
There is a wide variety of shapes and sizes in the chrysanthemum family, and these flowers can be daisy-like, spoon-shaped, spider-like, button-shaped or globe shaped. Ours is an elaborate daisy shape – a real classic!

To create this flower…

1. Pipe a guide circle and position the nozzle at a 20 to 30 degree angle with the curved end down, touching your circle. Pipe a layer of pulled petals (see Basic Petal Strokes) of about 0.5cm (14in).

2. Repeat to pipe two or more layers of petals making sure that they are close to the first layer, and that the length decreases but the angle increases in steepness.

3. Using dark pink buttercream and a piping bag with a small hole at the tip, pipe short spikes around the centre.

4. Repeat, using yellow buttercream, in the very centre of the flower.

5. When buttercream of the petals has crusted, use a cocktail stick (toothpick) to smooth the edge of each one.