Swinton, op. cit, pp.204–14.

9.     J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War (London, John Murray, 1920), p.56.

10.   J. P. Harris, Men, Ideas and Tanks (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1995), pp.61 and 73–74.

11.   J. Glanfield, The Devil’s Chariots (Stroud, Sutton, 2001), pp.158–61.

12.   E. H. T. d’Eyncourt, op. cit., p.337.

13.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War, p.118.

14.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (London, Cassell, 1959), vol. I, p.114.

15.   J. F. C. Fuller, Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier (London, Nicholson and Watson, 1936), pp. 169–89.

16.   J. P. Harris, op. cit., pp.103–13.

17.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War, pp.144 and 147.

18.   Short History of the Royal Tank Corps, p.45.

19.   H. Guderian, Achtung Panzer (London, Arms & Armour Press, 1992), p.90.

20.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War, p.223.

21.   E. von Ludendorff, My War Memoirs 1914-1918 (London, Hutchinson, 1919), vol.I,

22.   Short History of the Royal Tank Corps, op. cit., p.87.

23.   L. Dutil, Les chars d’assaut (Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1919), pp.30–36.

24.   L. Dutil, ibid., pp.37–38.

25.   L. Dutil, ibid., pp.48–49.

26.   J. Perré, Batailles et combat des chars français (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1937), pp.196–97.

27.   L. Dutil, op. cit., p.115.

28.   J. Perré, op. cit., p.137.

29.   L. Dutil, op. cit., pp.68–70.

30.   L. Dutil, op. cit., p.79.

31.   F. J. Deygas, Les chars d’assaut (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1937), p.175.

32.   F. J. Deygas, ibid., p.160.

33.   G. M. Chinn, The Machine Gun (Washington D.C., US Government Printing Office, 1951), vol.I, p.71.

34.   J. Perré, op cit., pp.254–55.

35.   L. Dutil, op. cit., pp.166–70.

36.   F. J. Deygas, op. cit., pp.179 and 194.

37.   B. DeHaan, ‘The First Tanks’, The American Legion Magazine (March 1953), pp.56–59.

38.   H. Walle, (ed.), Sturmpanzerwagen A7V (Herford, Mittler & Son, 1990), pp.59 and 106–07.

39.   J. Foley, ‘A7V Sturmpanzerwagen’, in AFVs of World War One, ed. D. Crow (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1970), pp.53–55.

40.   G. P. von Zezschwitz, Heigl’s Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns Verlag, 1938), p.157.

Chapter 4

1.     J. Glanfield, The Devil’s Chariots (Stroud, Sutton, 2001), Appendix 2.

2.     P. Johnson, Memorandum Re Medium D Tank, being recollections on the matter by Lieut. Colonel Philip Johnson, typescript and letter dated 28 June 1955.

3.     J. F. C. Fuller, Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier (London, Nicholson and Watson, 1936), Chapter XIII.

4.     E. H. T. d’Eyncourt, ‘Account of British Tanks Used in the War’, Engineering, vol. 108, no.2802 (12 September 1919), p.337.

5.     Tank Museum Staff, Philip Johnson and the Medium D, Army and Navy Modelworld, Part I July 1983 to Part 5 April 1984.

6.     J. F. C. Fuller, op. cit., pp.405–07.

7.     J. F. C. Fuller, op. cit., p.405.

8.     Short History of the Royal Tank Corps (Aldershot, Gale and Polden, 1945), Appendix B.

9.     F. T. Deygas, Les chars d’assaut (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1937), p.195.

10.   P. Touzin, Les vehicules blindés français 1900-1944 (EPA, 1979), p. 119.

11.   A. Duvignac, Histoire de l’armée motorisée (Pris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1948), p.349.

12.   F. T. Deygas, op. cit., p.259.

13.   O. H. Hacker, R. J. Icks, O. Merker and G. P. von Zezschwitz, Heigl’s Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns, 1935), vol. I, pp.325–27.

14.   H. Walle, (ed.), Sturmpanzerwagen A7V (Herford, Mittler & Son, 1990), pp.72–73.

15.   G. P. von Zezschwitz, Heigl’s Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns, 1938), p.258.

16.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War (London, John Murray, 1920), p.279.

17.   A. G. Stern, Tanks 1914-1918 London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919), p.199.

18.   F. T. Deygas, op. cit., p.258.

19.   A. G. Stern, op. cit., p.222.

20.   J. Glanfield, op. cit., Appendix 2.

21.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Stuart: A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio, 1992), p.17.

22.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., p.16.

23.   A. Pugnani, Storia della Motorizazzione Militare Italiana (Turin, Roggero & Tortia, 1951), pp.183–84.

24.   J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War, pp.98–102 and 130–34.

25.   M. W. Zebrowski, Polska Bron Pancerna (London, White Eagle Press, 1971), Chapter II.

26.   P. Kantakoski, The Finnish Armour Museum (unpublished, Parolan, 1997), p.9.

27.   M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.3.

28.   M. R. Habeck, Storm of Steel (Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2003), p.33.

29.   F.T. Deygas, op. cit., p.336.

Chapter 5

1.     L. Jackson, ‘Possibilities of the Next War’, Royal United Service Institution Journal, vol. 65, no. 457 (1920), pp.71–89.

2.     G. le Q. Martel, Our Armoured Forces (London, Faber and Faber, 1945), Appendix H.

3.     J. F. C. Fuller, Tanks in the Great War (London, John Murray, 1920), pp.311–13.

4.     J. F. C. Fuller, op. cit., p.304.

5.     J. F. C. Fuller, Armoured Warfare (London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1943), p.27. First published in 1932 as Lectures on FRS III.

6.     G. Ferré, Le defaut de l’armure (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1948), pp.34–46.

7.     F. T. Deygas, Les chars d’assaut (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1937), pp.338–40.

8.     J. F. C. Fuller, Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier (London, Nicholson and Watson, 1936), p.405.

9.     J. F. C. Fuller, Memoirs, p.407.

10.   J. F. C. Fuller, Gold Medal Prize Essay, Royal United Service Institution Journal, vol.65 (May 1920), pp.239–74.

11.   A. J. Trythall, Boney Fuller, The Intellectual General (London, Cassell, 1977), pp.91–93.

12.   B. H. Liddell Hart, ‘The Development of the New Model Army’, Army Quarterly, vol. 9 (October 1924), pp.37–50.

13.   J. P. Harris, ‘British Armour 1918-1940’, in Armoured Warfare, ed. J. P. Harris and F. H. Toase (London, Batsford, 1990), pp.33–36.

14.   A. J. Trythall, op. cit., pp.120–40.

15.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, vol. 1 (London, Cassell, 1959), p.249.

16.   J. P. Harris, op. cit., pp.37–40.

17.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, vol.1, p.293.

18.   N. W. Duncan, ‘A1E1 – The Independent’, in British AFVs 1919-1940 ed. D. Crow (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1970), p.21.

19.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., p.228.

20.   Demonstration of Progress in Mechanization in the Army since November 1926, The War Office (11 October 1930), p.5.

21.   N. W. Duncan, ‘Mediums Marks 1 – III’, in British AFVs 1919-40, pp.17–20.

22.   G. le Q. Martel, An Outspoken Soldier (London, Sifton Praed, 1949), p.126.

23.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, The Vickers Tanks (Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1988), p.100.

24.   J. Bingham, ‘Infantry Tanks Mks I and II Matilda’, in British AFVs 1919-40, pp.62–72.

25.   J. Bingham, ‘Crusader – Cruiser Tank Mark VI’, in British and Commonwealth AFVs 1940-1946, ed. D. Crow, vol.3 (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1971), pp.3–4.

26.   G. le Q. Martel, Our Armoured Forces, p.46.

27.   R. E. Jones, G. H. Rarey and R. J. Icks, The Fighting Tanks since 1916 (Washington D.C., National Service Publishing, 1933), p.168.

28.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, vol. 1, pp.373–74.

29.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, op. cit., p.103.

30.   J. Bingham, ‘Crusader’, pp.6–7.

31.   G. le Q. Martel, Our Armoured Forces, p.47.

32.   G. le Q. Martel, In the Wake of the Tank (London, Sifton Praed, 1931), p.205.

33.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, vol. 1, p.374.

34.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, vol. 1, pp.229 and 281.

35.   J. P. Harris, Men, Ideas and Tanks (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1995), p. 280 (quoting Martel).

36.   G. le.Q. Martel, In the Wake of the Tank, pp.110–21.

37.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., p.370.

38.   P. J. Harris, op. cit., p.275.

39.   M. M. Postan, British War Production (London, HMSO, 1952), p.186.

40.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, op. cit., p.75.

41.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Stuart – A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1992), pp.50–53.

42.   M. W. Zebrowski, Polska Bron Pancerna (London, White Eagle Press, 1971), p.227.

43.   M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), pp.20–29.

Chapter 6

1.     A. Duvignac, Histoire de l’armée motorisée (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1948, pp.352–53.

2.     P. Touzin, Les véhicules blindés français 1900-1940 (Paris, EPA, 1979), pp.133–34.

3.     A. Duvignac, op. cit., p.446.

4.     P. Touzin, op. cit., p.17.

5.     R. Jacomet, L’Armement de la France (Paris, Lajeunesse, 1945), p.288.

6.     A. Duvignac, op. cit., p.270.

7.     B. Perot, Panhard, La doyenne d’avant guard (Paris, EPA, 1979), pp.390–91.

8.     A. Duvignac, op. cit., pp.333–35.

9.     R. Jacomet, op. cit., pp.288 and 291.

10.   R. Jacomet, op. cit., p.291.

11.   P. Touzin, op. cit., pp.146–48.

12.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Firepower: A History of the American Heavy Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1988), p.25.

13.   M. L. Stubbs and S. R. Connor, Armor-Cavalry, Office of Chief of Military History (Washington D.C., US Army, 1969), pp.49–51.

14.   M. H. Gillie, Forging the Thunderbolt (Harrisburg, Military Service Publishing, 1947), pp.20–22.

15.   M. H. Gillie, op. cit., p.36.

16.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., p.16.

17.   R. E. Jones, G. H. Rarey and R. J. Icks, The Fighting Tanks since 1916 (Washington D.C., National Service Publishing, 1933), pp.234–35.

18.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman: A History of the American Medium Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1978), pp.27–29.

19.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Stuart: A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1992), pp.88–90.

20.   A. Pugnani, Storia della Motorizzazione Militare Italiana (Turin, Roggero & Tortia, 1951), pp.305–08.

21.   J. J. T. Sweet, Iron Arm, The Mechanization of Mussolini’s Army (Mechanicsburg, Stackpole, 2007), p.94.

22.   J. J. T. Sweet, op. cit., p.75.

23.   B. Pafi, C. Fallesi and G. Fiore, Corazzati Italiani 1934-45 (Rome, D’Anna, 1968), p.66.

24.   N. Pignato and F. Cappelano, Gli autoveicoli da combattimento dell’ Esercito Italiano (Rome, Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito, 2002).

25.   A. Pugnani, op. cit., pp.355–57.

26.   M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), pp.3–4.

27.   M. D. Borissiouk, (ed.), Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (Kharkov, 2007), pp.77–79.

28.   S. J. Zaloga and J. Grandsen, Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two (London, Arms and Armour, 1984), p.48.

29.   M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., p.9.

30.   M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., p.23.

31.   M. D. Borissiouk, op. cit., pp.22 and 60.

32.   M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., pp.36–50.

33.   M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., p.56.

34.   M. V. Pavlov, I. V. Pavlov and I. G. Jentov, Sovetskie Srednie Tanki, Armada Vertical No.7 (Moscow, Exprint Publications, 2000), pp.13–20.

35.   P. Kantakoski, The Finnish Tank Museum (unpublished, 1997), p.22.

36.   N. Bachurin, ‘Supreme High Command Reserve Tank’, Military Parade (January-February 1998), pp.100–02.

37.   M. D. Borissiouk, op. cit., pp.78 and 83.

38.   M. D. Borissiouk, op. cit., pp.83–87.

39.   W. Spielberger, Motorisierung der deutschen Reichswehr 1920-1 (Stuttgart, Motorbuch, 1979), p.242.

40.   S. J. Zaloga et al., op. cit., pp.116–18.

41.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen (Atglen, Shiffer, 1996), vol.I, p.8.

42.   W. Esser, Dokummentation uber die Entwicklung und Erprobung der ersten Panzer Kampfwagen der Reichswehr (Munich, Krauss-Maffei, 1979), pp.7–8 and Appendix 5.

43.   W. Esser, op. cit., p.39.

44.   W. Esser, op. cit., p.54.

45.   W. Esser, op. cit., p.51.

46.   Periodical Notes on the German Army, No.24 (The War Office, 1940), Plate 12.

47.   Handbook on German Military Forces, TM 30-450 (Washington D.C., War Department, 1941), Figures 83–86.

48.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Tracts, No.1-1, Panzerkampwagen I (Boyds, Panzer Tracts, 2002), pp.1–2.

49.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, The Vickers Tanks (Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1988), pp.58–60.

50.   P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two (London, Arms and Armour, 1978), p.261.

51.   H. Guderian, Panzer Leader (London, Michael Joseph, 1952), p.28.

52.   H. Guderian, op. cit., p.28.

53.   P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, op. cit., p.261.

54.   P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, op. cit., p.261.

55.   H. Guderian, op. cit., pp.27–28.

56.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Tracts, No.19-1, Beute Panzerkampwagen (Boyds, Panzer Tracts, 2007), p.19–20.

57.   M. W. Zebrowski, Polska Bron Pancerna (London, White Eagle Press, 1971), pp.225–28.

58.   W. Spielberger, op. cit., p.275.

59.   M. R. Habeck, Storm of Steel (Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2003), pp.115 and 131.

60.   B. Kjellander, Pansar Trupperna 1942-1992 (Skovde, Armens Pansarcentrum, 1992), pp.174–76 and 292–99.

Chapter 7

1.     G. Ferré, Le defaut de l’armure (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1948), p.57.

2.     L. Garros, ‘Arme Blindée Cavalerie’, Historama, No.9, (Saint-Ouen, 1970), p.90.

3.     W. L. Shirer, The Collapse of the Third Republic (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1969), p.300.

4.     W. L. Shirer, op. cit., p.158.

5.     P. M. de la Gorce, The French Army: A Military-Political Study (London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1963), p.275.

6.     W. L. Shirer, op. cit., p.299.

7.     W. L. Shirer, op. cit., p.300.

8.     J. Jackson, The Fall of France (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003), p.24.

9.     G. Ferré, op. cit., pp.125 and 140.

10.   J. P. Harris, Men, Ideas and Tanks (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1995), p.246.

11.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (London, Cassell, 1959), vol. 1, pp.332–36 and J. P. Harris, op. cit., pp.249–51.

12.   J. P. Harris, op. cit., p.262.

13.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., p.341.

14.   D. Crow, British and Commonwealth Armoured Formations (1919-46) (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972), p.31.

15.   The Cooperations of Tanks with Infantry Divisions, Military Training Pamphlet No.63 (The War Office, May 1944).

16.   J. F. C. Fuller, Machine Warfare (London, Hutchinson, c.1942), p.55.

17.   D. Crow, op. cit., p.35.

18.   D. Crow, op. cit., pp.35 and 45–49.

19.   M. R. Habeck, Storm of Steel (Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2003), p.30.

20.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.111.

21.   R. S. Simpkin, Deep Battle, The Brainchild of Marshal Tukhachevski (London, Brassey’s, 1987).

22.   C. Bellamy, The Evolution of Modern Land Warfare (London, Routledge, 1990), pp.143–56.

23.   M. W. Zebrowski, Polska Bron Pancerna (London, White Eagle Press, 1971), pp.69–71.

24.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., pp.133–35.

25.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.104.

26.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.78.

27.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.168.

28.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.216.

29.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.241.

30.   A. J. Candil, ‘Soviet Armor in Spain’, Armor, vol. CVIII, No.2 (March-April 1999), pp.31–38.

31.   A. Beevor, The Battle for Spain (London, Orion, 2007), p.519.

32.   A. Beevor, op. cit., p.222.

33.   A. J. Candil, op. cit., p.37.

34.   M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.34.

35.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.265.

36.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.287.

37.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.63.

38.   F. Heigl, Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns, 1926), p.326.

39.   F. Heigl, Taschenbuch der Tanks – Erganzungband 1927 (Munich, Lehmanns, 1927), p.144.

40.   H. Guderian, Panzer Leader (London, Michael Joseph, 1952), p.24.

41.   W. Heinemann, ‘The Development of German Armoured Forces 1918-1940’, in Armoured Warfare, ed. J. P. Harris and F. H. Toase (London, Batsford, 1990), p.55.

42.   M. R. Habeck, op. cit., p.163.

43.   H. Guderian, op. cit., p.518.

44.   B. Mueller-Hillebrand, reply to questionnaire dated 2 April 1952.

45.   L. von Eimannsberger, La Guerre des Chars (Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1936), pp.192–99, originally published as Das Kampfwagenkrieg (Munich, Lehmanns, 1934).

46.   R. M. Kennedy, The German Campaign in Poland, Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 20-255 (Washington D.C., Department of the Army, 1956), p.28.

47.   Historical Office of the Italian Army General Staff, replies to questionnaire dated October 1956.

48.   J. J. T. Sweet, Iron Arm, The Mechanization of Mussolini’s Army (Mechanicsburg, Stackpole, 2007), p.78.

49.   R. Surlemont, ‘Italian Armour in Spain’, Tank Journal (November 1995), pp.12–15.

50.    A. Beevor, op. cit., p.241.

51.    M. H. Gillie, Forging the Thunderbolt (Harrisburg, Military Service Publishing, 1947), pp.49–51.

52.    M. H. Gillie, op. cit., pp.149 and 162.

53.    M. H. Gillie, op. cit., pp.168–69.

54.    H. W. Baldwin, Defence of the Western World (London, Hutchinson, c.1941), p.287.

55.    M. H. Gillie, op cit., p.227.

56.    FM 17-10, Armored Force Field Manual (Washington D.C., War Department, 1942), p.1.

57.    FM 17-10 Armored Force Field Manual, op. cit., p.6.

Chapter 8

1.     T. L Jentz, Panzer Truppen (Atglen, Schiffer, 1996), vol. 1.

2.     B. Mueller-Hillebrand, typescript, April 1952, Table I based on OKH data.

3.     Time Magazine, 25 September 1939, p.39 and The Daily Telegraph, 26 September 1939.

4.     T. L. Jentz, op. cit., p.104 and R. M. Kennedy, The German Campaign in Poland, Department of the Army Pamphlet No.20-255 (Washington D.C., Department of the Army, 1956), p.120.

5.     T. L. Jentz, Panzer Tracts, No.3-1 Panzerkampfwagen III (Boyds, Panzer Tracts, 2006), p.3–67.

6.     R. M. Kennedy, op. cit., p.132.

7.     M. W. Zebrowski, Polska Bron Pancerna (London, White Eagle Press, 1971), Chapter XIV.

8.     T. L. Jentz, Panzer Tracts 19-1, Beute Panzerkapfwagen (Boyds, Panzer Tracts, 2007), p.19–21.

9.     H. Guderian, Panzer Leader (London, Michael Joseph, 1952), p.72.

10.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Polish Cavalry in 1939’, Royal Armoured Corps Journal, Vol. XIII, No.8 (October 1959), p.150.

11.   P. Kantakoski, The Finnish Tank Museum (unpublished, 1997), p.17.

12.   G. Roberts, Stalin’s Wars (New Haven, NJ, Yale University Press, 2006), p.48.

13.   M. R. Habeck, Storm of Steel (Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2003), p.290.

14.   P. Kantakoski, op. cit., p.40.

15.    H. Guderian, op. cit., p.472.

16.   G. Ferré, Le defaut de l’armure (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1948), pp.127–28 and pp.133–39.

17.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., vol. 2, appendix D, p.296.

18.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., vol. 1, p.132.

19.   A. Horne, To Lose a BattleFrance 1940 (London, Penguin Books, 1990), pp.397–98 and pp. 419–20.

20.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Rommel Papers (London, Collins, 1953), pp.30–33.

21.   L. Garros, ‘Arme Blindée Cavalerie’, Historama, No.9 (Saint-Ouen, 1970), pp.83 and 104.

22.   B. Perot, Panhard, la doyenne d’avant garde (Paris, EPA, 1979), p.400.

23.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., vol.1, pp.131–34.

24.   H. Guderian, op. cit., pp.127–28.

25.   H. Guderian, op. cit., pp.143–44.

26.   P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two (London, Arms and Armour Press, 1978), p.679.

27.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., pp.190–93.

28.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., p.157.

29.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks (London, Cassell, 1959), vol.2, p.45.

30.   N. Pignato and C. Simula, ‘M 13/40’, in Armour in Profile, ed. S. Pugh (Leatherhead, Profile Publications, 1968), p.12.

31.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., p.158.

32.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, op. cit., p.102.

33.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, The Vickers Tanks (Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1968), pp.110–11.

34.   S. O. Playfair, The Mediterranean and the Middle East (London, HMSO, 1956), vol.II, appendix 5.

35.   B. H. Liddell Hart, The Tanks, op. cit., p.154.

36.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman: A History of the American Medium Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1978), p.35.

37.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., pp.46–47.

38.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, When Titans Clashed (Lawrence, KA, University of Kansas, 1995), pp.24 and 34.

39.   R. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins (New York, Harper, 1948), p.335.

40.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, op. cit., p.306.

41.   T. L. Jentz., Panzer Truppen, op. cit., pp.190–93.

42.   J. Magnuski, Wozy Bojowe (Warsaw, Ministry of National Defence, 1964), p.142.

43.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank (Atglen, Schiffer, 1995), pp.14–18 and 119.

44.   T. L. Jentz and H. L. Doyle, Germany’s Tiger Tanks – DW to Tiger I (Atglen, Schiffer, 2000), p.9.

45.   M. Healy, Zitadelle (Stroud, History Press, 2008), p.169.

46.   W. J. Spielberger and U. Feist, Sturmartillerie (Fallbrook, Aero Publishers, 1967), Part I.

47.   M. Baryatinskiy, T-34 Medium Tank (Horsham, Ian Allen, 2007), pp.14–15 and 20.

48.   A. I. Veretennikov et al., Kharkov Morozov Machinery Building Bureau (Kharkov, IRIS, 1998), p.28.

49.   A. I. Veretennikov et al., op. cit., p.29.

50.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, op. cit., p.306.

51.   B. Mueller-Hillebrand, op. cit., Table I.

52.   H. Guderian, op. cit., p.309.

53.   M. Healy, op. cit., p.164.

54.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Tiger Tanks – Tiger I and II Combat Tactics (Atglen, Schiffer, 1997), p.90.

55.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank, op. cit., p.132.

56.   M. Healy, op. cit., p.378.

57.   M. Healy, op. cit., p.171.

58.   M. Healy, op. cit., pp.345–46.

59.   A. Clark, Barbarossa (London, Weidefeld and Nicolson, l965), p.337.

60.   M. Healy, op. cit., p.366.

61.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, op. cit., pp.51 and 65.

62.   D. M. Glantz, and J. M. House, op. cit., p.101.

63.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, op. cit., p.102.

64.   J. Magnuski, Wozy Bojowe (Warsaw, Ministry of National Defence, 1985), pp.171–78.

65.   A. I. Veretennikov et al., op. cit., p.31.

66.   M. Baryatinskiy, The IS Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), pp.4–11.

67.   M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., p.37.

68.   T. L. Jentz and H. L. Doyle, Germany’s Tiger Tanks – VK 49.02 to Tiger II (Atglen, Schiffer, 1997), p.5.

69.   P. Adair, Hitler’s Greatest Defeat (London, Cassell, 2000), pp 66–67.

70.   D. M. Glantz and J. M. House, op. cit., pp.261 and 375.

71.   B. H. Liddell Hart, op. cit., p.229.

72.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., pp.117–24.

73.   R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., p.525.

74.   M. M. Postan, British War Production (London, HMSO, 1952), p.186, and P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, op. cit., p.261.

75.   M. M. Postan, D. Hay and J. D. Scott, Design and Development of Weapons (London, HMSO, 1964), p.338.

76.   M. M. Postan, op. cit, Table 10, p.103 and Table 25, p.186.

77.   J. Bingham, ‘Crusader-Cruiser Mark VI’, in British and Commonwealth AFVs 1940-1946, ed. J. Crow (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1971), p.17.

78.   M. M. Postan et al., pp.326–27.

79.   D. Porch, Hitler’s Mediterranean Gamble (London, Cassell, 2004), p.386.

80.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Tiger TanksTiger I and II Combat Tactics, op. cit., p.50.

81.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Tiger Tanks, op cit., p.99.

82.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank, op. cit., p.144.

83.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Tanks and Armament’, The Tank, vol. 34, no.395 (March 1952), p.201, and G. le Q. Martel, ‘Tanks and Armament’, The Tank, vol. 34, no.396 (April 1952), p.233.

84.   C. F. Foss and P. Mackenzie, op. cit., p.112.

85.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Stuart: A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1992), p.259.

86.   M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.18.

87.   N. Duncan, The 79th Armoured Division (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972), p.48.

88.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks (Coulsdon, Jane’s Information Group, 1991), vol. 1, pp.149–50.

89.   T. L. Jentz, Panzer Truppen, op. cit., p.177.

90.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank, op. cit., p.129.

91.   C. Wilmot, The Struggle for Europe (London, Collins, 1952), p.434.

92.   J. Buckley, British Armour in the Normandy Campaign 1944 (London, Frank Cass, 2004), p.132.

93.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank, op. cit., p.128–29.

94.   D. E. Johnson, Fast Tanks and Heavy Bombers (Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, 1998), pp.102–03.

95.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman, op. cit., p.213.

96.   S. Zaloga, Armored Thunderbolt (Mechanicsburg, Stackpole, 2008), p.341.

97.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman, op. cit., p.212.

98.   R. J. Icks, ‘M6 Heavy and M26 Pershing’, in American AFVs of World War II, ed. D. Crow (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972), pp.84–93.

99.   P. Chamberlain and H. L. Doyle, op. cit., p.261.

100. R. Overy, Why the Allies Won (London, Jonathan Cape, 1995), p.332.

101. J. Magnuski, Wozy Bojowe (Warsaw, Ministry of National Defence, 1985), p.80.

102. R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman, op. cit., p.525, and Stuart, op. cit., p.464.

Chapter 9

1.     H. Guderian, Panzer Leader (London, Michael Joseph), 1952, p.277.

2.     V. Bush, Modern Arms and Free Men (New York, Simon & Schuster, 1949).

3.     J. and S. Alsop, ‘Are American Weapons Good Enough?’, Saturday Evening Post, 3 March 1951.

4.     A. W. Hull, D. R. Markov and S. J. Zaloga, Soviet/Russian Armor and Artillery Design Practices (Darlington, Darlington Productions, 1999), p.16.

5.     A. I. Veretennikov et al., Kharkov Morozov Machinery Building Bureau (Kharkov, IRIS, 1998), pp. 30–34.

6.     M. Baryatinskiy, The IS Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.77.

7.     J. Magnuski, Wozy Bojowe (Warsaw, MON, 1985), p.155.

8.     J. Magnuski, ‘IS-7: The Soviet Cold War Supertank’, The Military Machine, No.1 (1997), pp.11–25.

9.     J. Kinnear, ‘IT-1 Tank Destroyer’, Military Machines International (September 2002), pp. 32–37.

10.   A. Karpenko, ‘Raketnye Tanki’, Tekhnyka Molodeshi, No.1 (2002), pp.22–25.

11.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Abrams: A History of the American Main Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1990), pp.44 and 90.

12.   A. Karpenko, op. cit. pp.35–51.

13.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks (Coulsdon, Jane’s, 1991), p.251.

14.   A. I. Veretennikov et al., op. cit., pp.37–39, 90 and 96.

15.   M. Baryatinskiy, Main Battle Tank T-80 (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2007), p.7.

16.   N. Popov, A. Sarkisov and Y. Leikovsky, ‘Gas Turbine Power Plant for the T-80U Main Battle Tank’, Military Parade (May-June 2000), pp.48–50.

17.   M. Baryatinskiy, Main Battle Tank, p.37.

18.   A. I. Veretennikov et al., op. cit., p.42.

19.   N. Bachurin, V. Zenkin, and S. Roshchin, T-80 Main Battle Tank (Moscow, Gonchar Press, 1993).

20.   N. Malykh, ‘T-72 Tank: Retrospective and Perspective’, Military Parade (September-October 1998), p.60.

21.   M. Baryatinskiy, ‘Armored Vehicles of Russia’, Arma, 2(3) (2001), p.9.

22.   D. Rototaev, ‘How Explosive Reactive Armor was Created’, Military Parade (July-August 1994), pp.90–91.

23.   V. Ivanov, ‘Active Protection for Tanks’, Military Parade (September-October 1997), pp. 40–41.

24.   M. Baryatinskiy, Tanks in Chechnya (Delo, Izdatelstvo Zheleznodorozhnoe, 1999), p.6.

25.   V. Polonsky, ‘Armor Potential of the Army’, Military Parade (May-June 2006), p.6.

26.   The Military Balance 2008 (London, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2008), p.213.

27.   M. L. Stubbs and S. R. Connor, Armor-Cavalry, Part I, Office of Chief of Military History (Washington D.C., US Army, 1969), pp.74–75.

28.   H. Baldwin, ‘The Decline of American Armor’, Armored Cavalry Journal, Vol. LVIII, No.5 (September-October 1949), p.4.

29.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Patton: A History of the American Main Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1984), p.59.

30.   R. Hilmes, ‘Kampfpanzer fur das Heer des Bundeswehr’, in 50 Jahre Panzertruppe der Bundeswehr (Velsen, Schneider, 2006).

31.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Firepower: A History of the American Heavy Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1988), pp.50 and 180.

32.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Firepower, op. cit., p.70.

33.   R. P. Hunnicutt, ibid., pp.23 and 134.

34.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sheridan: A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1995), p.21.

35.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Patton, pp.126 and 143–45.

36.   R. P. Hunnicutt, ibid. p.152.

37.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Abrams: A History of the American Main Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1990), p.102.

38.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Patton, pp. 88 and 193.

39.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sheridan, p.141.

40.   R. P. Hunnicutt, ibid., pp.282–83.

41.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Abrams, pp.117–18.

42.   Report by Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 92nd Congress, No.92-666, 11 November 1971, p.74.

43.   R. M Ogorkiewicz, ‘Armoured Fighting Vehicles’, in Cold War – Hot Science, eds. R. Budd and P. Gummett (Amsterdam, Harwood, 1999), pp.134–36.

44.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, pp.259–61.

45.   Chrysler XM1 Tank, Chrysler Corporation, statement, 26 February 1976.

46.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Gas Turbines or Diesels for Tanks’, International Defence Review, Vol.11, No.6 (1978), pp.913–16.

47.   R. Hilmes, Kampfpanzer (Stuttgart, Motorbuch Verlag, 2007), p.271.

48.   R. J. Sunell, ‘The Abrams Tank System’, in Camp Colt to Desert Storm, eds. G. F. Hofmann and D. A. Starry (Lexington, KT, University Press of Kentucky, 1999), p.432.

49.   ‘Towards New Combat Vehicle Armament’, Army Research, Development and Acquisition Magazine (September-October 1981), p.10.

50.   ‘Latest Future Combat Systems Plan Unveiled’, Jane’s Defence Weekly, 2 July 1997, pp.26–28.

51.   G. le. Q. Martel, An Outspoken Soldier (London, Sifton Praed, 1949), p.205.

52.   B. Montgomery, ‘21st (British) Army Group in the Campaign in North-East Europe, 1944-45’, Jl. Royal United Service Institute, Vol. XC, No.560 (November 1945), p.448.

53.   M. M. Postan, D. May and J. D. Scott, Design and Development of Weapons (London, HMSO, 1964), pp.325–27.

54.   M. Norman, Conqueror Heavy Gun Tank (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972).

55.   R. M Ogorkiewicz, ‘The World’s Largest Calibre Tank Gun’, Armor, Vol. CXVII, No.4 (July-August 2008), p.53.

56.   G. Forty, Chieftain (Shepperton, Ian Allan, 1979), pp.46–48.

57.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Armoured Fighting Vehicles’, pp.132–37.

58.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘The Next Generation of Battle Tanks’, International Defence Review, No.6 (December 1973).

59.   Deputy Master General of the Ordnance, letter to R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Ministry of Defence, London, 17 April 1973.

60.   S. Dunstan, Challenger Main Battle Tank 1987-97 (Oxford, Osprey, 1998), pp.16–23.

61.   P. Touzin, Les véhicules blindés français 1945-1977 (Paris, EPA, 1978), pp.52–53.

62.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, AMX 30 Battle Tank (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1973).

63.   P. Touzin, Les véhicules blindés français 1945-1977, op. cit., p.30.

64.   P. Touzin, ibid., pp.33–35.

65.   Y. Debay, Véhicules de combat français d’aujourdhui (Paris, Histoire & Collections, 1998), pp.70–72.

66.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘AMX 32 – The Latest French Battle Tanks’, International Defence Review, Vol.13, No.7 (July 1980).

67.   M. Chassillan, Char Leclerc de la guerre froide aux conflits de demain (Boulogne-Billancourt, ETAI, 2005), pp.20–21.

68.   M. Chassillan, op. cit., pp.8–33.

69.   M. Chassillan, op. cit., pp.162–63.

70.   W. J. Spielberger, From Half-Track to Leopard 2 (Munich, Bernard & Graefe, 1979), pp.276–96.

71.   W. J Spielberger, op. cit., pp.195–98.

72.   W. J. Spielberger, op. cit., pp.214–223.

73.   W. J. Spielberger, op. cit., pp.234–38.

74.   R. Hilmes, ‘Der Weg zum Doppelrohr-Kasemattpanzer’, Tankograd Militar Fahrzeug, No.4 (2004).

75.   R. Hilmes, Kampfpanzer, op. cit., pp.68–71.

76.   R. Hilmes, op. cit., pp.227–29.

Chapter 10

1.     R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Swiss Battle Tanks (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972).

2.     Défauts du Char 68, Commission des Affaires Militaire, Conseil National, 17 September 1979, pp.125–27.

3.     Neuer Kampfpanzer der Schwetz NKPz, Contraves, April 1979.

4.     F. Muller and C. M. Holliger, ‘The Tank Battle of Switzerland 1979’, Armada International, No.4 (1979), pp.52–64.

5.     H. Ulfhielm, ‘Svensk stridsfordonsanskafling 1920-1990’, in Pansartrupperna 1942-1992, ed. B. Kjollander (Skovde, Armens Pansarcentrum, 1992), pp.184–85.

6.     H. Ulfhielm, op. cit., pp.190–91.

7.     R. M. Ogorkiewicz, S–Tank (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1971).

8.     R. O. Lindstrom and C. G. Svantesson, Svenskt Pansar (Svenskt Militarhistoriskt Biblioteks Forlag, 2009), pp.169–76.

9.     R. O. Lindstrom and C. G. Svantesson, op. cit., pp.182–90,

10.   R. O. Lindstrom and C. G. Svantesson, op. cit., pp.112–15.

11.   S. Svenkler and M. Gelbart, IDF Armoured Vehicles (Erlangen, Tankograd Publishing, 2006), pp.6–7.

12.   S. Svenkler and M. Gelbart, op. cit., p.8.

13.   T. N. Dupuy, Elusive Victory (Fairfax, Hero Books, 1984), p.608.

14.   T. N. Dupuy, op. cit., p.441.

15.   S. Dunstan, The Yom Kippur War (Oxford, Osprey, 2007), p.173.

16.   U. Bar-Joseph, The 1973 Yom Kippur War (Jewish Virtual Library, May 2009).

17.   S. Dunstan, op. cit., pp.83–88.

18.   T. N. Dupuy, op. cit., p.609.

19.   M. Gelbart, A History of Israel’s Main Battle Tank (Erlangen, Tankograd Publishing, 2005), p.8.

20.   R. Crossman, The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister (London, Hamish Hamilton, 1977), Vol.3, pp.517 and 685.

21.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Merkava Mark 2’, International Defence Review, Vol. 18, No.3 (March 1985).

22.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Merkava with Autotracker’, International Defence Review, Vol. 28, No.10 (October 1995).

23.   D. Eshel, ‘Palestinian Bomb Wrecks Merkava Tank’, Jane’s Intelligence Review (April 2002).

24.   D. Eshel, ‘Lebanon 2006’, The Tank, Vol.88, No.778 (December 2006), p.43.

25.   D. Eshel, ‘No Room for Maneuver’, Defence Technology International (July/August 2007), pp.41–42.

26.   ‘Ariete e Centauro moderni strumenti di difesa’, Corriere militare, Vol. IX, No.11 (21 March 1953).

27.   W. J. Spielberger, From Half-track to Leopard 2 (Munich, Bernard & Graefe, 1979), pp.113 and 155.

28.   Forze di Terra 2010 (Novara, RN Publishing, 2010), p.25.

29.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘New Armoured Vehicles from Brazil’, International Defence Review, Vol. 6, No.1 (1973).

30.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Progress by Vickers in Tank Design’, International Defence Review, Vol. 23, No.3 (1988).

31.   J. Bingham, Australian Sentinel and Matilda (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1971).

32.   W. Steenkamp, South Africa’s Border War (Gibraltar, Ashanti Publishing, 1989), pp.45–46.

33.   F. Bridgland, The War for Africa (Gibraltar, Ashanti Publishing, 1990), p.15.

34.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘South Africa’s New Battle Tank’, International Defence Review, Vol. 23, No.6, (1990).

35.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘South Africa Reveals Advanced Tank Technology Demonstrator’, International Defence Review, Vol. 27, No.4 (1993).

Chapter 11

1.     D. M. Glantz and J. House, When Titans Clashed (Lawrence, KA, University Press of Kansas, 1995), p.378.

2.     T. Hara, Japanese Medium Tanks (Windsor, Profile Publications, 1972).

3.     T. Hara and A. Takeuchi, Japanese Tanks and Armoured Vehicles (in Japanese) (Tokyo, Shuppan Kyodo, 1961), pp.66–69.

4.     C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, The Vickers Tanks (Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1988), p.42.

5.     S. J. Zaloga, Japanese Tanks 1939-45 (Oxford, Osprey, 2007), p.10.

6.     G. L. Rottman and A. Takizawa, World War II Japanese Tank Tactics (Oxford, Osprey, 2008), pp.4–12.

7.     T. Hara, conversation with author.

8.     D. M. Glantz, The Soviet Strategic Offensive in Manchuria, 1945 (London, Frank Cass, 2003), p.61.

9.     K. Kondo, ‘GSDF Type 74 Main Battle Tank and its Development’, (in Japanese) The Tank Magazine, No.5 (May 1978), pp.28–57.

10.   Mitsubishi High Speed Diesel Engines for JDA, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, summary document, undated.

11.   J. Williams and R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Report on the Final Review of Phased I of the Chrysler Development Program for the Republic of Korea Indigenous Tank, Seoul, 25 March 1981, p.16.

12.   P. W. Lett, ‘Korea’s Type 88 Comes of Age’, International Defence Review, No.1 (1988), pp.41–43.

13.   S. Zaloga, The Renault FT Light Tank (London, Osprey, 1988), p.40.

14.   Wang Hui, ZTZ-98 Main Battle Tank (in Chinese) (Hailar, Inner Mongolian Publishing Co, June 2002).

15.   S. T. H. Naqvi, ‘Self Reliance in Armament Manufacture: Heavy Industries Taxila’, 1st International Symposium on Tank Technology, Heavy Industries Taxila, February 1994.

16.   D. Saw, ‘Armour in Asia’, Asian Defence and Diplomacy, Vol. 17 (June 2010), pp.7–8.

Appendix I

1.     G. M. Chinn, The Machine Gun, Vol. 1 (Washington D.C., Department of the Navy, 1951), pp.315–16.

2.     R. P. Hunnicutt, Sherman: A History of the American Medium Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1978), p.27.

3.     M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tank (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.25.

4.     R. P. Hunnicutt, op. cit., p.32.

5.     T. L. Jentz, Panzer Tracts, No.3-1, Panzerkampfwagen III (Boyd, Panzer Tracts, 2006), p.3–25.

6.     M. Baryatinskiy, op. cit., pp.32 and 42.

7.     P. Touzin, Les véhicules blindés français 1900-1944 (Paris, EPA, 1975), pp.172–78.

8.     Demonstration of Progress in Mechanization in the Army since November 1926, The War Office, (11 October 1930), p.8.

9.     G. le Q. Martel, Our Armoured Forces (London, Faber and Faber, 1945), p.47.

10.   M. Baryatinskiy, The IS Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), p.29.

11.   Illustrated Record of German Army Equipment, Vol. 2 (London, War Office, 1945).

12.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Armoured Fighting Vehicles’, in Cold War – Hot Science, eds. R. Bud and P. Gummett (Amsterdam, Harwood, 1999), pp.121–23.

13.   FV 215 Heavy Tank No.2, Report PC 41 (Chertsey, FVRDE, 1958).

14.   I. V. Hogg, German Secret Weapons of World War 2 (London, Arms and Armour Press, 1970), pp.71–72.

15.   W. Lanz, W. Odermatt, and G. Weihraut, ‘Kinetic Energy Projectiles: Development History, State of the Art, Trends’, in 19th International Symposium on Ballistics, Vol.III, (Interlaken, 2001), p.1196.

16.   R. Hilmes, Kampfpanzer (Stuttgart, Motorbuch Verlag, 2007), p.229.

17.   W. Lanz, 140mm Compact Gun (Thun, RUAG Land Systems, c.1999), p.6.

18.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks (Coulsden, Jane’s, 1991), pp. 88–89.

19.   W. F. Morrison, P. G. Baer, M. H. Bulman and J. Mandzy, ‘The Interior Ballistics of Regenerative Liquid Propellant Guns’, 8th International Symposium on Ballistics (Orlando, 1984), pp.41–53.

20.   H. D. Fair, T. F. Gora and P. J. Kenney, Proposal for the Development of Electo-magnetic Guns and Launchers, Propulsion Technology Technical Report, 07-103-78 (July 1978).

21.   Electromagnetic Gun Weapon System, FMC Corp (November 1987), p.28.

22.   D. J. Elder, ‘The First Generation in the Development and Testing of Full-Scale Electric Gun Launched, Hypervelocity Projectiles’, IEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.33, No.1 (January 1997), p.55.

23.   Electromagnetic/Electrothermal Gun Technology Development, Final Report of Army Science Board Panel, (Washington D.C., December 1990), p.14.

24.   H. G. G. Weise, ‘Large Calibre ETC Technology Ready for Platform Integration’, 5th International All-Electric Combat Vehicle Conference, Angers, June 2003.

Appendix II

1.     E. H. T. d’Eyncourt, ‘Account of British Tanks in the War’, Engineering, Vol. CVIII, No.2802 (12 September 1919), p.337.

2.     J. Dickie, ‘Armour and Fighting Vehicles’, Special Steel Review, No.1 (Sheffield, 1969), p.28.

3.     F. C. Thomson, Report on Bullet Proof Steel for Tanks, February 1917, typescript in the Library of the Tank Museum, Bovington.

4.     M. Baryatinskiy, Light Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), pp.30 and 46.

5.     J. Perré, Batailles et combats des chars français (Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1940), p.164.

6.     I. V. Hogg, German Secret Weapons of World War 2 (London, Arms and Armour Press, 1970), p.37.

7.     R. P. Hunnicutt, Patton: A History of the American Medium Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1984), p.152.

8.     R. P. Hunnicutt, Abrams: A History of the American Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1990), pp.164–65 and 169.

9.     J. M. Warford, ‘A Look Inside Russian Tank Armour’, Journal of Military Ordnance (March 1999), pp.16–19.

10.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Armoured Fighting Vehicles’, in Cold War – Hot Science, ed. R. Budd and P. Gummett (Amsterdam, Harwood, 1999), pp.134–35.

11.   M. Held, German patent 2 358 277, 1973.

12.   J. M. Warford, ‘A First Look at Soviet Special Armour’, Journal of Military Ordnance (May 2002), pp.4–7.

13.   W. Trinks et al., ‘Grenzen der Schutzwirkung von Panzerwerkstoffen Gege Hohlladungen’, Jarbuch der Wehrtechnik, Vol.6 (1973), p.50.

14.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Bradley: A History of the American Fighting and Support Vehicles (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1999), pp.264–67.

15.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Bradley, op. cit., p.448.

16.   M. Held, German patent 2 008 156, 1970.

17.   M. Rastopshin, ‘The Present and the Future of the Projectile vs Armor’, Arms, No.1 (2000), pp.31–32.

18.   M. Gelbart, Modern Israeli Tanks and Infantry Carriers 1985-2004 (Oxford, Osprey, 2004), p.6.

19.   R. D. Moesev, US Navy: Vietnam (Annapolis, US Naval Institute, 1969), pp.236–38.

20.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Bradley, op. cit., pp.259–60.

21.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Problems with Stryker’s Add-on Armour’, International Defence Review, No.8 (August 2005), p.25.

22.   C. F. Foss and P. McKenzie, The Vickers Tanks (Wellingborough, Patrick Stevens, 1988), p.204.

23.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Armoured Vehicles of Composite Materials’, International Defence Review, Vol. 22, No.7 (1989).

24.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘High Fibre Diet for Armour’, International Defence Review, Vol.29, No.1 (1996).

25.   Questionmark IV, US Army Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, August 1955, p.18.

26.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Active Protection for Fighting Vehicles’, Jane’s Defence Weekly, Vol. 3, No.16 (20 April 1985), pp.681 and 684.

27.   V. Ivanov, ‘Active Protection for Tanks’, Military Parade (September-October 1997), pp.40–41.

28.   V. Kashin and V. Kharkin, ‘Arena: Active Protection System for Tanks’, Military Parade (May-June 1996), pp.32–35.

29.   F. Heigl, Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns Verlag, 1926), pp.388–97.

30.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Sheridan: A History of the American Light Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1995), p.118.

31.   P. Stiff, Taming the Landmine (Alberton, South Africa, Galago Publishing, 1986).

32.   V. Joynt, Mine Resistance, Wehrtechnsche Symposium (Mannheim, BAKWVT, May 2002).

33.   R. Drick, Schutz fur leichet fahrzeuge insbesondereminenschutz, Wehrtechnische Symposium (Mannheim, BAKWVT, 1995).

34.   A. Smith, Improvised Explosive Devices in Iraq 2003-2009 (Carlisle, PA, US Army War College, 2011).

35.   STANAG 4569.

36.   D. Eshel, ‘Lebanon 2006’, The Tank, Vol. 88, No.778 (December 2006), pp. 43–44.

Appendix III

1.     A. Stern, Tanks 1914-1918 (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919), p.123.

2.     R. E. Jones, G. H. Rarey and R. J. Icks, The Fighting Tanks since 1916 (Washington, D. C., National Service Publishing Co., 1933), pp.168.

3.     R. E. Jones et al., op. cit., pp.194–95.

4.     P. Touzin, Les véhicules blindés français1945-1977 (Paris, EPA, 1978), pp.52–59.

5.     J. H. Pitchford, ‘Engineering Research and Development as a Service to Industry’, The Chartered Mechanical Engineer, Vol. 2, No.1 (January 1955), pp.35–40.

6.     R. P. Hunnicutt, Patton – A History of the American Main Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1984), pp.434 and 439.

7.     H. I. Troughton, ‘The United Kingdom Approach to the Problem of Multi-Fuel Engines’, Symposium on Multi-Fuel Engines, Chobham, FVRDE, 1959.

8.     F. Feller, ‘The 2-Stage Rotary Engine – A New Concept of Diesel Power’, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Vol.185, 13/71 (1970–71).

9.     R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks (Coulsdon, Jane’s, 1991), pp.265–66.

10.   T. L. Jentz, Germany’s Panther Tank (Atglen, Schiffer, 1995), pp.17–18.

11.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Advances by MTU in Diesels for Armoured Vehicles’, International Defence Review, No.1 (1981).

12.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Latest Developments in MTU Tank Diesels’, International Defence Review, No.1 (1988).

13.   R. H. Bright, ‘The Development of Gas Turbine Power Plants for Traction Purposes in Germany’, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 157 (1947), pp.375–82.

14.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Gas Turbines for Tanks?’, Armor, Vol. 61, No.5 (September-October 1952), pp.16–19.

15.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Abrams – A History of the American Main Battle Tank (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 1990), p.108.

16.   Questionmark IV, Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, August 1955, p.10.

17.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Armour (London, Stevens & Sons, 1960), pp.364–65.

18.   R. B. Gray, Development of the Agricultural Tractor in the United States, Part 1 (St Joseph, MO, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1956), p.43.

19.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, op. cit, pp.281–83 and 288.

20.   M. Baryatinskiy, The IS Tanks (Horsham, Ian Allan, 2006), pp.6 and 19.

21.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Electric Transmissions for Tanks’, International Defence Review, No.2 (1990), pp.196–97.

22.   D. Siemiet, J. Jerosek and D. Hubele, ‘All Digital, All Electric Chassis for A 55-ton Ground Combat Vehicle’, 1st International Conference on All-Electric Combat Vehicles, Haifa, May 1995.

23.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Electric Drives for Combat Vehicles Gain Ground’, International Defence Review, No.5 (2004).

24.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, op. cit., pp.309–29.

25.   A. Stern, op. cit., pp.258–74.

26.   E. H. T. d’Eycourt, ‘Account of the British Tanks Used in the War’, Engineering, Vol. 108, No.2803 (19 September 1919), pp.371–74.

27.   F. Heigl, Taschenbuch der Tanks (Munich, Lehmanns Verlag, 1926), p.17.

28.   D. Rowland, Tracked Vehicle Ground Pressure, Report 72031, MVEE, Chertsey, 1972.

29.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, op. cit., pp. 346–48.

30.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, op. cit., pp.350–51.

31.   E. B. Maclaurin, ‘The Use of Mobility Numbers to Predict the Tractive Performance of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles in Soft Cohesive Soils’, 7th European ISTVS Conference, Ferrara, 1997.

32.   R. Bernstein, ‘Probleme zur Ezperimentellen Motorflugmechanik’, Der Motorwagen, No.16 (1913).

33.   E. W. E. Micklethwaite, Soil Mechanics in Relation to Fighting Vehicles (Chertsey, Military College of Science, 1944).

34.   J. Y. Wong, M. Garber and J. Preston-Thomas, ‘Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Substatiation of the Ground Pressure Distribution and Tractive Performance of Tracked Vehicles’, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., 198D, No.15, (1984).

35.   R. M. Ogorkiewicz, ‘Articulated Tracked Vehicles’, The Engineer, Vol. 212, No.5522 (24 November 1961), pp.849–54.

36.   M. G. Bekker, Off-the-Road Locomotion (Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 1960).

37.   R. P. Hunnicutt, Armored Car: A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles (Novato, CA, Presidio Press, 2002), pp.213–15.