Book 7

Advanced Standard Library Usage

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Exploring the Standard Library Further
    1. Considering the Standard Library Categories
    2. Parsing Strings Using a Hash
    3. Obtaining Information Using a Random Access Iterator
    4. Locating Values Using the Find Algorithm
    5. Using the Random Number Generator
    6. Working with Temporary Buffers
  2. Chapter 2: Working with User-Defined Literals (UDLs)
    1. Understanding the Need for UDLs
    2. Working with the UDLs in the Standard Library
    3. Creating Your Own UDLs
  3. Chapter 3: Building Original Templates
    1. Deciding When to Create a Template
    2. Defining the Elements of a Good Template
    3. Creating a Basic Math Template
    4. Building a Structure Template
    5. Developing a Class Template
    6. Considering Template Specialization
    7. Creating a Template Library
    8. Using Your Template Library
  4. Chapter 4: Investigating Boost
    1. Considering the Standard Library Alternative
    2. Understanding Boost
    3. Obtaining and Installing Boost for Code::Blocks
    4. Creating the Boost Tools
    5. Using Boost.Build
    6. Using Inspect
    7. Understanding BoostBook
    8. Using QuickBook
    9. Using bcp
    10. Using Wave
    11. Building Your First Boost Application Using Date Time
  5. Chapter 5: Boosting up a Step
    1. Parsing Strings Using RegEx
    2. Breaking Strings into Tokens Using Tokenizer
    3. Performing Numeric Conversion
    4. Creating Improved Loops Using Foreach
    5. Accessing the Operating System Using Filesystem