Note: page numbers in bold indicate tables; those in italic indicate figures.


Abel, Robert 358

Robert Abel & Associates 358

absolute luminance levels 620

The Abyss 50

Academy Color Encoding Specification 5524, 553, 554

Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) 2389, 238n, 5508; benefits of 5512; color space encoding with 5524, 553, 554; components of 5501; defined 550; for desktop color management 617, 61718; preparations for using 5578; purpose of 550; viewing of 555, 5557, 556

Academy Density Exchange (ADX) density encoding 551, 623

Academy printing density (APD) 622

A/C (accommodation/convergence) breakdown 4489

accelerometers 393

accommodation 4479, 448, 449

accommodation/convergence (A/C) breakdown 4489

accuracy with stereo 3D 51011

ACES see Academy Color Encoding System (ACES)

acne blemish removal 834

acquisition/shooting 77384; of CG-animated content in live-action features 9267; clean plates in 17783; digital cinematography in 23254; “dirty” 682; front and rear projections systems for 936; greenscreen and bluescreen photography in 97138; high-speed photography and filming elements in 28796; lidar scanning and acquisition in 15264; lighting data in 16577; of live-action plates to be used in VFX 26172; miniatures in 33084; monster sticks in 1839; motion control in 297311; of motion/still photographic textures for mapping onto CG 31118; onset animation capture (witness cam) in 18993; on-set data acquisition in 13952; photographic reference in 2206; real-time visual effects and camera-tracking in 193200; rebidding during 12; rules, setup, and testing in 22732; shooting elements for compositing in 27287; special effects in 8392; stop-motion 31830; triangulation in 20120; VFX photography in 25460; working on set in 7783

acquisition software for motion capture 415

acrylic for miniature fabrication 346

action(s), in Massive Prime 842

action/adventure games 860

action games 860

action miniatures 353

action models 335

action pacing 36

action props 89

action set pieces 90

action takes 1789, 179n

active glasses 516

active markers 407

active optical motion capture 391, 3912

actor(s): as elements 2812; for motion capture 390, 397; prepping for scanning of 161; prepping for witness camera of 1912; previs use by 55

actor enhancements 8325; of eyes 8323; on-set tracking and capture considerations for 832; re-projection for 835; silhouette changes as 834; 3D techniques for 8334; 2D techniques for 834; 2.5D techniques for 834

Actor solver 421

actor survey for facial motion capture 4246

The Adjustment Bureau 47

administrative brain trust for animated film 910

Adobe After Effects 631, 839, 840

Adobe DNG format 5689

Adobe Photoshop: in digital element creation 835; and Enzo 3D paint 8456; and matte painting 713; project files in 572; for texturing 845; and 3D Studio Max 839, 840

Adobe RGB imaging encoding 6069, 6079; and CIE XYZ colorimetry and CIE chromaticity coordinates 610, 61011; and gamut clipping 614; and ICC color management architecture 615, 616

Adobe TIFF 572

ADR (automated dialogue replacement) 930, 930n

adventure games 861

The Adventures of Tintin 70, 73

ADX (Academy Density Exchange) density encoding 551, 623

aerial perspective in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 491

aerial plates: for live-action plate photography 26970; tracking markers with 145

After Effects 631, 839, 840

Afterworks 776

agents in Massive Prime 842

agile development 874

aging of miniatures 3512

A.I. Artificial Intelligence 196, 351

AIMs 6679, 667n, 673, 673n

air squeegee systems 26970

AI (artificial intelligence) system in crowd control 831

Aladdin 915

ALE (Avid log exchange) files with 3D editorial process 520

Alembic format 837

ALEXA XT Studio & Plus camera 248

Alfred system 968

aliasing 5834, 5835; avoiding 5867, 587; impact on MTF of 585, 586

Alienbrain 967, 970

alignment issues with native 3D photography 4812

all-CG shots 636

Alpha channel 99, 99, 103

alpha review in game development 875

alpha testing 55960, 958; in game development 875

alternative sports games 860

Alvin and the Chipmunks 186, 9246

The Amazing Spider-Man 3

ambient occlusion 800

American Society of Cinematographers Color Decision List (ASC CDL) 251

analog process and MTF losses 5912, 592

anamorphic format 545

Andersson, Russ 840

angle dangle for triangulation 202

angle finder for triangulation 202

angle of view for live-action plate photography 2612

angular parallax 454

angular subtense of color stimulus 620

animated film management 90922; audience previews in 922; building brain trusts for 91012; building core creative team for 91213; business affairs in 910; completion bonds in 915; editorial workflow in 64256; of facilities and environment 91621; human resources in 91112; managing change in 920; managing event of film in 9212; managing expectations in 91516; and personal style 909; of post-production 921; of production 91718; production brain trust for 91920; production finance in 91011; research, training, and development in 914; staffing up for production in 91617; storyboarding and reels in 913; subcontractors in 91819; technology in 9201; working with studio in 91416; writing and visual development in 91314

animatics 641, 641n, 893; storyboard 904, 913

animation 881931; breakdown drawing in 895; budgeting and bidding for 8856; CG 9002; character 893, 900, 905; of cloth and hair 890; complete (full, feature) 8814, 8957; crowd 905; definitions of 893; to dialogue and sound cues 930; effects 8901, 895, 900, 906; in-betweens in 895; key posing for 895; layout and set dressing for 889, 905; lighting and compositing for 8912, 906; limited 8957; in live-action features 92331; modeling, texturing, and articulation (rigging) for 8878, 905, 9301; in ones or twos 895; post-production for 906; pre-production for 8868; production design and look development for 905; in scene assembly 9723; shot finaling, rendering, and cleanup for 895, 906; spongy 896; stop-motion 8979; storyboard animatics and previs for 904, 913; straight ahead 895; style of 8967; technical considerations with 9079; techniques for 893902; traditional (2D, cel) 8937; vs. visual effects 88192; working across multiple facilities with 980

animation blocking 60

animation capture, on-set 18993

animation cycles for replication 82930

animation department 88990

animation editorial department: during animation stage 6535, 6535; crew staffing and structure of 6447, 646; editorial workflow in 64256; involvement with production stages of 64755; during layout stage 6503, 651, 652; during storyboard stage 64750, 649

animation pipelines 8824, 885, 885; CG 901, 9029

animation project, defined 8814

animation rigs and rigging 72730, 728; vs. animation blocking 5960; for CG animation 905, 925; defined 59n; for feature animation 8878, 905, 9301

animation stage of feature animation 6535, 6535

Animation Supervisor, on set 77

animation team 88990; for CG-animated content in live-action features 9289 animatronics unit, credits/titles for 997

anisotropic model 789

anisotropic surface characteristics: of feather 762, 762n; of fur coat 7478, 747n

antialiasing in shaders 816, 81617

AOVs (arbitrary output variables) in 2D scene assembly 976, 977

APD (Academy printing density) 622

aperture sizes and HD sensor sizes 2445, 245, 246

Apocalypto 282

Apollo 13 380, 3801

Apple Final Cut Pro 518, 631, 648

Apple iChat software 183

Apple iPhone 863

arbitrary output variables (AOVs) in 2D scene assembly 976, 977

archiving 961

area light in computer graphics 797, 797

area maps 743

Arete 775

arithmetic coding 564

armature for stop-motion 322

array shot design 2578, 259

Arri Alexa digital camera 116; for 3D capture 514

Arri ALEXA EV/Plus camera 248

Arri ALEXA M camera 248

ARRICAM ST camera 249

Arri 416 + HS camera 288, 289, 290

Arri 435 camera 288, 289

Arri III camera 288, 289, 289

art department 1718; lidar scanning for 155; previs use by 534

art director 17

articulated mattes 692

articulation: for animation production 8878, 9301; for CG animation 905; in stop-motion animation 8978

articulation rig in scene assembly 971

artificial intelligence (AI) system in crowd control 831

artistic requirements translated into technical specifications 9401

artistic skill level with stereo 3D 511

artist loading schedule for animated film 911

ASA rating of digital camera 235

as-built surveys 155

ASC CDL (American Society of Cinematographers Color Decision List) 251

ASCII files for motion control data 3023

aspect ratio 545

asset creation with general geometry instancing 7678

asset definition 96970

asset tracking 96270; assets needing to be tracked in 965; building systems for 96870; commercial systems for 9668; defined 9625; by inclusion 964; by reference 965; system requirements for 9656

assistant directors, previs use by 55

Assistant Production Manager for animated film 91920

Associate Producer for animated film 919

atmospheric smoke with miniatures 3812

attention to detail with stereo 3D 51011

attributes added to particles 776, 778

audience previews of animated films 91516, 922

audio with facial motion capture 436

AutoCad 371

Autodesk Maya 776, 838

Autodesk Softimage 839

Autodesk 3ds Max 83940

automated dialogue replacement (ADR) 930, 930n

automated machine vision 466, 466n

automated work, hand vs. 41

automatic 2D to 3D conversion 503

autopaint for occluded surface reconstruction 497

Avatar 37, 70, 73, 443, 881, 882, 9234

The Aviator 331, 338, 338, 340, 362

Avid Alienbrain 967, 970

Avid editing system 59, 518

Avid log exchange (ALE) files with 3D editorial process 520

Avid Media Composer 633, 648

Avid off-line editor 457


Backdraft 347

backface culling 754

background(s) (BGs): composite of person in front of 445; for element photography 277; panoramic 31213; processed 104

background (BG) plates 93, 630, 630n

background (BG) quality for live-action plate photography 263

backing, illumination and reflections from 1259, 128, 129

backing brightness and f-stop 110, 11012, 111

backing color selection 11618, 117

backing materials 1056

backing types and lighting 11822, 119, 121

backing uniformity and screen correction 1002, 1003

back-lit backings 11819

backup system 961; for CG animation 908

bake out 67, 67n, 980.980n

baking in 250, 251, 317, 317n

ballpark budget 78

Bambi 915

banding 819, 819

barbicels of feather 762, 762

barb(s) of feather 762, 762

barbules of feather 762, 762

baseline, camera pan angle relative to 211, 21114

baseline location in triangulation 206, 207, 208

Bay, Michael 882

Bayer mosaic pattern sensor layout 2401

beamsplitter rig 5078

beating waves 584

Beaucam 269

Beauty and the Beast 915

beauty light pass for miniatures 357

behavioral solvers 423; for facial motion capture 438

behavior(s) in crowd generation 831

Beier, Thad 268

believability of digital models 717

“Believe” commercial campaign 357

bend sensors for motion capture 3967

Ben-Hur 695

Beowulf 470, 470, 540, 752, 753, 883

best frame in projection matte painting 70910, 710

beta testing 958, 959; in game development 875

BGs See background(s) (BGs)

bid(s) and bidding 911; for animation production 8856; fixed 7; rebidding during shooting 12; rebidding in post-production 12; reviewing 11; and timeline 1011

bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) 789

bidirectional surface distribution function (BSDF) 791

Bioshock 850

The Birdcage 262, 270

The Birds 75

Bissell, Jim 50

bit depth in 3D compositing 81820, 819

black backgrounds for element photography 2778

black box tests 958

black level matching in CG compositing 8245

black points in 3D compositing 819

Blackton, J. Stewart 893

Blade solver 422, 422

blemish removal 834

blend shape deformer for facial rigging 432

Blinn lighting model 808

blocking 79, 79n

blood effects 90

bloop light in motion control system 304

BlueArc 967

blue channel 98

blueprints 18

Blue-ray DVD format 549

blue record 672, 672n

blue region of film spectrum 672

bluescreen 445; compositing with 66976; front-lit 674; historical notes on 66976; peak transmission of 672; seams of 674; self-illuminated 674, 674n

bluescreen keying software, clean plates for 183

bluescreen photography 97138; Alpha channel in 99, 99, 103; backing materials for 1056; backing types and lighting for 11822, 119, 121; backing uniformity and screen correction with 1002, 1003; cameras for 1346; choice of green vs. 11618, 117; color correction with 98; composite in 99, 99, 104; compositing software for 1378; controlling spill light with 12930; environmental bounce light for 1245; exposure for 110, 11012, 111; eye protection for 10910; “fixing it in post” with 104; floor shots and virtual sets in 1223; foreground lighting for 1239, 126, 128, 129; function of backing in 98; illuminators for 10610, 108; levels for digital original photography in 11416, 115, 116; lighting of virtual sets in 1302, 131; negative scanning and digital conversion of 989, 99; on-set preview for 1334; overview of 978; processed foreground in 1034; recommended specifications and practices for 10410; setting screen brightness for 11216, 113, 115, 116; shooting aperture for 125, 126; software functions with 99, 99; tracking markers in 1323, 133; TV monitors in 123; underwater 136; white card method for screen balancing in 11214, 113; worked with cinematographer on 136

bluescreen projection: advantages of 945; camera-mounted light source for 96; disadvantages of 95; equipment for 96; retroreflective material for 96; set lighting conditions for 96

Blue Sky 881

blurring pass 684

body markers 3989, 400

BodyPaint 3D 845

bokeh with texture acquisition 316, 316n

Boujou 841

bounce light 934, 1034; environmental 1245

The Boy Who Could Fly 50, 271

braiding of digital hair 7523, 753

brain editor in Massive Prime 8423

brain trusts for animated films 910, 91920

brass etching for miniature fabrication 347

BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) 789

breadbox 252

breakaways 90; miniature 3834

breakdown drawing in animation 895

breakdown of accommodation and convergence 4489

breaking down of script 614

breaking glass effects 2856

breaking the mask 4756, 476

Brevig, Eric 543

Broken Arrow 358

Brown, Garrett 271

Bruce Almighty 99, 129, 129, 133

BSDF (bidirectional surface distribution function) 791

B-splines 719, 719n; texturing and surfacing of 738

Buckaroo Banzai 286

Buckley, Buck 321

budgets and budgeting 614; for animation production 8856; ballpark (rough, initial) 78; bidding in 911; contracts in 11; fixed 7; for game development 872; “handle” length in 6; keeping down 1214; monitoring of 12; more detailed 89; for motion capture 388, 389; for plate photography 10; rebidding during shooting in 12; rebidding in post-production in 12; reviewing bids in 11; for temp screenings 11; on time-and-materials basis 7; and visual effect shot design 32; and visual effect technique 39

building of film 524n, 624

building vs. purchasing 9546

Bullet Collision Detection and Physics library 776

bullet hits 90

Bullet Time 255, 256

bump mapping 7412, 809, 809

bump shaders 80810, 809, 810

bundle adjustment for motion capture 415

The ‘Burbs 37

Burton, Tim 319, 321, 330, 540

business affairs for animated film 910

Butler, Larry 666

buy-in 959


Cablecam 271, 272

cable overhead flying rigs 91

cable systems for live-action plate photography 2712

Calcium solver 422

CalColor 109

calibration in motion capture 408, 41517, 417

calibration object for motion capture 415

California Missions 696

call sheets 78

camera(s): for bluescreen or greenscreen photography 1346; for gathering lighting data 1735, 174; grayscale 41112; helmet mounted 434, 4346, 435; high-definition (HD) 191; for high-speed photography 28791, 288, 289; locked-down 2956; locked-off 17980; for miniatures 3746, 375; MiniDV video 281; for motion control 309; multiplane 901; nodally mounted 303, 303n; for 3D capture 514; see also digital cameras; virtual camera; witness camera

camera-agnostic system 314

camera alignment in on-set stereography 486

camera angle(s): road speed related to 2678; in visual effect shot design 33

camera angle projection 75

camera array 2546; design of shot using 257; evolution of 255, 256; future of 260; history of 254, 255; low cost methods of simulating 260; postprocessing with 260; shoot day with 2589; special techniques with 25960; technicians for 258; uses for 256

camera assistant 19

camera cars 265; safety issues with 2656

camera chart 988

camera color analysis gamuts 611

Camera Control center 251

camera department 1819; previs use by 534

camera format for element photography 27981

camera formulas 989

camera frustum 812, 812n

camera handoff in motion capture 408

camera height in triangulation 209, 210

camera input for previs 701

camera layout in scene assembly 972

camera mapping 73940, 812

camera motion: and screen correction 102; in visual effect shot design 36; and visual effect technique 40

camera-mounted light source for front projection 96

camera move data, import and export of 3012

camera operator 19

camera pan angle relative to baseline 211, 21114

camera position for live-action plate photography 261, 2634

camera projection techniques with matte painting 7056

camera raw colors, color image encoding for 6089, 609

camera report 1402, 143

camera setup for motion capture 414

camera stabilization with live-action plate photography 2667

camera stacking 257

camera/subject positional information 2012, 2056

camera tilt: for live-action plate photography 262; in triangulation 209, 210

camera-tracking: lidar scanning for 1567; real-time visual effects and 193200

Cameron, James 50, 73, 881, 882

Canon EOS C300 camera 249

Canon EOS C500 camera 248

canopy, reflection with 127

Canto Cumulus 967

capacitive sensors for motion capture 396

capture format 5456

car(s): crashing 90; picture 89; scanning of 1612

“cardboard cutout” effect in stereoscopic 3D 464

car effects 89

Carpenter, Loren 844

Cars 914

cartoon physics 902

Casino 710

cast shadows 824

cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays 237, 238, 238n

cathode-ray tube (CRT) recording 604

Catmull, Edwin 737

Catmull-Clark surfaces, texturing and surfacing of 7378

CCC See Composite Components’ Company (CCC)

CCD (charge-coupled device) sensors 242

CCT (correlated color temperature) 620, 620n

CDL (Color Decision List) 251, 619

ceilings, foreground miniature 342, 343

cel animation 8937

CG-animated content in live-action features 92331; animating to dialogue and sound cues in 930; budgeting and bidding for 8856; case studies on 9236; character and environment interaction in 92931; cloth and hair in 890; importance of seeing characters projected and with textures in 9301; layout and set dressing in 889, 905; lighting and compositing in 8912, 906; management of 888, 907; modeling, texturing, and articulation (rigging) in 8878, 905, 9301; pipelines for 8824, 885, 885, 901, 9029; planning for 9236; shooting footage in 9267; 3D modeling phase of 887; tracking footage properly in 9278; working with animation team in 9289; working with riggers in 928

CG animation: advantages of 44; technology for 9002

CG animation pipeline 9029; for CG-animated content in live-action features 8824, 885, 885, 901, 9029; character animation, character simulation, and crowds in 905; effects animation and simulation in 906; layout and set dressing in 905; lighting and compositing in 906; modeling, texturing, and articulation (rigging) in 905; postproduction in 906; production design and look development in 905; production management in 907; shot finaling, rendering, and cleanup in 906; storyboard animatics and previs in 904; technical considerations in 9079

CG camera projection with matte painting 7056

CG characters: lidar scanning for 156; in visual effect shot design 37

CG compositing 822, 8226, 826

CG crowds 828

CG imagery for previs 4950

CG models 18; working across multiple facilities with 97980

CG prosthetics 8325

CG sets, matte painting with 7069, 708

change notes 640

channels, red, green, and blue 98

character animation 893, 900, 905

character builds in 2D to 3D conversion 492, 492n

character design in visual effect shot design 37

character identification, real-time motion capture for 439

character input for previs 6970

character integration, real-time motion capture for 440

character interaction for CG-animated content in live-action features 929

character modeling 715, 716

character rigs 7279

character setup needs for digital modeling 724

character simulation 905

charge-coupled device (CCD) sensors 242

charts 98792

cheating: in third dimension 506, 509; with virtual 3D photography 4767; in visual effect technique 412

checkerboard calibration in motion capture 417

Chicken Little 540

chip size in digital cameras 242

Christmas Carol 443

chroma, luminance and 5646, 565

chroma components 237, 566

chroma images 237, 23940, 5646, 565

Chroma Key(s) 137, 279

Chromakey Green fabric 105, 120, 130n, 924

chroma paints 933

chroma screens 139, 1434, 671, 674

chromaticity, defined 610

chromaticity coordinates 610, 610

chromaticity diagram 553; RGB triangles on 61112

chrome spheres: for gathering lighting data 16872, 170, 171; for on-set data acquisition 1512

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 759, 759

The ChubbChubbs 716

CIE (Commission Internationale d’Éclairage), XYZ colorimetry and chromaticity coordinates of 610, 610

CineForm codec 518

CineForm toolset 518

cinematic sequences for games 8779

cinematographer 1819, 18n; in greenscreen or bluescreen photography 136

cinematography: color space in relation to 236, 2367; see also digital cinematography

Cineon file format 569

Cineon format 600, 622, 623, 951

Cineon Printing Density (CPD) 551, 6223

Cineon spec 81920

cineSpace system 618

Cinesync 59

Cine-tal 618

CircleVision 268

circular polarization 516

Clark, Jim 737

cleaning for motion capture 4201

clean plates 17783; alternatives to 181, 182; for CG-animated content in live-action features 926; changes affecting usefulness of 179; defined 177, 634n; examples of uses of 1778, 178; focus of 179; length of 179; locked-off camera for 17980; moving camera for 1801; other issues with 181; other uses for 1823; post-processing of 1812; for screen correction 101, 1012; shooting of 17881; synthetic 102, 1023

cleanup: for animation 895, 906; for CG animation 906

client servicing approach for digital modeling 725

“clip” 114

clipping 234

clock as reference material 187

Clockit Synchronizer 191

cloning 693

Closed Beta in game development 875

Close Encounters of the Third Kind 41, 286

cloth: in animation production 890; digital lighting of 789

cloth simulation needs for digital modeling 7245

cloud elements 286

clouds of smoke with miniatures 382

clumping of digital hair 7523, 753

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) sensors 242

codec 546, 546n

Codex for 3D capture 514

Coffin, Dave 609

collapsing of miniatures 347, 3545, 355

collision geometry for particle systems 157

color analysis gamuts 611

color bias in foreground lighting 125

color conversion from camera data to ACES 554, 554

color correction: in compositing 6801; in digital intermediate 6278; with greenscreen and bluescreen photography 98; with native 3D photography 4812; on-set 252; with virtual 3D photography 476

color cues in desktop color management 620, 620n

Color Decision List (CDL) 251, 619

colored spheres for gathering lighting data 16872, 170, 171

color encoding system see Academy Color Encoding System (ACES)

color fidelity for recording 604

color grading 6269; stereoscopic 5235

color image encodings 60614; camera color analysis gamuts in 611; for camera raw colors 6089, 609; CIE XYZ colorimetry and CIE chromaticity coordinates in 610, 610; display reproduction gamuts in 612, 61213; gamut clipping, gamut warnings, and gamut mapping in 614; hierarchy for 6069, 6079; primaries and white points in 61011, 61012; RGB triangles on chromaticity diagram in 61112; transcoding vs. color rerendering in 613

colorist, 3D 513

color keying 680

color management 60625; ACES for 617, 61718; camera color analysis gamuts in 611; CIE XYZ colorimetry and CIE chromaticity coordinates in 610, 610; color image encoding hierarchy in 6069, 6079; commercial packages for 618; densitometric color spaces and data metrics in 6223, 623; at desktop 61421; digital color image encodings and digital cameras in 60614; display reproduction gamuts in 612, 61213; film at desktop in 625, 625; film reproduction gamut in 624, 625; film scanners as image capture devices in 624; film unbuilding and film building in 624; and film workflows 6215; gamut clipping, gamut warnings, and gamut mapping in 614; guidelines for 606; ICC architecture for 61415, 615; primaries and white points in 61011, 61012; RGB triangles on chromaticity diagram in 61112; spectral conditions underlying densitometric data metrics in 6212, 622; transcoding vs. color rerendering in 613

color pollution 683

color rendering 608, 61819

color representation in 3D compositing 81718

color rerendering 613

color sampling, calculus of 2378

color space 2356; in relation to cinematography 236, 2367

color space conversion 237

color space encoding 5524, 553, 554

color subsampling: issues of 23940; schemes of 240; in sensors 2401

Color team needs for digital modeling 725

combing of digital hair/fur 749, 74951, 750, 7523, 753

Commando Cloth for element photography 278

commercial packages: for color management 618; for digital hair/fur 759; vs. in-house development 9546; in production workflow implementation 9568; for task and asset tracking 9668

Commission Internationale d’Éclairage (CIE), XYZ colorimetry and chromaticity coordinates of 610, 610

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensors 242

complete animation 8814; limited vs. 8957; see also animation

completion bonds for animated film 915

completion guaranty for animated film 915

complexity and visual effect technique 39

component checkpoints 958

composite(s) and compositing: for animation 8912, 906; CG 822, 8226, 826; color correction in 6801; deep 6879; degraining in 684; depth 8245, 826; digital 67990; edge blending in 686; edge wrap in 686; elements for 27287; extractions in 681; with film vs. digital 6768; in greenscreen and bluescreen photography 99, 99, 104, 66976; history of 66678; image capture for 67980; image projection in 687; with incorrect exposure 683; lighting modulation in 685; of live action elements 67990; with matte painting 71112; with motion blur 6823; optical 66678; of person in front of background 445; plate flashing/spill in 6856; production of 104; relighting in 685; scene tracking in 68990; of screen elements in stereoscopic 3D 687; with shooting “dirty” 682; software for 1378; spill suppression in 6834; starting 6845; 3D 81727; traveling matte technique and 668, 6679, 668; in 2D scene assembly 9767; 2.5D 8267; working across multiple facilities with 9801; working with special effects on 85

Composite Components’ Company (CCC): fabric backings by 105, 105n; lighting by 107; painted backings by 105n, 106

compositing blends mode formulas 992

compression in motion capture 413

computer disk array 252

Computer Film Company 137

computer-generated see under CG

computer graphics see under CG

concept art 17, 31

conflict of cues 455, 456

conforming, stereoscopic 3D 5202

connective tissue in 2D to 3D conversion 500

consolidation 636

constraint-based solvers 421

constraints for rigid-body dynamics 7812

construction materials for miniature fabrication 34651, 347, 348, 350

Contact 4, 37

contact lenses 22

contact shadows 824

contingencies in production workflow design 94952

continuity in visual effect shot design 31

contracts 11

contrast: for element photography 281; and resolution 5745, 575

contrast masking 5667, 567

contrast viewing glass 124

control hairs 746, 749, 74951, 750

control with native 3D photography 484

conventional still cameras for gathering lighting data 1735, 174

convergence 4479, 448, 449; in on-set stereography 487; in virtual 3D photography 4723, 473

convergence-based stereo 4667

convergence changes 524

Cook, Robert 844

Cook-Torrance model 789, 808

coordinator, on set 77

Coraline 320, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 473

core mechanics of game 849

Corpse Bride 320, 321, 330

correlated color temperature (CCT) 620, 620n

cosmetic skin cleanup 834

cosmic crud 34

cost: of iterations and changes during game production 852, 852; of native 3D photography 4789; of recording 6056; of scanning 6023

costumes 21

count sheet 635, 636

coves 119, 11920

CPD (Cineon Printing Density) 551, 6223

crane cars 266

cranes in motion control system 305, 3056

crashing cars 90

creative changes with native 3D photography 482

creative team for animated film 910, 91213

creature(s), on-set data acquisition for 1458, 146, 147

creature design in visual effect shot design 37

creature models, texturing and surfacing of 736

credit list 14, 9937

critique in animated film management 920

crossed parallax 449

crowd animation in scene assembly 973

crowd control system 831

crowd generation 82731; animation cycles for replication in 82930; artificial intelligence for 831; behaviors and crowd control in 831; in CG animation 905; computer-generated 828; dynamic motion synthesis in 830; keyframe animation in 830; live-action replication for 8278; mesh density for 829; modeling for replication in 8289; motion capture in 830; particles in 831; sprites for 828; variation in 829

CRT (cathode-ray tube) displays 237, 238, 238n

CRT (cathode-ray tube) recording 604

Cruickshank, Art 1289

C-stand 187, 187n

cues, conflict of 455, 456

Cumulus 967

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 704

curling of digital hair 7523, 753

curve ramps 637

cut, defined 7n

cutaway shot 653

cut points 653

cut-scenes: defined 877; design and production process for 8789; game engine–rendered 878; pre-rendering of 8778; replay sequences as 877

cutting for 3D 4646

cutting room, VFX Editor of 6336, 635

cyberscanning, on-set data acquisition via 148


dailies, 3D 51516

Dale, Phil 323

DAM (digital asset management) see asset tracking

Dante’s Peak 376, 3767, 771, 771

The Dark Knight 269, 281n, 363, 368, 832

dark sets, tracking markers with 145

data acquisition, on-set 13952

data-centric workflow for stereo media 522

Data Collectors, on set 77

data management with stereo 3D 51112

data plan in triangulation 208, 209, 214

data tracking for animated films 918

data workflow, stereo 3D 5234

data wranglers: camera report from 1402; on set 77

Dawn, Norman 696, 697

The Day after Tomorrow 150, 844

Daylight 129

day-lit backings 119, 11922, 121

Dazian Tempo fabric 105

DCC (digital content creation) tools 8667

D-Cinema (digital cinema) 233

DCM (digital cinema master) stereo deliverables 516, 525

debris effects: with miniatures 276, 346, 3623, 367; in 3D 507

debris elements 285; and projection system 93

debris with explosions 2823

decomposition of scene 9713

deep compositing 6879

DeepHoldout layer 6889

DeepMerge stream 688

deep rasters 823

DeepToImage stream 688

defocusing 586

deformation rigging 730, 7302

deformers for facial rigging 4323

degraining 684

degrees of freedom in motion capture 4012

deliverables: with full CG-animated feature 904; with lidar scanning 153, 157, 158; in production workflow analysis 9356; in production workflow design 947, 952; in production workflow implementation 958, 95960; in requirements analysis 937, 938, 941, 9445; with stereoscopic 3D 513, 520, 521, 525, 5267

delivery 961

demo reel 1415

Demoskoff, Brian 330

dense stereo reconstruction (DSR): for facial actor survey 427, 4278, 428; for motion capture 3956

densitometer 673

densitometric data metrics: color spaces and 6223, 623; spectral conditions underlying 6212, 622

densitometric encoding 551

department heads for animated film 919

depth, creative use of 45861

depth compositing 8245, 826

depth continuity in 2D to 3D conversion 495

depth detail with native 3D photography 483

depth generation in 2D to 3D conversion 4956

depth index in 2D to 3D conversion 500

depth information in CG compositing 8245, 826

depth maps 524

depth of field (DOF): formulas for 990; with miniatures 341, 3645, 375, 3756; for motion capture 409; of 35mm monoplanar sensor cameras vs. 2/3-inch three-chip sensor cameras 2445; in visual effect shot design 35

depth range 4523

depth script 461

depth sense 448

descenders 91

design deliverables 952

design sculpt 720

design visualization (d-vis) 478, 53

desktop color management 61421; ACES for 617, 61718; caveats for 61921; commercial packages for 618; ICC architecture for 61516, 616; intersection of on-set practices with 61819

detail: with native 3D photography 483; with stereo 3D 51011; in visual effect shot design 34

detonating (det) cord 88, 88n

dev beta in game development 875

development deliverables 95960

development of 3D movies 53841

DI see digital intermediate (DI)

dialogue, animating to 930

Dickson, Jim 268, 316n

difference mattes, clean plates for 183

diffuse maps 741

diffuse response 785

digital actors, visual effects artists with 661

digital asset management (DAM) see asset tracking

digital blue 671

Digital Blue fabric 105, 105n

Digital Blue paint 105n, 106

digital cameras: ACES with 2389, 238n; ASA rating of 235; for bluescreen or greenscreen photography 135; CCD vs. CMOS sensors for 242; chip size in 242; color sampling with 2378; color space with 2357, 236; color subsampling in 23941; comparison of 2489; dynamic range of 2334; frame rates for 2424; HD sensor sizes in 2445, 245, 246; highlight headroom of 2345; high-speed 288, 289, 290; lenses for 2467; noise in 234, 234n; recording system for 2524; red channel focus in 245––246; resolution with 2412; sensitivity of 235; tethering of 2523

digital capture formats 546

digital cinema (D-Cinema) 233

digital cinema master (DCM) stereo deliverables 516, 525

digital cinematography 23254; ASC color decision list for 251; camera comparison chart for 2489; CCD vs. CMOS sensors for 242; chip size in 242; color space in 23541, 236; defined 233; dynamic range in 2334; film camera aperture size and HD sensor sizes in 2445, 245, 246; frame rates for 2424; highlight headroom in 2345; lenses for 2467; look management with 24752; recording system for 2524; red channel focus in 245246; resolution in 2412; scene files in 254; sensitivity and ASA ratings in 235; visual effects artists with 6612, 662

digital color image encodings 60614; camera color analysis gamuts in 611; for camera raw colors 6089, 609; CIE XYZ colorimetry and CIE chromaticity coordinates in 610, 610; display reproduction gamuts in 612, 61213; gamut clipping, gamut warnings, and gamut mapping in 614; hierarchy for 6069, 6079; primaries and white points in 61011, 61012; RGB triangles on chromaticity diagram in 61112; transcoding vs. color rerendering in 613

digital compositing 67990; color correction in 6801; deep 6879; degraining in 684; edge blending in 686; edge wrap in 686; extractions in 681; history of 679; image capture for 67980; and image projection 687; with incorrect exposure 683; lighting modulation in 685; with motion blur 6823; optical vs. 6768; plate flashing/spill in 6856; relighting in 685; scene tracking for 68990; shooting “dirty” and 682; spill suppression in 6834; start of 6845; in stereoscopic 3D 687

digital content creation (DCC) tools 8667

digital conversion with greenscreen and bluescreen photography 989, 99

Digital Dailies 250

digital DLP projectors 95

Digital Domain 138, 376, 775

digital double 792; in deformation rigging 731; for digital hair/fur 756, 757; in digital lighting 7923; in pre-production 6

digital elements 715846; CG prosthetics and actor enhancements as 8315; crowd generation and simulation techniques for 82731; digital modeling of 71526; dynamics and simulation techniques for 7716; feathers as 7606; general geometry instancing for 76670; hair/fur as 74660; lighting of 784807; particles as 77681; rigging and animation rigging for 72633; rigid-body dynamics for 7814; shaders for 80717; texturing and surfacing of 73445; 3D compositing for 81727; 3D products, systems, and software for 83546, 836

digital environments, visual effects artists with 661

digital extensions, visual effects artists with 661

digital feathers 7606; examples of 7601, 761; hair vs. 7646, 765; interpenetration of 7645, 765; modeling of 7623, 763; and morphology of real feathers 7612, 762; similarities between hair and 7634

digital file transport 547

Digital Green fabric 105, 105n, 120, 130n

Digital Green paint 105n, 106, 120

digital hair/fur 74660; in animation production 890; challenges of 7468; characters interacting with 758; combing and styling of 749, 74951, 750, 7523, 753; commercial software packages for 759; control (guide, key) hairs in 746; examples of 746, 747; feathers vs. 7646, 765; generation process for 748, 74852; guard hair in 746; interaction of light with 746; interaction of other objects with 746; interpolation of 750, 7501; look development for 74851, 749, 750; movement of 746, 752; procedural effects for 7546, 755; reference photography for 756, 757; render times and optimizations for 754; shot work for 7512; similarities between feathers and 7634; static 751; thin objects moving through 758, 758; time and cost of creating 7568; transitioning between hair styles in same shot with 7589, 759; visual aliasing with 746

digital image, defined 559

digital intermediate (DI) 6269; defined 5923; in digital lighting 795; for games 8578

digital intermediate (DI) workflow: MTF losses in 592, 5924, 5935; stereoscopic 51327

digitalization with greenscreen and bluescreen photography 989, 99

digital lighting 784807; ambient occlusion in 800; case study of 7868, 787; creating light sources from environment maps in 8012; direct 7967, 797; goals of 7914; imagebased 794, 799800; photographed reflections in 798, 7989; physically based rendering in 8024, 803; physically derived shading models for 78990; physically plausible rendering in 8045; vs. reality 7846, 785; reflection occlusion in 800; reflections in 7978; rendering occlusion in 800, 801; shadows in 799; subsurface 7901, 791; technologies for 796; texture mapping in 7889; volumetric effects in 8056, 806; work flow for successful creative 7945

digital light processing (DLP) projectors 95

digital models and modeling 71526; believability vs. realness with 717; of characters 715, 716; character setup needs for 724; client servicing approach to 725; cloth simulation needs for 7245; color and lighting needs for 725; data types in 71720; development of 7204; environmental 71617; freeform digital sculpting for 7201; hard surface/mechanical 716, 717; importance of 71516; NURBS in 719, 720, 726; from photogrammetric data 7224, 723; polygons in 718, 719, 7256; for production pipeline 7245; of props 716; from scanned 3D information 7212; subdivision surfaces in 719; texture painting needs for 724; from 2D imagery 721; types of 71617; voxels in 720

digital painting 6935

digital photography: on-set data acquisition via 1489; screen balancing for 11416, 115, 116

Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) density 6223, 622n

Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) format 546, 546n, 569, 979

digital previs 48, 48, 4950

digital production workflow 8357, 836

digital sculpting, free-form 7201

digital sensors, dynamic range of 234

digital sequences, visual effects artists with 6623

digital sets, visual effects artists with 661

digital tape recorder 252, 253

digital unit, credits/titles for 9945

digital video (DV) format 549

digital world, miniatures in 368, 36872, 370

Dimensional Imaging 4D system 427, 428

Dinosaurs 50, 883

direct 3D camera rig 472

direct constraint for facial motion capture solving 437

direct drive for facial motion capture solving 4367

direct lighting in computer graphics 7967, 797

direct light sources created from environment maps 8012

director: of animated film 91213; guidelines on designing visual effects shots for 289; on-set work of 789; previs use by 512; working with 1417

director of photography (DP, DOP) 1819, 18n; for high-speed photography 292; in on-set work 789; previs use by 545

direct photography of environment for gathering lighting data 1723

direct references during preproduction 24

“dirty” shooting 682

discrete wavelet transform 5634

Disney: building brain trusts at 910; facilities and environment at 916; previs at 49, 50; reflections from backing by 1289

Walt Disney Animation Studios: Ptex format of 571; storyboarding at 913

displacement mapping 742, 801, 810

displacement shaders 80810, 810

display fireworks 89

display reproduction gamuts 612, 61213, 621

District 9 37

dither 234

divergence 453

divergent parallax 449

DLP (digital light processing) projectors 95

DNG Converter 609

DNG file format 5689, 569

documentation in production workflow design 952

DOF see depth of field (DOF)

Dolby 3D system 467, 517

dollhouse scale 338

Donkey Kong 860

DOP(s) (dynamic operators) 776

DOP (director of photography) see director of photography (DP, DOP)

dope sheets for animation 8945, 894n

“double cut” 653, 653

double exposures (DXs) 279

doubling in 2D to 3D conversion 502

downconverter 279n

DP see director of photography (DP, DOP)

DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) density 6223, 622n

DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) format 546, 546n, 569, 979

Dragonheart 1856, 287

drones 270

DSR (dense stereo reconstruction): for facial actor survey 427, 4278, 428; for motion capture 3956

dulling spray 127

Dunn, Linwood 666

dust effects with miniatures 367

dust elements 285

Dutch angle in triangulation 209, 210

duvetyne for element photography 278


DVD format 549

DV (digital video) format 549

d-vis (design visualization) 478, 53

DXs (double exposures) 279

Dykstra, John 357

dynamic calibration in motion capture 41617, 417

dynamic motion synthesis in crowd generation 830

dynamic operators (DOPs) 776

dynamic range 2334; with panoramic backgrounds 312; for recording 604; in 3D compositing 81820, 819

dynamics 7716; rigid-body 7814

Dynamics 776

dynamic temporal offset for 2D to 3D conversion 504


Eastman 5242 606

edge antialiasing 816, 81617

edge blending 686

edge detection algorithms 674

edge enhancement feature 680

edge key 681

edge loops 725

edge ringing artifacts 680

edge wrap 686

edit decision list (EDL) for 3D 520

editing systems, 3D 51820, 519

editing within shot 6301

editor(s), previs use by 56

Editorial Coordinator for feature animation 6456

editorial department 245; for feature animation 64256

Editorial Manager for feature animation 645

editorial processes, 3D 51820, 519

Editorial Production Assistant for feature animation 646

editorial workflow in feature animation 64256

EDL (edit decision list) for 3D 520

Edlund, Richard 429

E-fan (effects fan) 86, 380, 380n

effect enhancement 85

effects animation 8901, 895, 900, 906

effects fan (E-fan) 86, 380, 380n

effects simulation 906

8-bit color 238

8-perf 33mm 639, 639, 671n

Ekman, Paul 729

Electric Iris 845

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 864

electronics in miniatures 34950

elements 27287; actors and props as 2812; backgrounds for 2767; camera format considerations for 27980; cheating with 2756; clouds as 286; defined 2723; determining needs for 275; dust, debris, and breaking glass as 2856; explosions as 2823; flames as 283, 2834; generic vs. shot-specific 274; goo and lava as 2867; with high-speed photography 2945; line-up with 2779, 278; smoke and fog as 286; special effects for 84, 857; in stereo 3D 275n, 510; stock footage for 273; types of 273; underwater 285; water splashes, swirls, and streams as 284; see also digital elements

End of Days 332

Endorphin 830

end-to-end modeling 956

enterprise class computing networking 961

Entertainment Partners 966

entrance pupil 204n, 205

environment(s): for animated film 916; for games 8546, 856, 857; in stop-motion animation 8989

environmental bounce light 1245

environmental input for previs 69

environmental modeling 71617

environmental references 166

environment interaction for CG-animated content in liveaction features 929

environment maps, light sources created from 8012

Enzo 3D Paint 8456

Erland, Jonathan 105n

Estar-based film 677, 677n

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 864

Evans, Chris 701, 708

Event Horizon 273, 276

example shots 22932, 231

The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots 2

“exploded” images 49

explosions 89, 2823; with miniatures 3545, 3823, 383

exposure: for greenscreen shot 110, 11012, 111; incorrect 683

exposure sheets for animation 8945, 894n

EXR format 546, 546n, 550, 979

extensions: digital 661; lidar scanning for 1556; twodimensional flat 705

exterior scenes, matte painting of 705

extractions 681

extreme action in 3D 481

extrinsic parameters in motion capture 415, 416

eye, resolution of 596, 5967

eye convergence with reference materials 189

eye enhancements 8323

eye line 184, 184n

eye-line reference 80

eye protection 10910


fabric backings 105

face markers 399400, 4267, 434

face paste 4334

face replacements 85

FACES format 571

facial acquisition 4336, 434, 435

Facial Action Coding System (FACS) 425, 729

Facial Action Coding System (FACS) neutralization 426

facial actor survey 4246; hardware for 42630, 4279; stabilization of 4256

facial motion capture 423, 42338; audio with 436; dense stereo reconstruction for 427, 4278, 428; face paste for 4334; facial acquisition for 4336, 434, 435; facial actor survey for 4246; facial rigging for 4313; hardware for 42630; helmet mounted camera based 434, 4346, 435; laser scanners for 428; light stage for 429, 42930; markers for 399400, 4267, 434; multi camera 4356; reference data for 430; resources for 442; single camera 435; solving in 4368; statistical data for 4301; structured light for 4289

facial rigging 4313, 72930

facility(ies): for animated film 916; credits/titles for 9935; visual effects 63640, 639; working across multiple 97781

FACS (Facial Action Coding System) 425, 729

FACS (Facial Action Coding System) neutralization 426

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 186

The Fast and the Furious 107, 268

FCP (Final Cut Pro) 518, 631, 648

F-Curve editor 839

feathers see digital feathers

feature animation 8814; limited vs. 8957; see also animation

feature checkpoints 958

feature detection in motion capture 413

feature identification in motion capture 413

Ferrand, Deak 708

fiber optic sensors for motion capture 396

field of view (FOV): for motion capture 4056; in previs 63; in triangulation 212, 21214, 213

15/70 3D IMAX 467

The Fifth Element 3812

50i format 243

50p format 2434

fighting games 860

The Fighting Temptations 270

file-based workflows 253

file formats 5467, 56772; Cineon 569; DPX 546, 546n, 569, 979; EXR 546, 546n, 550, 979; for games 853, 8534, 854; HDR 572; IIF/FACES 571; JPEG 56970; OpenEXR 546, 546n, 550, 5701; Photoshop project 572; Ptex 571; Radiance picture 572; RAW and DNG 568, 5689; tagged image 572

fill light 124, 125; for miniatures 357

film as carrier of information 582, 5823

film building 524n, 624

film camera aperture sizes and HD sensor sizes 2445, 245, 246

film emulsions 135, 6767

film grain 672n

FilmLight Ltd 618

film look, painting with 744

film negatives for bluescreen or greenscreen photography 1345

film-out 547, 547n; in CG animation 901; see also recording

film pixels per height and width 582, 5823, 988

film projectors 95

film reproduction gamut 624, 625

film stock choices 546

film unbuilding 524n, 624

film workflows, bringing color management to 6215, 622, 623, 625

filters and filtration: for bluescreen or greenscreen photography 1356; for motion capture 410

final(s) and finaling 6412, 641n; for CG animation 906; deadline for 11; for games 875

Final Cut 59

Final Cut Pro (FCP) 518, 631, 648

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 882, 883

final layout for animation 889

Fincher, David 50

finishing 6269

Fire Brigade 3

fire effects 89; with miniatures 3545, 3667, 37881, 379, 380

fire elements 283, 2834; with high-speed photography 2945

fireworks 89

1st unit 81

first assistant director (1st AD) 223, 27; in on-set work 789

First Assistant Editor for feature animation 645

first-party approval in game development 875

first-party games 854

first-person shooter (FPS) games 852, 860

fish-eye lenses: for gathering lighting data 173, 174; for stereoscopic 3D 464; for texture acquisition 31718

5235 film 677

5245 film 677

5274 film 677

5277 film 677

5293 film 677

5298 film 677

fixed bids 7

“fix it in post” 104, 139; for stereo 3D 4578

fix requests 964

FK (forward kinematics) 727

Flair motion control software 308

flames 283, 2834; with miniatures 3545, 3667, 37981

flares: with native 3D photography 484; in third dimension 510

flash memory cards 252

flatbed 640, 640n

Fleischer, Max 690

Fleischer Brothers 897

flickerless electronic ballasts 106, 106

The Flintstones 897

floating point numbers 559, 820

floating windows 4547, 456, 4656, 4745

floor effects 2

floor shots and virtual sets 116, 1223

fluorescent lighting 1069, 108

flying effects 90

flying rigs for stop-motion 322

flying wire rigs 901

foam core reference materials 185, 185n, 186, 1878

focal length: for motion capture 408; with native 3D photography 482

focal length equivalency chart 988

focal length equivalency of 35mm monoplanar sensor cameras vs. 2/3-inch three-chip sensor cameras 245, 245

focus pass for miniatures 357

fog effects 286

foliage, tracking markers with 145 “forced gravity” with miniatures 366

forced perspective miniatures 33944, 3403, 374

foreground, processed 1034

foreground lighting 1239; color bias in 125; environmental bounce light in 1245; illumination and reflection from backing in 12530, 126, 128, 129; local color in 125; to match background 1234; and shooting aperture 125, 126

foreground miniatures 33942, 3413

formats 5457; Alembic 837;

anamorphic 545; Blue-ray DVD 549; capture 5456; digital video 549; for element photography 27981; 50i 243; 50p 2434; file 5467, 56772;

full-color digital 546; IMAX 545, 545n; latitude-longitude (lat-long) 798, 799; raw 164; remeshed 164; 60i 243; 60p 2434; stereo 3D designing for multiple release 4668; Super 35 545, 545n; target 547; texturized 164; 30p 243; 25p 243; widescreen 545

formulas 98792

Forrest Gump 323, 827

For the Birds 760

For the Term of His Natural Life 697

forward kinematics (FK) 727

The Foundry 137, 519, 524

4:1:0 scheme 240

4:1:1 scheme 240

4:2:0 scheme 240

4:2:1 scheme 240

4:2:2 scheme 23940, 546

4:4:4 scheme 23940, 546

4k resolution 54750; appearance of 2k vs. 591, 5915, 592, 593, 5935; for scanning 601

4k+ systems 57399; aliasing in 5836, 5837; appearance of 4k vs. 2k in 591, 5915, 592, 593, 5935; film as carrier of information in 582, 582; modulation transfer function with 58, 57981, 580; MTF cascading in 588, 5889, 589; resolution with 5738, 5747; scanning with 5823, 587, 587, 588, 58990, 590; sharpness with 5789, 579; visual perception limitations with 5959, 596, 598

4-perf 33mm 6389, 639, 671n

FOV (field of view): for motion capture 4056; in previs 63; in triangulation 212, 21214, 213

Fox 50

fps (frames per second) 243

FPS (first-person shooter) games 852, 860

frame rates 2424; for element photography 280; for motion capture 411

frames per second (fps) 243

framing chart 474, 475

framing in visual effect shot design 33

Freeform 3D 720

free-form digital sculpting 7201

frequency sweep 584; luminance along 586

Fresnel equations 788

front-lit backings 119, 674

front projection systems 936; advantages of 945; disadvantages of 95; equipment for 96

frosty breath 87

Frozen Moment 255, 257

frozen surfaces 87

f-stops: dynamic range measured in 233; and foreground lighting 125, 126; for motion capture 409; screen brightness and 110, 11014, 111, 113; for texture

The Fugitive 93

Fuji 64 daylight film 135

FujiFilm, film unbuilding and building with 624

Fuji intermediate stock 606

Fuji RDI 594

full animation 8814; limited vs. 8957; see also animation

full-color digital format 546

Fuller’s earth for smoke effects with miniatures 382

full-scale stand-in model 146, 146, 185

FumeFX 776

fur see digital hair/fur

FX Dust for smoke effects with miniatures 382


gaffer 18; in on-set work 79

game(s) 84779; action 860; action/adventure 860; adventure 861; alternative sports 860; cost of iterations and changes during production of 852, 852; digital intermediate and post effects for 857, 8578; environments for 8546, 856, 857; fighting 860; file formats for 853, 8534, 854; vs. films 84758, 848; first-party 854; first-person shooter 852, 860; gameplay (core mechanics) of 849; limitations of 8501, 851; and machinima films 858; massively multiplayer online 853, 861; most important aspect of 8489, 849; narrative storytelling in 84950, 850; object of 86970; platform 860; prototyping or previs for 856, 86970; puzzle 861; racing 861; real-time rendering for 858, 858; real-time strategy 853, 861; role-playing 853, 859; serious 861; sim 853; sports 853, 860; third-party 854; third-person shooter 852; transmedia production design techniques for 8548; 2D 853; types of 8523, 85961; virtual world 861

game cinematic sequences 8779; design and production process for 8789; game engine–rendered 878; localization of 878; noninteractive scene (cut-scene) 8778; pre-rendering of 8778; replay 877

Game Developers Conference (GDC) 864

game development 86876; agile 874; budget for 872; digital content creation tools for 8667; finaling phase of 875; game document in 8712; idea in 8689; level editor in 867; manufacturing phase of 876; marketing phase of 876; phases of 8746; pipeline for 865, 8734; post-production in 8578, 858, 876; pre-production phase of 874; production phase of 875; prototyping or previs for 856, 86970; software packages for 8667; target audience in 869; team for 8723; technical knowledge 866; visual style in 8701

game document 8712

game engines 8648; CG applications and 867; common 8678; defined 864; level editor in 867; noninteractive scenes rendered by 878; vs. software development kits 8645; software packages for 8667; technical knowledge for 866; used to make films 858; working with 8656

game platforms 8624

gameplay 849

game production pipeline 865, 8734

game reviews 875

GAMfloor 106

gaming techniques for previs 71

gamma 817, 817n

gamut clipping 614

gamut mapping 614

gamut of colors 237

gamut warnings 614

gap filling for motion capture 41920, 420

“garage band” 53

garbage mattes 6923, 692n

garden globes 1689

gazing globes 1689

GDC (Game Developers Conference) 864

Gemini for 3D capture 514

general geometry instancing 76670, 767; asset creation with 7678; shot considerations with 76970; world building with 768, 7689

generational loss 561

geometric mesh data in scene assembly 971

Gertie the Dinosaur 893

G-Force 474, 475, 476, 758, 9246

ghost busting 523

giant screen venues 467

Gill, Jim 254

Gilliam, Terry 369

glare in desktop color management 619

glass effects 2856

glasses, active vs. passive 516, 525

global assets 9634

global illumination 807

global optimization solvers 422, 422

glue code 9556, 955n

go-motion photography 326; motion control systems for 307, 307n

Goodman, Ron 270

The Good Shepherd 371

goo elements 2867

grain: compositing of 824; of film 672n; 2D to 3D conversion with 4989

grain management for occluded surface reconstruction 497

Gran Torino 832

Gravity 3, 307

gravity with rigid-body dynamics 781

grayscale camera for motion capture 41112

Great American Market 106

greeblies 971, 971n

green channel 98

greenscreen 445; compositing with 67374; front-lit 674; special effects and 84, 90

greenscreen element, applying positional data to 21416, 215, 216

greenscreen keying software, clean plates for 183

greenscreen photography 97138; Alpha channel in 99, 99, 103; backing materials for 1056; backing types and lighting for 11822, 119, 121; backing uniformity and screen correction with 1002, 1003; cameras for 1346; choice of blue vs. 11618, 117; color correction with 98; composite in 99, 99, 104; compositing software for 1378; controlling spill light with 12930; environmental bounce light for 1245; exposure for 110, 11012, 111; eye protection for 10910; “fixing it in post” with 104; floor shots and virtual sets in 1223; foreground lighting for 1239, 126, 128, 129; function of backing in 98; illuminators for 10610, 108; levels for digital original photography in 11416, 115, 116; lighting of virtual sets in 1302, 131; negative scanning and digital conversion of 989, 99; on-set preview for 1334; overview of 978; processed foreground in 1034; recommended specifications and practices for 10410; setting screen brightness for 11216, 113, 115, 116; shooting aperture for 125, 126; software functions with 99, 99; tracking markers in 1323, 133; TV monitors in 123; underwater 136; white card method for screen balancing in 11214, 113; worked with cinematographer on 136

greenscreen projection: advantages of 945; camera-mounted light source for 96; disadvantages of 95; equipment for 96; retroreflective material for 96; set lighting conditions for 96

greenscreen suit 21

grey spheres for gathering lighting data 16872, 170, 171

grouping in 2D scene assembly 977

guard hair 746

guide feathers 764

guide hairs 746, 749, 74951, 750

gyroscope stabilizers 267, 269

gyros for motion capture 393, 394


hair see digital hair/fur

hairstyles and styling 212; combing and 749, 749, 7523, 753; transitioning between 7589, 759

halation 673, 677n

Half-Life 2 849

Halo 858

Hammerhead Productions 268

hand-in-frame technique for slating 229

handles: defined 629n; length of 6, 629; in scanning 602

hand work, automated vs. 41

hanging miniatures 33942, 3413

Hannah Montana 540

hard surface models and modeling 716, 717; texturing and surfacing of 7346

Harryhausen, Ray 899

HA (high-availability) servers 9601

Hatch FX 708

HD see high-definition (HD)


HDCAM SRW1 for 3D capture 514

H&D curve 110, 11011

HDR-Cam Light Probe System 318

HDR file format 572

HDRI see high dynamic range imaging (HDRI)

head slate 229, 229

heat map 850, 850

Heat Shield filter material 109

height in visual field in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 491

height stick 1467

helicopter(s), miniature radio-controlled 270

helicopter-mounted gyro-stabilized balls 269

Hellboy 2 708

helmet mounted camera (HMC) based performance capture 434, 4346, 435

helper rigs for stop-motion 322

Jim Henson Company 70

hero cloth model 7245

“hero” eye 519, 521

“hero” geometry 768

Heynacher, Erich 581

Heynacher integral 580, 581, 580

HFR (high frame rate) projects 526

high-availability (HA) servers 9601

high-definition (HD): in cinema 233; in television 233

high-definition (HD) camera as witness camera 191

high-definition (HD) sensor sizes and film camera aperture sizes 2445, 245, 246

high-definition (HD) survey 153

high dimensional mapping for facial motion capture solving 438

high dynamic range imaging (HDRI): defined 694n; for onset data acquisition 152; in plate stitching 694; for textures 311, 311n

high frame rate (HFR) projects 526

highlight headroom 2345

high-speed photography 28796; application of 2935; cameras for 28791, 288, 289; defined 287; Director of Photography for 292; elements in 2945; lighting for 2923; locking down of camera in 2956; of miniatures 3628, 363, 365; post-production for 296; technicians for 2912; technique of 295; video assist for 296

Hillcoat, John 120

HIT (horizontal image translation) 4501, 451, 452, 473, 525

Hitchcock, Alfred 49, 916

Hittle, Tim 329

HMC (helmet mounted camera) based performance capture 434, 4346, 435

HMI lighting 109; for high-speed photography 2923

The Hobbit 526

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3, 244

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 244

home video deliverables, 3D 526

honeywagon 81

horizontal image translation (HIT) 4501, 451, 452, 473, 525

horizontal parallax 51819, 519

horizontal window violations 5323, 533

horopter 448

Hotel Transylvania 768

hot heads 934, 934n

Houdini software 776, 807, 815, 815, 8378, 957

House of Moves 386, 439

HR (human resources) smanagement for animated film 91112

Huffman coding 562, 564

Hugo 354

Hulk 844

human resources (HR) management for animated film 91112

Humorous Phases of Funny Faces 893

The Hunger Games 48

Huntin’ 338

Huston, Paul 708

hybrid approaches for facial motion capture solving 438

hyperfocal distance, formula for 990


IA (interaxial) separation 450, 487, 507, 518

IBK (Image-Based Keyer) 138, 681

IBL (image-based lighting) 794, 799800

IBMC (Image Based Motion Capture) 18993

ICC (International Color Consortium) color management architecture 61516, 616

ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) 839

ice, special effects for 867

iChat software 183

IIF (Intuit Interchange Format) 571

IK (inverse kinematics) 727

IK (inverse kinematics) handle 421, 421

illumination and illuminators: from backing 1259, 128, 129; global 807; for greenscreen and bluescreen photography 10610, 108; incident 785; radiant 785; see also lighting

ILM See Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)

image(s), working across multiple facilities with 979

Image-Based Keyer (IBK) 138, 681

image-based lighting (IBL) 794, 799800

Image Based Motion Capture (IBMC) 18993

image capture: and compositing 67980; film scanners as devices for 624

image compression 55867; contrast masking in 5667, 567; image encoding for 55960; lossless 560, 5614; lossy 5601, 5647; luminance and chroma in 5646, 565; run-length encoding for 5612; still 5607; transforming pixel distribution in 5623; variable-length bit sequences in 562; visually lossless 561

image encoding 55960

image engineering 50

image manipulation see post-production

image projection in compositing 687

image quality with native 3D photography 4834

image segmentation in 2D to 3D conversion 494, 4945

image sensor for motion capture 41012

image separation 507

image sharpening in third dimension 508

image stability with scanning 6001

image storage farm for CG animation 908

Imagica Japan 138

IMAX format 467, 517, 545, 545n

immersion-based stereo 4667

implicit depth cues in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 4901

importance sampling 802

importing in scene assembly 974

in-betweens in animation 895

Inception 355

incident illumination 785

inclinometer for triangulation 202

Independence Day 276, 286

indirect constraint for facial motion capture solving 437

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM): Alembic format of 837; composites done on optical printers at 6701, 673; greeblies of 971n; in-house vs. off-the-shelf software at 9545; matte painting by 701, 713; OpenEXR format of 570, 979n; previs division of 50; simulations by 775; use of motion control in stop-motion by 326

inertial motion capture 3924, 393

infinity parallax 449

infrastructure 9601

ingestion 961

in-house development vs. commercial packages 9546

in-house requirements vs. service bureau 9435

ink and paint 894, 894n

inner key 681

input device transforms 554, 614

input(s) for motion capture 41314

input plates in 2D scene assembly 976

input profile 614

Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) 839

interactive games see games

interactivity with special effects 84

interaxial (IA) separation 450, 487, 507, 518

intercutting with 3D 465

interim user checkpoints 958

interior scenes, matte painting of 705

interlayer effect 134

intermediate negative 5923

International Color Consortium (ICC) color management architecture 61516, 616

internegatives 5923

interocular separation 449, 450, 507, 518

interpolation of digital hair/fur 7501

interposition 455

interpositive 672, 672n, 676

interpupillary separation 449, 450, 507, 518

intrinsic parameters in motion capture 415, 416

Intuit Interchange Format (IIF) 571

inventory for animated films 91718

inverse kinematics (IK) 727

inverse kinematics (IK) handle 421, 421

inverse procedure 75

Invictus 832

iPhone 863

Iron Man 9234

irradiance cache 803, 8034

isolation of objects in 2D to 3D conversion 494, 494, 5001

iterative closest point in facial actor survey 426


Jackson, Peter 73, 842

JAK Films 50

James, Oliver 137

Jason and the Argonauts 899

jet camera platform 2701

jet-powered fans 86

jitter in real-time visual effects 195

Johnston, Ollie 893

joint(s) for facial rigging 432

joint placement for motion capture 401

Journey to the Center of the Earth 120, 540, 543

JPEG image file format 56970

Judge Dredd 50

Jumbotron screens 95

“jump cut” technique 2

Jungle Software 966

Jurassic Park 505


Katz, Steven 75

“keyers” 137

key feathers 764

key frames: in CG animation 900; in crowd generation 830, 830n; in motion control 298; in rotoscoping 691

key hairs 746, 749, 74951, 750

keyhole shots 361

Keykode 629n

Keylight 137

key lighting for animation 891

key numbers 629, 629n

key posing for animation 895

Kinect 3945

King Kong 899

Kino Flo 107

Knowing 662

Kodak: AIMs for 6679; Cineon format of 600, 622, 623, 951; DPX format of 569, 623; film emulsions of 676; and film unbuilding and building 624; and ILM values 67374; key numbers of 629, 629n

Kodak 2238 film 677

Kodak 5245 film 677

Kodak 5274 film 677

Kodak 5277 film 677

Kodak 5293 film 677

Kodak 5298 film 677

Kodak films 677, 677n

Kodak/Panavision Preview System 133

Kodak Panchromatic Separation Film 5235 677

Kodak SO202 film 677

Kodak SO214 film 677

Kodak Vision 2: 50-speed daylight film 135, 263; 100T and 200T films 134

Kodak Vision 3 5219 film 622

Kodak Vision films 677, 678

Kroyer, Bill 49

Kuper motion control software 308


labeling for motion capture 419

labor unions on animated films 912

Lakota Green Matte material 105

Lambert, Paul 138

Lambert diffuse shading 785, 786, 787, 787, 808

landscapes, miniatures 352

large-area emissive displays 96

large screens, visual perception limitations for 5959, 596, 598

laser-based recording 604

laser cutting for miniature fabrication 347

laser level for triangulation 203

laser scanners and scanning: for digital modeling 7212; for facial actor survey 428; on-set data acquisition via 14950, 159, 160

Last Passenger 93

The Last Stand 72

latitude-longitude (lat-long) format 798, 799

lava elements 2867

Lawless 120, 121

layering in 2D scene assembly 977

layout 689; for animation 889, 905; for feature animation 6503, 651, 652; 3D 689

LCD (liquid-crystal display) projectors 95; for stereoscopic viewing 517

Lead Editor for feature animation 644

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 337

least squares surface fitting for facial motion capture solving 4378

LED(s) (light emitting diodes) in active optical motion capture 391, 3912

LED (light-emitting diode) screens 95

Leica reel 894, 894n

Leighton, Eric 326

Lempp, Wolfgang 137

lens: for digital cinematography 2467; for motion capture 40710; periscope 361, 361n; for stereoscopic 3D 4634

lens angle 990

lens artifacts in third dimension 510

lens chart 988

lens distortion charts for on-set data acquisition 1501, 151

lens distortion grids for texture acquisition 317

lens distortion in real-time visual effects 195

lens flare with live-action plate photography 268

lens formulas 989

lens magnification in real-time visual effects 195

level editor 867

level of detail (LOD) 754

level set with rigid-body dynamics 783

levitation 91

Libra head 267, 269

lidar 153

lidar scanning and acquisition 14950, 1528; by art departments 155; for collision geometry 157; for digital modeling 722, 723; equipment available for 154; eye safety with 154; for matchmoving 1567; practical realities of 1578; for previsualization 1545; principles of 153; process of 1534; for set extension 1556; for 3D CG characters 156; in visual effects 154

Life of Pi 3

lift, in motion control systems 305

light(s): miniature 34951, 350; in reality vs. computer graphics 7846, 785

lightbox as reference material 186

light emitting diode(s) (LEDs) in active optical motion capture 391, 3912

light-emitting diode (LED) screens 95

lighting: for animation 8912, 906; backing types and 11822, 119, 121; fluorescent 1069, 108; foreground 1239; for front projection 96; for high-speed photography 2923; image-based 794, 799800; key 891; for live-action plate photography 262; in scene assembly 973; stills for textures and 31718; for stop-motion 3245; of virtual sets 1302, 131; see also digital lighting

lighting data 16577; colored and reflective spheres for 16872, 170, 171; conventional still cameras for 1735, 174; defined 166; direct photography of entire environment for 1723; false savings with 165; gathering of 165; goals of 1657; lighting diagram combined with photographs and/or video for 167; reference shooting considerations for 1757; scanner or survey equipment for 1678

lighting diagram combined with photographs and/or video 167

lighting keys for animation 891

lighting layers, multiple 8223

lighting modulation 685

lighting previs 712

lighting reference stills 80

lighting team needs for digital modeling 725

light sources created from environment maps 8012

light stage for facial actor survey 429, 42930

light stand 187, 187n

light surround in desktop color management 620

limited animation 8957

linear deformers 7312

linear light encoding 5523

linear polarization 516

linear representation 81718

line of sight with real-time motion capture 440

line-up for element photography 27880, 279

line-up information 631, 6378

linking in scene assembly 9745

Linux platform 957

The Lion King 914, 922 liquid-crystal display (LCD) projectors 95; for stereoscopic viewing 517

live-action elements, compositing of 67990

live-action features, CG-animated content in 92331

live-action plate photography 26172; air to air 2701; angle of view for 2612; background quality for 263; believability of 272; cable systems for 2712; camera cars for 2656; camera position (station point) for 261; camera tilt for 262; case study on 2645; lighting considerations for 262; with moving plates 263; panoramic rigs for 2689; precautions with 268; purpose-built crane cars for 266; road speed in 2678; scouting camera positions for 2634; vibration and camera stabilization in 2667; on water 26970

live-action replication for crowd generation 8278

live-action rigs for motion control 303

live-action set, flexibility and time on 40

live performances, real-time motion capture for 440

localization of noninteractive scenes 878

location scout 256, 25n

locations department 257

locked cut 640, 640n

locked-down camera for highspeed photography 2956

locked-in sync 632

locked-off camera, shooting clean plate with 17980

LOD (level of detail) 754

logarithmic (log) representation 81718

Lola Visual Effects 834

look and visual effect technique 40

look development (look-dev) 792; in CG animation 905; for digital hair/fur 74851, 750, 751

look management for digital cinematography 24752, 2489

Look Management System 247, 250

look-up table (LUT): in ACES 555, 557, 5516; in color management 619, 625, 6278; in digital intermediate 627; in on-set look management 250; in RealD mastering 525

Lord of the Rings 775, 831, 842, 9089

lossless compression 560, 5614

lossy compression 5601, 5647

Lucas, George 49

luma keys 98

luminance along frequency sweep 586

luminance image 5646, 565

luminance levels in desktop color management 620

luminance maps 743

luminance masks 98

LUT see look-up table (LUT)

Luxor Live 50

LZ77 coding 564

LZW coding 564


Maas, Jan 327

McCay, Winsor 893

McDowell, Alex 53, 74

machinima films 858


Macmillan, Tim 254

magic in visual effect shot design 323

main unit 81

makeup department 212

mandrill 20

Mantra 837

manufacturing phase of game development 876

The Man Who Would Be King 703

map-based shaders 81013, 812

MAPP gas for fire with miniatures 380

maps and mapping: area 743; bump 7412, 809, 809; camera 73940, 812; defined 811; depth 524; diffuse 741; displacement 742, 801, 810; environment 8012; gamut 614; luminance 743; material designation 743; morph 829; for on-set 3D scanning 164; photographic reflection 798, 7989; photon 804; planar 81112; projection 739, 81113, 812; specularity 742; spherical 812; stereo disparity 524, 525; texture 317, 317n, 788, 7889; UV 811, 812; volumetric 740

maquettes 185, 185n, 925, 925n

marker(s) 4067; active 407; defined 385, 406; for facial actor survey 4267; passive 406; passive retroreflective 4067; placement on body of 3989, 400; placement on face of 399400; with real-time motion capture 441; redundancy of 399

marker-based performance capture 434

marker masks 400

marketing of games 876

mask(s), marker 400

The Mask 423, 187

Mass Effect 849

Massive 828, 8423

Massive Jet 843

massively multiplayer online (MMO) games (MMOG) 853, 861

Massive Prime 8423

Master Image 3D system 467, 517

matchmovers and matchmoving 689, 9334; lidar scanning for 1567; on set 77; in 2D to 3D conversion 500

material(s) 807; for animation production 8878

material designation maps 743

The Matrix 254, 255, 882

Matrix Revolutions 9234

matte(s) 626; articulated 692; formulas for 989; garbage 6923, 692n; premultiplied 821, 822; pulling of 8201, 820n; in 3D compositing 8201; traveling 668, 6679, 668

matte channel 99, 99, 103

matte color replacement 674

matte paintings 17, 695712; basic skills and tricks of the trade for 7026, 703, 704; camera projection techniques for 7056; defined 696; for exterior scenes 705; finding best frame for 70910, 710; for interior scenes 705; with miniatures and computer-generated sets 7069, 707, 708; need for creative compositing with 71112; on-set supervision for 699702, 701; pioneers and history of 6969, 697, 698; projection 7069, 708; purpose of 695, 695; re-projected photo survey for 711; 3D 71214; for two-dimensional flat extensions 705; with virtual 3D photography 477; visualizing shot in pre-production for 699

matte pass for miniatures 357

Matte World Digital 698, 704, 710

Max 957

Maxon 845

Maya 838; with cable systems 272; and Massive Prime 843; and Mental Ray 843; with miniatures 333, 352, 360, 371; in post-production 192; Renderman for 844; shaders with 807, 814, 815; software package of 957; in 3D scene assembly 971, 974; for tracking 964; in virtual studio technology 942

Maya 2010, MatchMover Pro in 840

Maya 2013 838

Maya Dynamics 776

Maya Fluid Effects 838

Maya Fur 838

Maya Hair 752, 838

Maya Nucleus 838

Maya Software Renderer 837

measuring tapes for triangulation 202

mechanical devices in miniatures 349

mechanical effects 19, 8990; with miniatures 3536

mechanical modeling 716, 717

mechanical slop in stop-motion 325, 325n

Medal of Honor Airborne 857

Media Composer 633

media consolidation 636

meeting with director and producer 15

Meet the Robinsons 540

MEMs (microelectromechanical sensors) 3924

Mental Ray 815, 8434

merging in scene assembly 974

mesh deformation in motion capture 402

mesh density for crowd generation 829

MetaFuse 518

metals for miniature fabrication 347

Michelson, Harold 75

microelectromechanical sensors (MEMs) 3924

Microsoft Kinect 3945, 428

Microsoft Project 966

Microsoft Windows and 3D Studio Max 839

Microsoft Xbox 360 849n, 8623

middleware 865

The Mighty Quinn 271

milestone reviews in game development 875

militaria scale 338

Miller, Alvah 133

miniature(s) 33084; action 353; advantages and disadvantages of 3313; breakaways with 3834; camera for 3746, 375; categories of 335; collapsing of 347, 3545, 355; defined 3301; depth of field with 341, 3645, 375, 3756; design and integration within film of 334; in digital world 368, 36872, 370; execution of planning for 3334; explosions with 3545, 3823, 383; fire effects with 3545, 3667, 37881, 379, 380; “forced gravity” with 366; forced perspective 33944, 3403, 374; formulas for 987; hanging (foreground) 33942, 3413; high-speed photography of 3628, 363, 365; in-camera compositing with full-scale live-action actors of 33942, 3403; matte painting with 7069, 707; mechanical effects with 3536, 354, 355; with mixed scales 344; motion control with 307, 35662, 357, 358, 362; mule of 353; nodal pans and tilts with 343; photographic continuity with 334; practical effects with 3536, 354, 355; previs with 35960; pyrotechnics with 89, 3478, 365, 3656; rain effects with 3778; reasons for using 3301, 331, 332; scale considerations with 374; scale determinations for 3359, 3368; shooting locations and conditions for 3556; shrinking reality with 3723; smoke effects with 3678, 3812; special effects for 37284; water effects with 354, 367, 376, 3767

miniature fabrication 34452; aging in 3512; basic standard tools for 352; construction materials for 34651, 347, 348, 350; paint process in 351, 3512; previsualization and 352; scale and purpose requirements in 3446, 345

miniature landscapes 352

miniature lights 34951, 350

miniatures unit, credits/titles for 9967

mini-cut 59

MiniDV video cameras 281

Mishima, Kaz 138

Mission: Impossible 50, 91

Mistika 519

Mitchell camera 288, 289, 290

mixed scales with miniatures 344

MMOG (massively multiplayer online games) 853, 861

MMO (massively multiplayer online) games 853, 861

MoCap see motion capture (MoCap)

MOCAP Design 434

moco see motion control (moco)

model(s) and modeling: for animation production 887, 905, 9301; decomposition into components of 9713; during pre-production 24; for replication 8289; working across multiple facilities with 97980; see also digital models and modeling; miniatures

model editing and texturing 745

model storage farm for CG animation 908

models unit, credits/titles for 9967

model train scale 338

Modo 957

modulation transfer function (MTF) 241, 57981; aliasing effect on 585, 586; calculation of 589, 58990; cascading of 58890, 58890; defined 579; in 4k scan 589; and Heynacher integral 580, 580, 581; scanner 588

modulation transfer function (MTF) losses: in 4k DI workflow 5924, 593, 5935; in photochemical lab 591, 5912, 592

moiré 584

molded miniatures 349

Mole Richardson Company 380n

monitoring of budget and schedule 12

monitor reproduction gamuts 612, 61213, 621

Monkeybone 329

mono master 519, 521

Monsters, Inc. 921

monster sticks 1839, 184, 186

morph maps 829

mosaic pattern sensor layouts 2401

Motion Analysis 422

motion blur 6823; compositebased 8234; correction with paint of 693

Motionbuilder 421

motion capture (MoCap) 385445; active optical 391, 3912; actor considerations with 390, 397; audio with 436; bend sensors for 3967; budget for 388, 389; camera handoff in 408; in crowd generation 830; data quality with 389; defined 3856, 386; degrees of freedom in 4012; dense stereo reconstruction 3956; entry point for 3878; environment for 390; facial 42338; field of view for 4056; gauging needs and constraints for 38990; image based 18993; inertial 3924, 393; joint placement for 401; look of 3867; marker masks for 400; marker placement on body for 3989, 400; marker placement on face for 399400; mesh deformation in 402; passive retroreflective optical 385, 3901; postprocessing of 443; preparation for 397404; in previs 6970; real-time 390, 43841, 439; resources for 4423; rigging for 4012, 728; rightness for project of 3868; rotoscoping and 897; scalability with 390; shot list for 4024; structured light 3945; technical specifications for 387; technology for 38897; tiles in 4034; turnaround time with 389; types of things captured by 390; and Virtual Production 4435; wireless nonvideo 190

motion capture (MoCap) animation 8979

motion capture (MoCap) hardware 404, 40414; filter as 410; image sensor as 41012; inputs/outputs as 41314; lenses as 40710; markers as 385, 4067; onboard processor as 41213; setup of 414; strobe as 4056

motion capture (MoCap) software 41423; for acquisition 415; for calibration 41517, 417; for cleaning 4201; for gap filling 41920, 420; for labeling 419; for post-processing 418; for reconstruction 41819; for solving 4213, 422

motion capture (MoCap) suits 398

motion capture (MoCap) unit, credits/titles for 995

motion capture (MoCap) volume 414

motion control (moco) 297311; camera types for 309; for clean plates 180; data in 3023; dealing with production for 31011; defined 2979; for import and export of camera move data 3012; key frames in 298; with miniatures 307, 35662, 357, 358, 362; for multiple-pass photography 299300; for performance choreography 299; for scaling 3001; software for 3089; in stop-motion 3256, 326; sync and phase in 30910; uses of 297; Waldos in 298, 298, 298n

motion control (moco) systems 3037; big cranes as 306, 306; live-action rigs as 303; model/miniature/stop-motion rigs as 307, 308; motors and sound in 307; pan/tilt head on track as 3045; pan/tilt heads as 304; purpose-built rigs as 307; robotic 3067; small crane on track as 305, 3056

motion control (moco) unit, credits/titles for 996

motion graph 830

motion perspective in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 491

Motion Picture Marine 269

motion tiling 314, 31416, 315

motion tracking equipment with real-time visual effects 197

motion tracking suit 21

motion vectors 560

motors for motion control systems 304n, 307

The Movies Game 858

moving camera, shooting clean plate with 1801

moving plates 263

moviola 632, 632n

MTF see modulation transfer function (MTF)

Mudbox 720

mule of miniature 353

Multicam 255

multiplane camera for CG animation 901

multiple camera rigs for virtual 3D photography 46971, 470, 471

multiple component files in 2D scene assembly 977

multiple facilities, working across 97781

multiple lighting layers 8223

multiple-pass photography, motion control for 299300

Muro, James 271

muscle systems 7323

Muybridge, Eadweard 254, 255

MySQL 968


naming conventions in production workflow design 9501

narrative storytelling in games 84950

NAS (network attached storage) system 9678, 970

Nayar, Shree K. 788

Need for Speed Most Wanted 856, 857

Need for Speed SHIFT 858

negative parallax 450, 4534, 460, 500

negative scanning with greenscreen and bluescreen photography 989, 99

NetApp 967

Nettman Vector Vision rig 2701

network attached storage (NAS) system 9678, 970

network for CG animation 908

neutralizing 627, 628

New Deal Studios 379, 379

NextLimit 776

Nichols, Mike 262

The Nightmare Before Christmas 319, 321, 321, 540, 898

night shoots, tracking markers with 145

Nintendo 860, 862

Nintendo DS 863

NIS sequences see noninteractive scene (NIS) sequences

nodal head for tiled stills 313, 313n

nodally mounted camera 303, 303n

nodal pans with miniatures 343

nodal point for triangulation 201, 204, 2045, 204n

noise: compositing of 824; in digital cameras 234, 234n; in real-time visual effects 195

noise patterns, procedural 814, 814

noncharacter deformation 733

noncharacter rigging 730, 733

noncolor information, encoding of 55960

noninteractive scene (NIS) sequences: defined 877; design and production process for 8789; game engine–rendered 878; localization of 878; prerendering of 8778; replay sequences as 877

nonlinear deformers 732

Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) 719, 720; for digital hair/fur 749; engineering aspects for 726; texturing and surfacing of 738

normalized specular response 805

normalizing 627

North by Northwest 505

Northcutt, Brett 698

Nuke IBK 138

NUKE software 524

NURBS see Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS)

Nvidia 844


Oblivion 93

O’Brien, Willis 899

occluded surface reconstruction (OSR) in 2D to 3D conversion 4967, 5012

occlusion: ambient 800; in motion capture 399, 399n; reflection 800; rendering of 800, 801; in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 490

Ocula 519

ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) 776

ODTs (Output Device Transforms) 551, 555, 556

off-screen in stereoscopic design 460

1:85 ratio 545

123D Catch 7234

One Pair 760

oner 38

ones, animation in 895

OnLive 862

on-set 3D scanning 15864; defined 158; delivery format for 164; how to get most out of 159; post-production of 1624; prepping actors for 161; of props or cars 1612; review of 162, 163; systems for 15961, 160

on-set animation capture 18993

on-set color correction 252

on-set data acquisition 13952; from camera report 1402, 143; via cyberscanning 148; from digital photos 1489; HDRI and chrome balls in 1512; lens distortion charts in 1501, 151; via lidar/laser scanning 14950; props for actors in 1458, 146, 147; from tracking markers 1435, 144

on-set depth with native 3D photography 483

on-set issues with native 3D photography 4801

on-set look management 250

on-set preview composites 1334

on-set previs 47, 71, 72

on-set stereography 4849; overview of 4845; pre-production for 4856, 486; second units with 489; on the set with 4868, 488; visual effects with 489

on-set supervision for matte painting shots 699702, 701

on-set tracking and capture considerations for actor enhancements 832

On-set Visualization 4445

on-set work 7783; crew for 77; dressing for 78; guidelines for 81=83; typical process of 7881

opacity 55960

Open Beta in game development 875

Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) 776

OpenEXR format 546, 546n, 550, 5701

Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) 720, 720n

Open Season 471, 761

optical compositing 66678; bluescreen in 66976; digital vs. 6768; history of 666; traveling matte technique in 668, 6679, 668

optical low pass 586

optical masking 537, 5378

optical overexposure 678

optical printer 632

optical technique, history of 666

optical underexposure 678

Optic Green Tempo Fabric 105

optimizations for digital hair/fur 754

Oracle 968, 970

Oren, Michael 788

Oren-Nayar shading 788

original concepts in visual effect shot design 32

“orthogonality” of statistical models 431

orthographic imagery 721, 721n

orthostereo condition 4667

OSR (occluded surface reconstruction) in 2D to 3D conversion 4967, 5012

OSX platform 957

outer key 681

Out of the Ink Well 690

Output Device Transforms (ODTs) 551, 555, 556

output(s) for motion capture 41314

output-referred image 6078

overcranking 3723, 372n

overhead track system 91

Oz: The Great and Powerful 3


The Pablo 457, 519, 525

pacing in visual effect shot design 36

paint(s) and painting: digital 6935; in miniature fabrication 351, 3512; motion blur correction with 693

painted backings 106

paints and painting; see also matte paintings

paint tools for occluded surface reconstruction 497

Panchromatic Separation Film 5235 677

Panic Room 50

panoramic backgrounds 31213

panoramic rigs for live-action plate photography 2689

Panoscan system 314

Panstar camera 288, 289, 289

pans with miniatures 343

pan/tilt head on track in motion control system 3045

pan/tilt heads of motion control systems 304

Panum’s fusional area 448

“parade mode” 114

paradoxical window effect 4745

parallax 4489, 449, 507; angular 454; horizontal and vertical 51819, 519; positive and negative 450, 4534, 460, 500

parallax budget 4523; floating windows and 4547, 456

parallax shift 314, 31415

parallel mini-cut 59

parallel ray light in computer graphics 797, 797

parametric surfaces 811

ParaNorman 323

partial turnover 635

particle(s) 77681; attributes added to 776, 778; birth of 778; creating effects with 779, 77981, 780; in crowd control 831; defined 776, 777; in motion 7778; uses of 777

particle board for miniature fabrication 347

particle systems: collision geometry for 157; defined 776

The Passion of Christ 281

passive glasses 516, 525

passive markers 406

passive retroreflective markers 4067

passive retroreflective optical motion capture 385, 3901

patches and patching: in NURBS 719; in projection matte painting 709

path tracing 803

pattern matching for occluded surface reconstruction 497

PC games 863

PCS (Profile Connection Space) 61516, 616

PDI/Dreamworks 775

PDM (Production Department Manager) for animated film 91920

Pedersen, Con 358

Peel Solver 422

peg-registered paper 690, 690n

pendulum rig 91

Pendulum Studio 391

Perfect Horizon head 269

A Perfect Storm 775

Perforce 968, 970

performance capture 70, 385; helmet mounted camera based 434, 4346, 435; marker-based 434; rotoscoping and 897

performance capture animation 8979

performance capture unit, credits/titles for 995

performance choreography, motion control for 299

periscope lens 361, 361n

Perlin, Ken 814

Perlin noise function 814

personal space with stereoscopic window 528, 5302, 5367, 537

perspective mismatch 276

Peter Pan rig 91

PFTrack 192, 8412

Phantom 65 camera 288, 289

Phantom Flex camera 249

Phantom HD camera 288, 289

Phantom HD Gold camera 249

Phantom Miro camera 249

Phantom V7.3 camera 288, 289

Phantom V10 camera 288, 289

PhaseSpace Capture Volume 391

phasing: in motion control 30910; of witness camera 191

Phong lighting 785, 786, 787, 787, 808

photochemical lab, MTF losses in 591, 5912, 592

photogrammetric data for digital modeling 7224, 723

photographic-based scanning for digital modeling 722

photographic reference 2206; how to proceed with 2213, 222; shooting video as 2236

photographic reflection map 798, 7989

photography, director of see director of photography (DP, DOP)

PhotoModeler 723

photon mapping 804

photorealism in visual effect shot design 312

Photorealistic Renderman (PRMan) 8445

photo references, on-set data acquisition via 1489

Photoshop See Adobe Photoshop

Photo-Sonics 1VN Super 16 camera 288, 289

Photo-Sonics 4C camera 288, 2889, 289

Photo-Sonics 4ER camera 288, 289

Photo-Sonics 4ML camera 288, 289

Photo-Sonics Action Master camera 288, 289

Photo-Sonics Action Master S-16 3000 camera 288, 289

Photron SA2 camera 288, 289

Physbam 775

physically based rendering 8024, 803

physically plausible rendering 8045

physical model, advantages of 44

physics solvers 423

PhysX 776

picture car 89, 89n

picture editor 630

piezoelectric sensors for motion capture 396

ping-ponging 692

pin registration 291

pipeline: animation 8824, 885, 885; CG animation 9029; production 7245, 937

Pirates of the Caribbean 505

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 492

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 473

Pirates of the Caribbean series 9089

pitchvis 467, 52

Pixar Animation Studio: Alfred system of 968; building brain trusts at 910; full animation projects of 881; layout at 889; R&D at 9545

Pixar Renderman 837, 844, 971

pixel(s), required scanning 988

pixelation method for stop-motion animation in live-action features 927, 927n

pixel displacement for 2D to 3D conversion 4978, 503

pixel distribution, transformation of 5623

Pixel Farm 841

pixel parallax budget in 2D to 3D conversion 495

pixel repeat in 2D to 3D conversion 502

pixel resolution 988

pixel shifting for 2D to 3D conversion 4978, 503

planar cue 455

planar mapping 81112

planning during pre-production 23

plasma screens 95

plasters for miniature fabrication 347

plastic backings 106

plate(s): aerial 145, 26970; background (BG) 93, 630, 630n; defined 10, 177n, 261; moving 263; synchronous 314, 31416, 315; in 2D scene assembly 976; see also clean plates

plate features 762

plate flashing/spill 6856

plate photography 10, 10n; live-action 26172

plate reconstruction 6935

plate stitching 6945

Plate Supervisor, on set 77

platformer 860

platform games 860

platforms in production workflow implementation 9568

PlayStation 2 (PS2) 863

PlayStation 3 (PS3) 862

PlayStation Portable (PSP) 863

Plexiglas aircraft “bubble” canopies, reflection with 127

plumb bob and line for triangulation 203

plywood for miniature fabrication 347

plywood reference materials 185, 187

PM (Production Manager) for animated film 919

point clouds 153, 167n

“pointing finger” method of reference photography 221, 222

point light in computer graphics 796, 797

The Polar Express 540, 71617, 746, 747

polarization 516

polygon(s) 718, 719; engineering aspects for 7256; texturing and surfacing of 737

polygon count and placement for on-set 3D scanning 164

Pong 849

pop-through for stop-motion 328

The Poseidon Adventure 94, 844

positive parallax 450, 4534, 460, 500

post-generated in-between camera frame interpolation 257

Postgres 968

post-processing: of camera raw color encoding 609; of clean plates 1812; and edge spill 684; for games 8578, 858, 876; for motion capture 418; of motion capture 443; with photogrammetric data 7223; of simulation data 775; software for 41415

post-production 545714; Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) in 5508; for animated films 921; of array shot 260; for CG animation 906; characteristics of good visual effects artist in 6636; color management in 60625; communication with artists in 65663; compositing of live action elements in 67990; defined 5; digital intermediate in 6269; editorial workflow in feature animation in 64256; film scanning in 599603; “fixing it in” 104, 139; flexibility in 40; 4k+ systems theory basics for motion picture imaging in 57399; for high-speed photography 296; history of compositing in 66678; image compression/file formats for 55873; matte paintings/creative environments in 695712; with native 3D photography 4813; of on-set 3D scanning 1624; rebidding in 12; recording in 6036; resolution and image format considerations in 54550; rotoscoping and paint in 6905; for stereo 3D 4578, 51327; 3D matte painting in 71214; for 3D movies 5423; VFX editorial in 62942; for witness cameras 1923

post-trigger work with high-speed photography 295

postvis 47, 48, 56, 5761, 61

potentiometers for motion capture 396

power of 10 shots in visual effect shot design 378, 37n

power windows 626

practical effects 219; with miniatures 3536

practical light pass for miniatures 357

precap 73

pre-compositing (precomps) 334, 334n, 6301

premultiplied mattes 821, 822; formula for 989

preparation see pre-production/preparation

pre-production/preparation 575; advanced techniques for previs in 6874; for animation 8868; applications of previs in 517; breaking down script (budgeting) in 614; camera angle projection in 75; cautions and suggestions for good practice in 618; defined 5; designing visual effects shots in 2738; development of previs techniques in 4951; for games 874; by on-set stereographer 4856; overview of 56; postvis in 5761; previs in 458; production departments in 1727; for 3D movies 5412; for 2D to 3D conversion 4912; visual effects techniques in 3845; visualizing matte painting shot in 699; working with director and producer in 1417

pre-rendering of noninteractive scenes 8778

pre-trigger work with high-speed photography 295

previs: advanced techniques of 6874; for animation 904, 913; applications of 517; camera input for 701; in CG animation 900, 904; character input for 6970; “commandments” of 678; defined 458, 47; digital 48, 48, 4950; environmental input for 69; excessive cost for 623; financial disconnects with 64; for games 856, 86970; gaming techniques for 71; history and background of 4951; key concepts of 46; lidar scanning in 1545; lighting 712; and miniatures 352, 35960; not enough room for creativity with 656; not used to potential 66; on-set 47, 71, 72; passing work on from 668; perils of 616; personnel disconnects with 634; practical and technical disconnects with 645; role of VFX Supervisor in 68; rough “saddle-back” 623; special effects in 85; for stereoscopic 3D 4612; subgenres of 468, 47, 48; technical 47, 47; 3D stereo 73; too many choices for 63; for 2D to 3D conversion 4912; used by actors 55; used by assistant directors 55; used by camera and art departments 534; used by directors 512; used by directors of photography 545; used by editors 56; used by producers 523; used by special effects coordinators and stunt coordinators 55; used by VFX Producers 567; used by VFX Supervisors 56; used by writers 51; virtual 50, 734; in visual effect shot design 30

primaries in digital color image encoding 61011, 61012

Primatte 138, 681

prime lenses: for motion capture 409; for texture acquisition 313, 316, 316n

primer cord 88, 88n

PRMan (Photorealistic Renderman) 8445

probe lens 361

procedural effects: for digital hair/fur 7546, 755; in scene assembly 972

procedural noise patterns 814, 814

procedural shaders 81314, 814

procedural textures 7434

processed foreground 1034

processor for motion capture 41213

ProCyc 106

producers: of animated films 909; previs use by 523; working with 1417

production: of CG-animated content in live-action features 9269; credits/titles for 993; defined 5; for games 875; texture painting in 7445; of 3D movies 53844

production brain trust for animated film 910, 91920

Production Co-Coordinator for animated film 91920

production department(s) 1727; camera 1819; editorial 245; locations 257; makeup 212; meeting of 27; production 223; production design 1718; special effects 1920; stunts 20; visual effects 234; wardrobe 21

Production Department Manager (PDM) for animated film 91920

production design department 1718

production designer 17

production design in CG animation 905

production finance for animated film 91011

production management for animated films 907, 91718

Production Manager (PM) for animated film 919

production meeting 27

production pipeline: modeling for 7245; production workflow and 937

production workflow analysis 93445; from artistic requirements into technical specifications in 9401; balancing individual vs. group requirements in 9413; defined 9345; delivery points in 9356; example of 9367; level of detail in 9357; minimum set of deliverables in 9445; and pipeline 937; to production workflow design 9468; requirements analysis in 93743; service bureau vs. in-house requirements in 9435; subdeliverables in 9356

production workflow design 94652; deliverables in 952; designing for contingencies in 94952; designing to scale in 9489; documentation in 952; to implementation 95360; naming conventions in 9501; from production workflow analysis to 9468; redundancies in 949; training in 952

production workflow implementation 95360; building vs. purchasing for 9546; deliverables in 95960; platforms and packages for 9568; from production workflow design to 9534; testing during 958

Profile Connection Space (PCS) 61516, 616

Project 966

projection mapping 739, 81113, 812

projection matte paintings 7069, 708

projection screens for stereoscopic viewing 517

projectors: digital DLP 95; film 95; LCD 95

Pro Matte plastic material 106

prop(s): action 89; for actors 1458, 146, 147; as elements 2812; interaction of CG-animated content in live-action features with 929; modeling of 716; scanning of 1612

propane for fire with miniatures 380

property master 17

prosthetics, CG 835

prototyping for games 856, 86970

PS2 (PlayStation 2) 863

PS3 (PlayStation 3) 862

pseudo-modulation 584, 585

PSP (PlayStation Portable) 863

Ptex file format 571

puffs of smoke with miniatures 382

puppet(s) for stop-motion 3223

puppet rigging 72730, 728

purchasing vs. building 9546

purpose-built rigs for motion control 307

puzzle games 861

pyrotechnics 879; with miniatures 89, 3478, 365, 3656

pyrotechnic smoke 88


Quantel 457, 519, 525

query joins 970

QuickTimes 547

quill of feather 762, 762


racing games 861

Radiance picture file 572

radiant illumination 785

The Rag Place 105

rain bars 856

“rainbirds” 284

rain deflectors for live-action plate photography 268, 26970

rain effects: with miniatures 3778; special effects for 856

rain mats 86

rain rigs 86

rain windows 86

random jitter in real-time visual effects 195

range of colors 237

range of depth in 2D to 3D conversion 495

rasters 5734, 575; deep 823

RAW file formats 5689, 569

raw format for on-set 3D scanning 164

ray matching 8056, 806

ray tracing 798, 799, 807

RBD see rigid-body dynamics (RBD)

RCS (revision control system) 968; for scene assembly 973

R&D see research and development (R&D)

RDBMS (relational database management system) 9689, 970

ready-to-run agents in Massive 843

RealD system 517, 525

RealFlow 776

reality in visual effect shot design 323

realness: of digital models 717; of 2D to 3D conversion 5045

Real Steel 443

real time 851, 851n

real-time camera tracking 445

real-time motion capture 390, 43841, 439; for character identification 439; for character integration 440; limitations of 4401; line of sight with 440; for live performances 440; markers with 441; solving with 441; technologies for 441; uses of 390, 43940; for virtual cinematography 43940; visualization with 441

real-time strategy (RTS) games 853, 861

real-time visual effects 193200; benefits of 194; camera tracking for 1945; challenges and set up for 1989; defined 193; future for 200; main applications of 194; “near” 200; possible recorded variations with 199; practical considerations for 1978; successful system for 198; technical issues with 1956; technology for 1967; vs. virtual cameras 193; vs. visual effects in post-production 193, 195

Reardon Studios 862

rear projection systems 936; advantages of 934; disadvantages of 94; equipment for 95

reconstruction for motion capture 41819

recording 6036; approaches to 604; defined 603; estimating cost of 6056; requirements for 604

recording media for 3D capture 514

recording system for digital cameras 2524

red channel 98

red channel focus 2456

RedOne Epic camera 248, 288, 289; for 3D capture 514

Red Planet 127

Red Scarlet camera 249

redundancy: of markers 399; in production workflow design 949

Red vs. Blue 858

Reel EFX 254

reel lock in CG animation 904

Reel Steel 74

Reese, Jerry 49

reference data for facial motion capture 430

Reference Input Capture Device (RICD) 554

reference materials 1839; for characters smaller than human size 186; clock as 187; for creature that is very close or small 1867; eye convergence with 189; foam core as 185, 186, 1878; for human-sized CD characters 186; lightbox as 186; maquette as 185; monster stick as 1835, 184; plywood 185, 187; during pre-production 24; tips on shooting 1879; ultralight aircraft as 1856; for visual effects artists 65960

reference model 146, 146, 185

reference photography 2206; for digital hair/fur 756, 757; how to proceed with 2213, 222; shooting video for 2236

reference plates see clean plates

Reference Rendering Transform (RRT) 551, 555, 556

reference shooting considerations for gathering lighting data 1757

reference spheres 634n

reference transforms 551

reference videos 2236

referencing in scene assembly 9745

reflection(s): from backing 1259, 128, 129; in computer graphics 7978; with native 3D photography 484; photographed 798, 7989; simulated 798; specular 785, 797; 2D to 3D conversion with 498; with virtual 3D photography 4767

reflection occlusion 800

reflective spheres for gathering lighting data 16872, 170, 171

reflectometer 789

Regelous, Stephen 842

relational database management system (RDBMS) 9689, 970

relative scene exposure values 554

relative size in 2D to 3D conversion 490, 490

relighting 685

remeshed format for on-set 3D scanning 164

renderer 784

render farm for CG animation 908

rendering 784; for CG animation 906; defined 843; energy conservation in 805; of occlusion 800, 801; physically based 8024, 803; physically plausible 8045; 3D software for 8435

Renderman 807, 815, 837, 8445, 971

render time for digital hair/fur 754

Renderworld 775

repeatable camera head for clean plates 180

repeatable remote head for motion control systems 304n

replacement in stop-motion animation 898

replay sequences 877

replication: animation cycles for 82930; live-action 8278; modeling for 8289

re-projected photo survey 711

re-projection for actor enhancements 835

re-projection mapping workflow for 2D to 3D conversion 4978, 499502

requirements analysis 93743; from artistic requirements into technical specifications in 9401; balancing individual vs. group requirements in 9413; components of 938; defined 937; example of 9389; minimum set of deliverables in 9445; service bureau vs. in-house requirements in 9435

research and development (R&D): for animated film 914; during pre-production 23; of visual effect techniques 40; working across multiple facilities with 981

Resident Evil 5 850

resolution: in acquisition/shooting 2412; contrast and 5745, 575; with digital cameras 578; for element photography 281; with 4k+ systems 5738, 5747; of human eye 596, 5967; with large-screen projection 597, 598; limit of 575, 577; for motion capture 41011; with panoramic backgrounds 312; post-production considerations on 54750; for recording 604; for scanning 6012; and sharpness 5789, 579; spatial frequency and 5745, 575; test pattern for 5738, 5747; of witness camera 191

results-driven 3D camera rig 472

resume/credit list 14

retiming 637, 654, 654

retinal disparity 448, 448, 454

retroreflection 787

retroreflective curtain approach 680

retroreflective material for front projection 96

Return of the Jedi 49

revision control system (RCS) 968; for scene assembly 973

REYES rendering algorithm 844

RGB color space 236, 2367, 607, 608

RGB imaging encoding 6069, 6079

RGB triangles on chromaticity diagram 61112

Rhino 333, 371

RICD (Reference Input Capture Device) 554

Ride Film 50

rig(s) and rigging 1920, 72633; animation 5960, 59n, 72730, 728, 905; of CG-animated content in live-action features 928; for CG animation 905, 925; character 7279; clean up of 733; defined 7267; deformation 730, 7302; facial 72930; for feature animation production 8878, 9301; for motion capture 4012, 728; noncharacter 730, 733; to prepare for simulations 730, 733; removal of 85, 694; in shot modeling 733

right triangles, formulas for 991

rigid bodies in motion capture 420, 420

rigid-body dynamics (RBD) 7814; constraints for 7812; creation of 7812; defined 781; gravity with 781; level set with 783; other issues with 783; potential problems with 782; tricks for working with 784

rigid body solvers 421

rigid points in facial actor survey 426

rim light pass for miniatures 357

ring lights for motion capture 4056

“rip-o-matics” 49

Rising Sun Research 618

Ritter fans 86

road speed 2678

Mark Roberts Motion Control 308

robotic motion control systems 3067

Robots 881

rockets, specialized effects 89

Rodnunsky, Jim 271

Roger Rabbit 186

role-playing games (RPG) 853, 859

roll axis in real-time visual effects 195

rollout 959


rotoscoping 6903; in animation 897; approaches and techniques for 691; articulated mattes in 692; automated 691; in digital intermediate stage 626; to fix matte problems 675; of foreground image 45; garbage mattes in 6923; history of 690; stereoscopic 524, 6912

rough layout in CG animation 900

RPG (role-playing games) 853, 859

RRT (Reference Rendering Transform) 551, 555, 556

RTS (real-time strategy) games 853, 861

rules for acquisition/shooting 22732, 228

run-length encoding 5612

run takes 638, 638n


safety: camera car 2656; descenders for 91; with explosions 282, 3823; with lidar scanning 154; with miniatures 373, 384; on-set 83; with real-time visual effects 198; with smoke, fire, and pyrotechnics 87, 88, 284, 3789, 381, 382; with special effects 2, 19, 92; with stop-motion animation 326; visual effects to increase 2, 3

Sanctum 3D 486

scalability with motion capture 390

scale(s) and scaling: for miniatures 3359, 3368, 374; motion control for 3001; in stereoscopic 3D 4634; in third dimension 50910; in triangulation 217, 217; in visual effect shot design 34

scaled images in visual effect shot design 35

scanned 3D information, digital modeling from 7212, 723

scanner(s) and scanning 599603; defined 599; estimating cost of 6023; file format for 600; for gathering lighting data 1678; as image capture devices 624; image stability with 6001; need for 599, 599n; process of 600; resolution for 6012; and storage 602

A Scanner Darkly 884

scanner transmission sensor output, scene colorimetry and 624

scene(s): in ballpark budget 7; defined 7n

scene assembly 9717; 3D 9715; 2D 9767

scene colorimetry and scanner transmission sensor output 624

scene decomposition 9713

scene files 254

scene referred color image data 609

scene tracking 68990

schedule, monitoring of 12

Schuman, Chuck 120

Scotchlite tape 406

Scott, Anthony 319

“scrap” material, rough sequences of 25

screen balancing 110, 11012, 111; for digital original photography 11416, 115, 116; white card method for 11214, 113

screen brightness: and f-stop 110, 11012, 111; setting of 11216, 113, 115, 116

screen correction, backing uniformity and 1002, 1003

screen space in stereoscopic design 460

screen surround, manipulation of 474, 4746, 476

script: for animated film 913; breaking down of 614

scrums 874

sculpted miniatures 348

sculpting, free-form digital 7201

SDKs (software development kits) 808, 8645

seams of bluescreen 674

2nd unit 81

Second Assistant Editor for feature animation 645

Second Editor for feature animation 644

second units, on-set stereography with 489

sensitivity: of digital camera 235; for motion capture 412

sensors, subsampling in 2401

sequence(s): in CG animation 9034; defined 7n; in more detailed budget 89; in visual effect shot design 35

sequenced electro-photographs 254, 255

serious games 861

servers 9601

service bureau requirements, in-house vs. 9435

servo motors for motion control systems 307

set, impact of native 3D photography on 480

set director 17

set dressing: for CG animation 905; in scene assembly 972

set effects 90

set extension, lidar scanning for 1556

set lighting conditions for front projection 96

set rigging 90

setup for acquisition/shooting 22732

SFX see special effects (SFX)

SGO Mistika 519

shader(s) and shading 80717; in animation packages 81415, 815; antialiasing considerations with 816, 81617; bump and displacement 80810, 809, 810; custom 81516; defined 8078; implementation of 8078; Lambert diffuse 785, 786, 787, 787; map-based 81013, 812; Oren-Nayar 788; procedural 81314, 814; uses of 807

shader design 81416, 815

shading machinery 807

shading models 808; physically derived 78990

shading system 807

shadows: cast 824; in computer graphics 799, 824; contact 824; with hanging miniatures 3412; lighting for holding 1301, 131; lighting to eliminate 132; and screen correction for non-uniform backing 1002, 1003; with virtual 3D photography 476

shaft of feather 762, 762

shared shots in 2D to 3D conversion 493

shared workflows in 2D to 3D conversion 493

sharpness with 4k+ systems 5789, 579

shooting see acquisition/shooting

shooting conditions for miniatures 3556

shooting locations for miniatures 3556

shot(s): actual requirements of 40; in ballpark budget 78; defined 7n, 630; editing within 6301; length of 39; in more detailed budget 8; number of 39; power of 10 378, 37n; see also visual effect shot(s)

shot changes, VEX editing with 6401

shot finaling for CG animation 906

Shotgun 967, 970

shot list for motion capture 4024

Shotmaker 265

shot modeling 733

shot production, visual effects artists in 6601

shot sheet of scanning 162, 163

shot storage farm for CG animation 908

shot work with digital hair/fur 7512

Shrek 775

shrinking reality with miniatures 3723

shutter angle for element photography 2801

shutter for motion capture 411

Shutter Island 370

SI-2K camera for 3D capture 514

side-by-side rig 5078

Side Effects 776

side-screen projection 93

signed distance field with rigid-body dynamics 783

silhouette changes 834

silhouette matte 99, 99

silver halide crystals 672, 672n

sim games 853

simplicity in visual effect shot design 36

Simpson, George Gaylord 579

simulated reflections 798

simulations 771, 7716, 772; animation rigs to prepare for 730, 733; appropriate uses of 773; creation of 772; important considerations with 7745; in layers 784; particles for 77681; planning and preparation for 775; rigid-body dynamics for 7814; in scene assembly 9723; software solutions for 7756; tricks and cheats with 7734

Simulcam 445

Sin City 883

16-bit floating-point RGB formats 2389

60i format 243

60p format 2434

Skate 850, 850

skin cleanup 834

skinning 317, 317n

Skycam 271

“skyhook” 271

skylight source 124

Slim 971

Smallville 48

Smith, Alvy Ray 103

smoke effects 879, 286; with miniatures 3678, 3812

smoke pass for miniatures 357

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) 676n

smudge/drag tool 693

The Smurfs 767

S/N equation 234

snow, special effects for 867

SO214 film 677

Sobel matte 6856, 685n

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 676n

soft body dynamics 779

Softimage Creative Environment 776, 839

soft split shots 299

software development kits (SDKs) 808, 8645

software functions with greenscreen and bluescreen photography 99, 99

software integration for CG animation 908

Software Renderer 837

solar lights in computer graphics 797, 797

solid-state media for 3D capture 514

solid-state recording decks 252

solver(s) and solving: behavioral 423; constraint-based 421; for facial motion capture 4368; global optimization 422, 422; for motion capture 4213, 422; physics 423; with real-time motion capture 441; rigid body 421; in simulations 772

solver operators (SOPs) 837

Sony F3 camera 249; for 3D capture 514

Sony F5 camera 249; for 3D capture 514

Sony F55 camera for 3D capture 514

Sony F55 w/RS camera 248

Sony F65 digital camera 116, 248; for 3D capture 514

Sony HDCAM-SR 253

Sony Imageworks 837

Sony PlayStation 2 863

Sony PlayStation 3 862

Sony PlayStation Portable 863

Sony SR-R4 recorder 248

SOPs (solver operators) 837

sound cues, animating to 930

source perspective in 2D to 3D conversion 4923

source texture 740, 741

Spacecam 270

space-suit faceplates, reflection with 127

spark effects 88

spatial frequency and resolution 5745, 575

spatial scaling, motion control for 3001

special effects (SFX) 8392; defined 2, 8n, 83; design and planning of 85; for elements (rain, wind, snow, ice) 84, 857; enhancement of 85; flying wire rigs and stunts for 901; history of 834; mechanical 8990; for miniatures 37284; safety with 92; for smoke, fire, and pyrotechnics 879; in storyboards and previs 85; 3D software for 8423; visual effects in service to 845; working with 84

special effects (SFX) coordinators, previs use by 55

special effects (SFX) department 1920

Special Effects (SFX) Supervisor 84

special effects (SFX) unit, credits/titles for 996

specialized effects rockets 89

special photographic effects 275n

spectral conditions underlying densitometric data metrics 6212, 622

specularity maps 742

specular reflections 785, 797

specular response, normalized 805

speedboats, live-action plate photography on 269

speed in visual effect shot design 345

spheres for gathering lighting data 16872, 170, 171

spherical mapping 812

Spider-Man 271

Spider-Man 2 750, 751

Spider-Man 3 723

Spielberg, Steven 73

“spill” 103

spill bounce 683

spill light 934; controlling 12930

spill suppression 6834

spinning disk spray deflectors 269

splines 690, 690n; texturing and surfacing of 738

splinter unit 81

split-diopter 185, 185n

spongy animation 896

sports games 853, 860; alternative 860

spotlight in computer graphics 7967, 797

Spottiswoode, Nigel 474

Spottiswoode, Raymond 474

spray deflectors for live-action plate photography 26970

sprites 774, 774n; for crowd generation 828

spud 187, 187n

Spydercam 2712

Spy Kids 3D: Game Over 540, 883

squibs 88

sRGB 608, 608n

stabilization of facial actor survey 4256

staffing for animated film 91617

Starship Troopers 50

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 844

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 701

Star Trek: The Motion Picture 75

Star Wars 49, 357, 679

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones 50, 348, 350, 831

Star Wars prequels 881, 882, 883

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 50

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 50, 186, 276, 281, 828, 831, 834

static calibration in motion capture 417

static hair 751

static models 335

station point: for live-action plate photography 261; in triangulation 208, 208

statistical data for facial motion capture 4301

statistical model for facial motion capture 431

statistics on 3D movie production 5401

Steadicam 132, 133, 270, 271

stepper motors for motion control systems 304n, 307

stereo; see also under stereoscopic

stereo blending 5234, 5256

stereo camera rig 472, 481, 5078

stereo data workflow 5234

stereo disparity maps 524, 525

stereo ghosting 523

stereography, on-set 4849, 486, 488

stereo jump cut 465

stereo media workflows 522

stereopsis 448

stereo reconciliation 5256

stereoscopic; see also under stereo

stereoscopic color grading 5235

stereoscopic cue 455

stereoscopic design 45868; aesthetic of scale in 4634; avoiding painful 3D with 4623; creative use of depth in 45861; cutting for 3D in 4646; emerging grammar of 3D in 458; floating window in 4656; immersion-based vs. convergence-based 4667; lens choices in 4634; less is more in 4601; for multiple release formats 4668; practical storytelling in 3D in 461; previsualization for 4612; screen space in 460; stereo window in 45960; theater space in 460

stereoscopic digital intermediate workflow 51327; data workflow in 5234; geometry and correction of undesirable binocular disparity in 5256; milestones in 51315; projection screens for stereoscopic viewing in 517; RealD mastering considerations in 525; stereoscopic 3D conforming in 5202; 3D editorial process for 51820, 519; 3D stereo deliverables in 526; 2D vs. 3D grading in 5245; viewing 3D dailies in 51516

stereoscopic image pair 537, 537

stereoscopic rotoscoping 524, 6912

stereoscopic 3D 447544; accommodation and convergence in 4479, 448, 449; aesthetic of scale for 4634; avoiding painful 4623; breaking the mask in 4756, 476; color grading for 5245; compositing screen elements in 687; conforming process for 5202; creative use of depth in 45861; cutting for 4645; data workflow for 5234; deliverables in 526; depth range in 4523; designing for multiple release formats with 4668; elements for 275n; emerging grammar of 3D in 458; “fix it in post” for 4578; floating windows in 4547, 456, 4656, 4745; framing chart for 474, 475; geometry and correction of undesirable binocular disparity in 5256; how 3D works in 44758; immersion-based vs. convergence-based 4668; implementing convergence in 4723, 473; interaxial separation in 450; lens choices for 4634; manipulating screen surround in 474, 4746, 476; multiple camera rigs for 46971, 470, 471; native 3D photography vs. 2D to 3D conversion in 47784; on-set stereography in 4849; parallax budget in 4523; parallax in 4489, 449; positive and negative parallax in 4534; post-production for 4578, 51327; practical storytelling in 461; previsualization for 4612; process milestones for 51315, 514; producing movies in three dimensions in 53844; projection screens for viewing 517; RealD mastering considerations with 525; screen space in 460; stereoscopic design in 45868; stereoscopic digital intermediate workflow in 51327; stereoscopic visual effects in 50512; stereoscopic window in 45960, 52738; theater space in 460; 3D camera rig for 472, 481; 3D editorial processes for 51820, 529; toe-in vs. horizontal image translation in 4501, 451; 2D to 3D conversion in 489505; viewing dailies for 51516; virtual 3D photography in 46877

stereoscopic 3D conforming 5202

stereoscopic viewing, projection screens for 517

stereoscopic visual effects 50512; accuracy and attention to detail with 51011; artistic skill level for 511; data management for 51112; with photographed elements 510; prepping for 5067; shooting of 50710

stereoscopic window 45960, 52738; creation of 537, 5378; dynamic 528, 52830; as frame in front of screen 529; overhead view of 529, 530; personal space with 528, 5302, 5367, 537; placement logic for 535, 5357, 536; placement of 530, 5302; 2D vs. 527, 527; violations of 5325, 5334; world space with 528, 529, 530, 5367, 537

still cameras for gathering lighting data 1735, 174

still image compression 5607; contrast masking in 5667, 567; lossless 560, 5614; lossy 5601, 5647; luminance and chroma in 5646, 565; run-length encoding for 5612; transforming pixel distribution in 5623; variable-length bit sequences in 562; visually lossless 561

still photographs: for textures and lighting 31718; tiled 31314

stock footage for elements 273

stop-motion animation 8979; articulation in 8978; CG vs. 899; environments in 8989; in live-action features 927; replacement in 898; surface gauges in 898

stop-motion models 899n

stop-motion photography 31830; evolution of 319, 31921; evolution of shot in 3289; good moves to make at beginning of 330; lighting for 3245; native 3D 478; preparation before shooting of 3223, 323; setting up shooting space for 3235, 324; time required for 321, 3212; useful caveats for 3268, 327; use in visual effects of 329, 32930, 330; use of motion control in 3256, 326

stop-motion rigs for motion control 307, 308

stop-motion unit, credits/titles for 997

storage of scanned film data 602

storyboards: in feature animation 64750, 649, 904, 913; and special effects 85; in visual effect shot design 2930

story reels 649; in animation 49, 894; and CG 900; history of 49; and post-production 921

straight ahead animation 895

straight shooter lens 361

“street date” 876

strobe for motion capture 4056

Strobe Tracking System 133

structured light: for facial actor survey 4289; for motion capture 3945

structured light scanning 159, 160; for digital modeling 722

Stuart Little 715, 716, 749, 749, 757

Stuart Little 2 760, 761, 763

studio for animated film 91416

stunt(s) 901

stunt coordinators, previs use by 55

stunt department 20

stunt team as props for actors 1478

stuttering with motion tiling 316

subcontractors for animated films 91819

subdeliverables in production workflow 9356

subdivision surfaces 719

subsurface scattering 7901, 791

Super 35 format 545, 545n

Super Mario Brothers 860

surface(s) and surfacing 73445; bump maps in 7412; camera mapping for 73940; of Catmull-Clark surfaces 7378; in CG animation 9001; creation of 7403; of creature models 736; diffuse maps in 741; displacement maps in 742; film look for 744; finding or making source 741; of hard surface models 7346; importance of 734; luminance maps in 743; material designation maps in 743; in model editing 745; other map-driven effects in 7434; of polygons 737; prepping model for 73840; procedural 7434; in production 7445; projection mapping for 739; pure painting of 7401; from source 740; specularity maps in 742; of splines and NURBS 738; types of geometry and 7378; UV layout for 7389; volumetric mapping for 740

surface fitting for facial motion capture solving 4378

surface gauges 319, 31920; in stop-motion animation 898

surface parameterization 811

surface relaxing 813

surfactants 377

survey equipment for gathering lighting data 1678

Sweeney, Pat 345

swing in motion control systems 305

switchers 137

Syflex 776

sync block 640, 640n

synchronization: in motion control 30910; of witness camera 191

synchronous plates 314, 31416, 315

SynthEyes 8401


tagged image file format (TIFF) 572

tail slate 229, 229

tape-based recording systems 252, 253

tape-based workflow for stereo media 522

tape deck 252

target format 547

target perspective in 2D to 3D conversion 4923

task definitions 969

task tracking 96270; building systems for 96870; commercial systems for 9668; defined 9625; system requirements for 9656; tasks needing to be tracked in 963

tattoos 22, 834

Taylor, David ‘Mickey’ 488

TD (Technical Director) 957, 957n

team: animation 88990; creative 910, 91213; for game development 8723

Technical Director (TD) 957, 957n

technical previs 47, 47

technical specifications, artistic requirements translated into 9401

technicians: for camera array 258; for high-speed photography 2912; for VFX photography 258

technology for animated films 9201

Technoprops 435

tech scout 267

techvis 47, 47

temporal filling for occluded surface reconstruction 497

temporal offset for 2D to 3D conversion 504

temporal scaling, motion control for 3001

temp screenings 11

Temps Mort 255

10,000 BC 61, 61, 144, 146, 1468, 147

Terminator Salvation 345

Tesselator system 314

tessellation 719, 719n

testing: during development 958; during pre-production 23

test shots for acquisition/shooting 22932, 231

tethering of digital camera 2523

Tetris 849, 861

texture(s) and texturing 73445; acquisition of 31118; for animation production 8878, 9001, 905, 9301; bump maps in 7412; camera mapping for 73940; of Catmull-Clark surfaces 7378; for CG-animated content in live-action features 9301; creation of 7403; of creature models 736; diffuse maps in 741; for digital modeling 724; displacement maps in 742; film look for 744; finding or making source 741; of hard surface models 7346; importance of 734; luminance maps in 743; material designation maps in 743; in model editing 745; motion tiling and synchronous plates for 314, 31416, 315; other map-driven effects in 7434; for panoramic backgrounds 31213; of polygons 737; practical considerations with 31617; prepping model for 73840; procedural 7434; in production 7445; projection mapping for 739; pure painting of 7401; in scene assembly 9712; from source 740; specularity maps in 742; of splines and NURBS 738; stills for 31718; 3D software for 8456; tiled stills for 31314; types of geometry and 7378; UV layout for 7389; volumetric mapping for 740; working across multiple facilities with 980

texture mapping 317, 317n; in digital lighting 788, 7889

texturized format for on-set 3D scanning 164

theater space in stereoscopic design 460

Thermo-Key 680

third dimension: prepping for 5067; shooting of 5079; visual effects in 50910

third-party games 854

third-person shooter games 852

30p format 243

Thomas, Frank 893

3:1:1 scheme 240

3Ality 525

3D: ability to assess while shooting 4801; avoiding painful 4623; cutting for 4646; emerging grammar of 458; extreme action in 481; practical storytelling in 461; see also stereoscopic 3D

3D camera rig 472, 481, 5078

3D capture: cameras for 514; media for 514

3D CG characters, lidar scanning for 156

3D cinema 44758; accommodation and convergence in 4479, 448, 449; depth range in 4523; “fix it in post” for 4578; floating windows in 4547, 456; interaxial separation in 450; parallax budget in 4523; parallax in 4489, 449; positive and negative parallax in 4534, 460; toe-in vs. horizontal image translation in 4501, 451

3D-Coat 721

3D colorist 513

3D compositing 81727; bit depth and dynamic range in 81820, 819; of CG images 822, 8226, 826; color representation in 81718; mattes in 8201

3D computer model 835

3D dailies 51516

3D editorial processes 51820, 519

3D enhancement techniques 8334

3D graphics software 83740

3D home video deliverables 526

3D layout 689

3D material, availability of 47980

3D matte painting 71214

3D modeling phase for animation production 887, 905, 9301

3D movie production 53844; development in 53841; experience of 5434; post-production in 5423; pre-production in 5412; production stage of 542; rules for 53941; statistics on 5401; what to look for in 5413

3D photography, virtual 46877

3D plates 157

3D printing 323

3D products 83546

3D scene assembly 9715

3D software 83546

3D special effects software 8423

3D stereo deliverables 515, 516

3D stereo previs 73

3D Stereoscopic Production Company 525

3D Studio Max 83940

3D systems 83546

3D tracking 8403

300 883

THX 618

THX 1138 492

TIFF (tagged image file format) 572

tiles and tiling: for clean plate 181; in motion capture 4034; in NURBS 719, 719n; for panoramic backgrounds 31213, 312n; of stills 31314; traffic 315

tilts with miniatures 343

time-and-materials basis 7

time and visual effect technique 39

timecode 629, 629n

timecode generator with witness camera 191

time-lapse method for stop-motion animation in live-action features 927

timeline and bidding 1011

Timeslice 255

Time Slicing 255

timing 6269

Tintin 443

Titan AE 50

Titanic 775

titles 9937

toe-in 4501, 451, 473

tonal range 676

tools for miniature fabrication 352

Top Gun 492

Toy Story 915

track(s) and tracking: of CG-animated content in live-action features 9278; in motion control systems 305; task and asset 96270; 3D 8403

tracking markers: in greenscreen or bluescreen photography 1323, 133; on-set data acquisition from 1435, 144; set up of 79; for visual effects in third dimension 509

traffic tiles 315

training: for animated film 914; in production workflow design 952

transcoding 613

Transformers 711, 882

transit 79, 79n

translucent backings 11819

transmedia production design techniques for games 8548

transparency(ies): 2D to 3D conversion with 498; with virtual 3D photography 4767

transport of digital files 547

trapezoidal distortion 451, 451, 452

traveling matte technique 668, 6679, 668

travelling matte shots 97

triangulation 20120; applying positional data to greenscreen element in 21416, 215, 216; background and greenscreen plates in 205, 206; baseline location in 206, 207, 208; camera field of view in 212; camera pan angle relative to baseline in 211, 21114; camera/subject positional information in 2012, 2056; data plan in 208, 209, 214; for live-action plate photography 264; nodal point for 201, 204, 2045, 204n; recording of camera height, tilt, and Dutch angle in 20911, 210; scaling in 217, 217; station point in 208, 208; station point relative to baseline in 211, 211, 212; tool kit for 202, 2023, 203; tutorial on 20520; with uneven ground level 21720, 21820; viewfinder center in 214, 214

tristimulus values 610

Tron 49

Tropic Thunder 3

Truelight system 618

The Truman Show 698

Trumbull, Douglas 50, 358

trunnion gun 88, 88n

trunnion launcher 88, 88n

tuning in game development 875

turbulence of particles 7778

turnarounds 925

turnovers 11, 11n, 633, 633n

TV monitors in greenscreen and bluescreen photography 123

25p format 243

24p video shot 43n

twin shots, motion control for 299

two(s), animation in 895

2:35 ratio 545

2:40 ratio 545

2238 film 677

two-cut 653, 653

2D animation 8937

2D CG animation 9012

2D depth cues, visual analysis of 490, 4901

2D enhancement techniques 834

2D flat extensions, matte painting of 705

2D games 853

2D imagery, digital modeling from 721

2D scene assembly 9767

2D to 3D conversion 489505; automatic 503; depth creation preparation for 490; depth generation in 4956; dynamic temporal offset for 504; with grain 4989; image segmentation in 494, 4945; main stages of 4937; major approaches to workflow in 4978; native 3D photography vs. 47784; occluded surface reconstruction in 4967; other workflows for 5034; pixel displacement for 4978, 503; pre-production and previs for 4912; “realness” in 5045; with reflections 498; re-projection mapping workflow for 4978, 499502; shared shots/shared workflows in 493; source and target perspective in 4923; in special cases 4989; temporal offset for 504; with transparencies 498; visual analysis of 2D depth cues in 490, 4901

2D tracking 43n

2D window 527, 527

2.5D compositing 8267

2.5D enhancement techniques 834

2.5D tracking 43n

2k resolution 5479; appearance of 4k vs. 591, 5915, 592, 593, 5935

2001: A Space Odyssey 358

2012 52, 772


UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) 270

UI (user interface): for facial rigging 433; and production workflow design 9478

Ultimate Arm 266

Ultimatte AdvantEdge software 102, 1378

Ultimatte Chroma-Key paints 106

Ultimatte extraction tools 681

Ultimatte previewer 118, 134

Ultimatte Roto Screen Correction 102, 1023

Ultimatte Screen Correction software 101

Ultimatte software 1378

ultralight aircraft as reference materials 1856

ultramarine blue 671, 672

unbuilding of film 524n, 624

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 850

unconstrained 3D camera rig 472

underwater elements 285

underwater photography, greenscreen 136

uneven ground level, triangulation with 21720, 21820

unit tests 958

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) 270

unwrapping methods 813

upres 549

user interface (UI): for facial rigging 433; and production workflow design 9478

UV editing 726

UV layout for painting 7389

UV mapping 811, 812


vacuum formed miniatures 3489

vanes of feather 762, 762

Van Helsing 186, 281, 2867

Vanilla Sky 276

variable-length bit sequences 562

variation in crowd generation 829

velour background for element photography 277

velvet background for element photography 277

vergence 447

vertical parallax 519, 519

vertical window violations 5334, 534

VFX see visual effects (VFX)

vibration with live-action plate photography 2667

Vicon 422, 422, 841

video, reference 2236

video assist for high-speed photography 296

video assist operator 80

video cameras 281

video games see games

video switcher 2789

video tap 196, 196; in element photography 278

Video Ultimatte Preview 118, 134

video village 80

viewfinder center in triangulation 214, 214

view frustum 812, 812n

view frustum culling 754

viewing-angle dependencies in desktop color management 61920

viewing environment 247

viewing glass, contrast 124

violated poses 9256

virtual 3D photography 46877; ability to assess while shooting with 4801; ability to use special rigs with 481; availability of 3D material for 47980; breaking the mask in 4756; cost of 4789; creative changes with 482; defined 468; of extreme action 481; faithful representation of on-set depth with 483; fine level of control with 484; flares, reflections, and other anomalies with 484; floating windows in 474, 4745; image quality issues with 4834; impact on set of 480; impact on visual effects processes of 482; implementing convergence in 4723, 473; level of detail with 483; manipulation of screen surround in 474, 4746, 476; multiple camera rigs for 46971, 470, 471; on-set issues with 4801; overall issues with 47880; post-production issues with 4814; pros and cons of 4689; special cases for 4767; 3D camera rig for 472; vs. 2D to 3D conversion 47784; two eyes as insurance with 483

virtual asset 964, 964n

virtual axes for motion control data 302

virtual camera 70, 445; pros and cons of 4689; vs. real-time visual effects 193

Virtual Cinematography 255, 445; real-time motion capture for 43940

virtual previs 50, 734

Virtual Production 1, 734, 4435

virtual production space 53, 74

virtual sets 97; floor shots and 1223; lighting of 1302, 131

virtual shots 17, 636

virtual studio technology 9334

virtual windows 456, 456

virtual worlds 861

Vision2: 50-speed daylight film 135, 263; 100T and 200T films 134

Vision3 5219 film 622

Vision films 677, 678

Vision Research 290

VistaVision 274, 274n, 671

visual aliasing with digital hair/fur 746

visual development for animated film 913

visual effects (VFX): defined 12; full animation vs. 88192; with on-set stereography with 489; real-time 193200; reasons to use 3; and special effects 2; stereoscopic 50512

visual effects (VFX) artists: communication with 65663; and digital actors 661; and digital cinematography 6612, 662; and digital sequences 6623; and digital sets, environments, and extensions 661; guidance for 6567; qualities of good 6636; reference and perspective for 65960; in shot production 6601; working globally with 6589; working with teams of 6578

visual effects (VFX) data path 2279, 228

visual effects (VFX) department 234

Visual Effects (VFX) Editor 245, 62942; cutting room 6336, 635; editing within shot (pre-compositing) by 6301; and final renders 6412; historical background of 6313; responsibilities of 62930; and shot changes 6401; visual effects facility 63640, 639

visual effects (VEX) operators (VOPs) 837

visual effects (VFX) photography 25460; camera array for 2546, 255, 256; design of array shot in 2578, 259; future of 260; post-processing for 260; shoot day with 2589; special techniques for 25960; technicians for 258

visual effects (VFX) physical production unit, credits/titles for 9956

visual effects (VFX) processes, impact of native 3D photography on 482

Visual Effects (VFX) Producer: ballpark budget by 78; previs use by 567; on set 77, 789

visual effects (VFX) references 80

visual effects (VFX) shot(s): objective of 30; oner 38; power of 10 378, 37n; sequence of 35

visual effects (VFX) shot design 2738; action pacing in 36; budget and 32; camera angles in 33; camera motion in 36; CG characters in 37; concept art in 31; continuity in 31; creature and characters design in 37; depth of field in 35; detail in 34; framing in 33; guidelines for directors on 289; objective of shot in 30; oner in 38; original concepts in 32; photorealism in 312; power of 10 shots in 378, 37n; previs in 30; reality and magic in 323; scaled images in 35; scale in 34; sequence of shots in 35; simplifying in 36; speed in 345; storyboards in 2930

Visual Effects (VFX) Showrunner 967

Visual Effects (VFX) Supervisor: previs use by 56; role in previs of 68; on set 77, 7881

visual effects (VFX) techniques 3845; actual shot requirements and 40; additional suggestions for determining 405; advantages of CG 44; advantages of physical model 44; balance of 42; breakdown to simplest requirements for 41; budget and 39; budgeting time and money for testing of 41; camera motion and 40; cheating on 423; complexity and 39; to composite person in front of background 445; considerations for 3940; end result of 42; flexibility and time on live-action set and 40; flexibility in post-production and 40; hand vs. automated 42; length of shots and 39; look and 40; number of shots and 39; overzealous problem solving with 42; research and development of 41; review of other films and alternatives for 41; thinking outside box for 41; thinking pre-digital for 41; time and 39; tradeoffs in 434

visual filters for games 858

visual horizon 219, 21920

visual intensity, window placement and 536

visualization with real-time motion capture 441

visually lossless compression 561

visual perception limitations for large screens 5959, 596, 598

visual style in game development 8701

Vlahos, Petro 138

Petro Vlahos technique: for eliminating shadow 132; for holding shadow 1301, 131

voice tracks, animating to 930 volumetric lighting effects 8056, 806

volumetric mapping 740

VOPs (visual effects operators) 837

voxels 720


Waldos in motion control 298, 298, 298n

WALL-E 881, 882, 889

wand calibration in motion capture 41617, 417

wardrobe department 21

Ward’s anisotropic model 789

War of the Worlds 695

Wassel, Mike 268

Watchmen 365, 379, 379, 716

water, live-action plate photography on 26970

water effects with miniatures 354, 367, 376, 3767

water elements 284

water splashes 284

water tank 128, 1289, 129, 284

Waterworld 775

waveform monitor 112, 11416, 115, 116

wedge 670, 670n

Weingartner, Mark 269

Weisscam HS-2 camera 288, 289

Welles, Orson 49

white box tests 958

white card method for screen balancing 11214, 113

white points 110, 111; in digital color image encoding 61011, 61012; in 3D compositing 819

Whitlock, Albert 696, 703

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 882, 896, 915

widescreen format 545

Wii 862

Wilcam W7 VistaVision camera 288, 289

Wilcam W9 VistaVision camera 288, 289

Williams, Peter 327

Willow 708

wind effects 86

window(s): floating 4547, 456, 4656, 4745; power 626; rain 86; stereoscopic 45960, 52738; 2D 527, 527; virtual 456, 456

window placement 530, 5302; logic of 535, 5357, 536

Windows platform 957

window violations 5325, 5334

wire flying 901

wireless nonvideo motion capture 190

witness camera 79, 79n, 18993; actor preparation for 1912; crew preparation for 192; factors affecting 1902; position and setup of 190; post-production for 1923; resolution of 191; synchronization and phasing of 191; in 3D enhancement 833, 833n; time code and 191

wood for miniature fabrication 3467

workflow see production workflow

world building 444; with general geometry instancing 768, 7689

World of Warcraft 861

world space with stereoscopic window 528, 529, 530, 5367, 537

wrap deformers for facial rigging 433

wrap method for facial motion capture solving 437

Wratten No. 89 blue filter 113

Wratten No. 99 green filter 113

wrinkle removal 834

writers, previs use by 51

writing for animated film 913


Xbox 360 8623

Xbox Live 8623

The X-Files: Fight the Future 383, 383

XPAND system 467, 517

Xsens capture suit 393

x-sheets for animation 8945, 894n

XSI 957

XYZ colorimetry 610, 610

XYZ color space 235


YCbCr encoding 237

Y’CbCr encoding 237

Yeatman, Hoyt 318

YPbPr encoding 237

Yuricich, Matthew 695, 695

Yuricich, Richard 315


Zbrush 720

Zemecki, Robert 470

zero parallax 449, 450

zoom lens for motion capture 409

Zoopraxiscope 254

Z-screen polarizer 525

Z space 73