Undoubtedly one of the most well-loved flowers, sunflowers always seem to steal the scene. The large flower centre is actually made up of thousands of tiny florets and is surrounded by bright, often yellow, petals.
1. Pipe a guide circle. Then using the nozzle held at a 20 to 30 degree angle with one of the points touching your guide, pipe a leaf technique petal (see Basic Petal Strokes) in yellow.
2. Repeat the same process to pipe a layer of petals around the guide circle.
3. Pipe another layer of petals at a slightly steeper angle than the first, about 30 to 40 degrees, and make sure that they are close to the first layer to avoid gaps.
4. Finally, using brown buttercream in a piping bag with a small hole at the tip, pipe little dots in the centre of the flower.
Ideally, when you pipe the second layer, try to pipe the petals in between those of the first layer.