Calla Lily

These large flowers with thick, curved petals are usually cut and brought indoors for use in bold and beautiful arrangements. Most commonly white, the calla lily is particularly popular for weddings.

To create this flower…

1. Start with a simple pulled petal (see Basic Petal Strokes) about 2.5cm (1in) long, or longer depending on your design, with the nozzle narrow end up.

2. Position the nozzle on the right side of the pulled petal and pipe an upright petal from the tip to the base. Curve your petal towards the bottom then fold.

3. Pipe another upright petal on the left-hand side making sure that it creates a pointed tip…

4. … and that the bottom overlaps the first petal.

5. Cut a medium hole at the tip of a piping bag and pipe the flower centre in yellow, using steady pressure, gradually releasing the pressure towards the tip.

6. Use a piping bag with a small hole in the tip to pipe the green calyx and stems.