
Also known as plumeria, frangipani have a wonderful tropical quality. Each flower has about five petals, which have a waxy finish, and a touch of yellow in the centre.

To create this flower…

1. Holding the piping bag at a 20 to 30 degree angle with the yellow buttercream at the bottom, pipe a short up-down petal (see Basic Petal Strokes).

2. Repeat and pipe four more petals all starting at the same central point.

3. To add character, and fill any slight gap in the centre, pipe a little darker yellow buttercream using a piping bag with a small hole in the tip.

4. To pipe the next flower in the cluster, pipe a blob of buttercream and repeat steps 1 to 3 on top of it.


For a different Frangipani colour, prepare a two-tone bag (see Two-tone Effect) with yellow at the wide end of the nozzle and light pink at the narrow end.) You may also use bigger nozzles, such as Wilton Petal 124, 125 or 126.