
accent discrimination, 78, 84, 94, 128; definition of, 167

Acuña, Rodolfo, and nationalism, 69

affirmative action, 130–135; and class, 119; critique of, 131–132; defense of, 132; definition of, 167; and white privilege, 91

African Americans: and environmental justice, 116–118; and home ownership, 116, 117, 119

Afrocentrism, definition of, 167

Aguilar v. Avis Rent a Car System, Inc., 106

Alfieri, Anthony, and stories in clinical lawyering, 53

Americanization, definition of, 167

amicus brief, definition of, 167

antiessentialism, 10–11; and Latinos, 93. See also essentialism/antiessentialism debate

anti-Semitism, definition of, 167

antisnitching campaigns, 62; definition of, 167

apartheid, definition of, 167

Arizona: and English only laws, 128–129; and high school ethnic studies programs, 68–69, 129; and laws against undocumented people, 129

Aryan race, definition of, 168

Asians: and critical legal theory, 3, 94–96; model minority stereotype, 94; and whiteness, 82

assimilation, 66–70; definition of, 168

aversive racism, definition of, 168

Avis. See Aguilar v. Avis Rent a Car System, Inc.

Aztlan, 69

Bakke, Alan, and affirmative action, 38, 131

barrio, definition of, 168

beauty, standards of, 83, 142

Bell, Derrick, xv, 4, 6, 9, 22–24, 35, 38, 45, 48, 68, 104, 108, 140

Bell Curve, The, and affirmative action, 131–132

bicultural education, definition of, 168

bilingualism, definition of, 168

binary paradigm of race: definition of, 168; historical harms of, 80–82. See also black-white binary

biological view of race, definition of, 168. See also race

biracial identity: definition of, 168. See also multiracial

birthright citizenship, definition of, 168

black exceptionalism. See exceptionalism

black judges, and racial injustice, 12, 46

Black Lives Matter, 124

Black Panthers, definition of, 168

black rage, definition of, 168

black-white binary, 77–84, 93; consequences of, 80–83; definition of, 169.

black women, and dilemma of intersectionality, 59–61

book banning, in Tucson school district, 68–69

Border Patrol, definition of, 169

borderlands, definition of, 169

box checking, 83. See also racial fraud

bracero programs, definition of, 169

broker class, definition of, 169. See also minority middle managers

Brown v. Board of Education, 9, 22–24, 29, 130

Buffalo Soldiers, 82

Butler, Paul, 6, 124

buying a car, 2

California, and Proposition 187, 82

campus speech codes, definition of, 169. See also hate speech

capitalism, 135–136; definition of, 169. See also class; economic democracy; hypercapitalism

Carbado, Devon, 6, 74, 106, 154

Carino v. University of Oklahoma, 84

categorical thinking: and identity, 140; and intersectionality, 58–64; and race, 21, 32–33, 79, 140–141; and whiteness, 85. See also black-white binary

Chicanos/Chicanas, definition of, 169

Chin, Vincent, 94

Chinese Exclusion Acts, 81; definition of, 169

citizenship, racial qualification for, 86–88

Civil Rights Acts, definition of, 169

civil rights discourse, and critical race theory, 3, 5–6. See also liberalism; rights

civil rights movement, definition of, 170

class, 106–107; and affirmative action, 133–135; definition of, 170; intersection of race and, 115–120; theory of, 115–116

classism, and beggar story, 19–20

classroom exercises, 35, 37, 70, 92, 109, 142, 160

coalition politics, 83–84; definition of, 170; and globalization, 117, 136–137

Cochran, Johnny, 53

cognitive dissonance, definition of, 170

Cold War, 23; definition of, 170

colonialism: definition of, 170; effect on globalization, 136; legacy of, 136–137

color blindness, 8–9; and affirmative action, 130–135; and the Constitution, 26; definition of, 170; and judging, 12, 26–28; and racial remedies, 26–28

color consciousness in judicial decisions, 26–28

color imagery, 85–86; definition of, 170

Commonwealth v. Local Union 542, International Union of Operating Engineers, 12, 46

conservative(s): and affirmative action, 131–132; agenda, 30; campaigns, 104, 114; definition of, backlash, 170

contradiction-closing cases, 38; definition of, 170

corrido, definition of, 171

countermajoritarianism, definition of, 171

counterstorytelling, 49–50; definition of, 171; power of, 50–53; about racial subordination, 48–49. See also legal storytelling and narrative

covering, 74

Crenshaw, Kimberlé, xv, 6

crime: defining, 120–121; white collar, 50, 121

criminal justice system, and minorities, 120–124

critical legal studies: and critical race theory, 5, 158; definition of, 171

critical race feminism, 96; definition of, 171

critical race masculinism, definition of, 171

critical race theory: and activism, 8, 105–106; and affirmative action, 119–120; and charge of anti-Semitism, 103; and class, 115–120; and color blindness, 27–28; and conservative campaigns, 104, 114; and context, 65; and critical legal studies, 5; criticism of, 102–109; and critique of merit, 103–104, 132–135; definition of, 3, 171; and economic democracy, 108; in education, 7, 173; and empirical analysis, 142–144; and ethnic studies, 6; and feminism, 5; front-burner issues of, 114–140; future of, 152–161; and identity, 106–108, 140–142; and interest convergence, 20–24; internal critique of, 104–108; and legal indeterminacy, 5; and legal storytelling, 44–54; and liberalism, 5, 6, 22, 26–31, 64–65; and material determinism, 20–24, 81–82; and nationalism, 67–69; origins of, xv–xvii, 3–4; and philosophy, 8; principal figures in, 6–7; and racial realism, 20–24; relations within, 106–108, 140–142; and relationship to previous movements, 5–6; and relevance outside U.S., 108–109; and revisionist history, 25–26; and social construction of race, 9, 21; spin-off movements of, 3–4, 7–8; and spread to other countries, 8, 108–109; and structural determinism, 31–39; tenets of, 8–11; themes of, 19–39; and theory, 105–106

critical white studies, 85–92

critique of liberalism. See liberalism, critique of

critique of merit. See merit, critique of

critique of rights. See rights, critique of

cultural defense, definition of, 171

culture of poverty. See poverty

cummings, andré, 7

cumulative voting, 139; definition of, 171. See also voting

darkness, associated with evil, 86

Dawes Act, 81

deconstruction, definition of, 171

Delgado, Richard, xv, 4, 26, 50, 102, 157

deportation, definition of, 172

desegregation, definition of, 172

determinism, definition of, 172. See also material determinism; structural determinism

differend, 51–52

differential racialization, 9–10, 74–80; definition of, 172. See also racialization

discourse, definition of, 172

discrimination: accent, 78, 84, 94, 128, 167; definition of, 172; difficulty of intersectional claim of, 59–63; failure of colorblind programs to redress, 65, 119–122; housing, 115–116, 117; and legal storytelling, 50–51; proxy, 93; reverse, 91, 183; statistical, 121; workplace, 59–62, 106, 144, 185. See also oppression

disenfranchisement, definition of, 172; felon, 124, 139, 155. See also voting

diversity, definition of, 172

double consciousness, 46, definition of, 172

double minorities, 65

dreamers, 93; definition of, 172

Driver, Justin, 108

driving while black, definition of, 173. See also racial profiling

Du Bois, W. E. B., and double consciousness, 46

Dudziak, Mary, 23–24

economic democracy, 108, 156. See also class

economic determinism. See material determinism

education, critical race theory in: definition of, 173; development of, 7

empathic fallacy, 33–35; definition of, 173

empathy, 33–35, 48; and sentencing, 35

empirical analysis, and racial oppression, 142–144

employment discrimination. See discrimination: workplace; Title VII

English-only movement: definition of, 173; statutes, 128–129

environmental justice movement, 116–118

epithets, definition of, 173. See also hate speech; racial insults

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), definition of, 173

Equal Protection Clause, 130; definition of, 173

equality, colorblind, 8

erasure, definition of, 173

essentialism, 63–64; definition of, 173

essentialism/antiessentialism debate, 63–66. See also antiessentialism

ethnicity, definition of, 174

eugenics, definition of, 174

Eurocentrism, definition of, 174

European Americans, and whiteness, 88–89

“everything must change at once,” 91

exceptionalism: black, 79; and coalitions, 83; definition of, 174

exclusion of minority scholarship, 102–103

false consciousness, definition of, 174

Farber, Daniel, and critique of critical race theory, 54, 102–104

farmworkers’ movement, definition of, 174

feminism, and critical race theory, 5. See also critical race feminism

First Amendment: definition of, 174; and speech rights, 29, 106, 125–126, 128–129

formal equality, definition of, 174

Fourteenth Amendment, definition of, 174

Freeman, Alan, 4, 6, 38

Gallo. See People ex rel. Joan Gallo v. Acuna

gangs, 121–122

gay bashing, definition of, 174

gay/lesbian (LGBT) or queer legal theory, 96–97, definition of, 175

Gertner, Judge Nancy, 123

globalization, 135–137; and possibility of worldwide worker coalitions, 136–137

Gómez, Laura, 6

Gotanda, Neil, 6

greaser, definition of, 175. See also hate speech

green card, definition of, 175

Greene County boot camp, 28

Grutter v. Bollinger, 131, 135, 143

Guinier, Lani, 6, 106, 157

Gulati, Mitu, 6, 74, 106, 154

Haney López, Ian, 6, 49, 85

Harlan, Justice John: and the Chinese, 82; and dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson, 26–27, 130

Harris, Angela, xiii–xvii, 6

Harris, Cheryl, 6, 85

Harvard Law School, xv

hate crime, definition of, 175

hate speech, 33–34, 125–128; and Aguilar v. Avis Rent a Car System, Inc., 106; and campus climate, 127; definition of, 175; on the Internet, 127–128; jurisprudence in Canada, 125–126; and Monteiro v. Tempe Union High School District, 38–39; remedies for, 125–126; and Taylor v. Metzger, 26, 80, 126–127; and Words That Wound, 26

hegemony, 46–47; definition of, 175

heterosexism, definition of, 175

Higginbotham, Judge Leon, 12, 46

hip-hop theory: and criminal law, 124; definition of, 175

Hirabayashi v. United States, 93–94

hiring quotas, definition of, 175

Hispanic, definition of, 175

homeostasis, and law reform, 38

homophobia, definition of, 175

hydra, two-headed, of race, 90

hypercapitalism, 108, 136. See also capitalism

hypodescent, definition of, 175

idealists: and identity, 140–142; and social construction of race, 9, 21; and strategies for law reform, 25–26

identity, 10–11, 107–108, 140–142; definition of, 176

ideology, definition of, 176

illegal alien, definition of, 176

immigrant analogy, definition of, 176

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), definition of, 176

immigration: activism, 93; enforcement, 129; law and policy, 86–88, 137–138; and probable cause laws, 93; reform, definition of, 176; and whiteness, 86–89

imperialism, definition of, 176

Implicit Association Test (IAT), 13; use of, 143

implicit bias, 13, 143–144; definition of, 176

indeterminacy, legal, 5; definition of, 176

Indian Appropriation Act, 81

Indian removal, definition of, 176

indigenous movements: and people’s rights, 3; and resistance to hypercapitalism, 136–137

initiative process, definition of, 176

integration, definition of, 177

interest convergence, 9, 20–24, 48; critique of, 108; definition of, 177; and demographic shift, 154; and Derrick Bell, 22–24, 108

internal colonialism, 69; definition of, 177; and location of biohazards, 116

internment, definition of, 177. See also Japanese Americans

interracial. See multiracial

intersectionality, 10–11, 58–63, 96; and claims for discrimination, 59–61; definition of, 177; of race and poverty, 119; and women’s studies, 159

Japanese Americans: internment of, 83, 94–95; and reparations, 95; and whiteness requirement for citizenship, 86–88

Jersey Heights Neighborhood Ass’n v. Glendening, 117–118

Jim Crow laws, definition of, 177

Johnson, Kevin, 6

Johnson, Lyndon (Pres.), 131

judicial review, definition of, 177

jury nullification, 122; definition of, 177

Kang, Jerry, 6

Kennedy, Randall, and critique of critical race theory, 102–103; response to, by critical race scholars, 103

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 130

Korematsu v. United States, and NAACP, 83

Ku Klux Klan, definition of, 177

Kuhn, Thomas, 51

language rights, 125–129

LatCrit theory, 3, 93; definition of, 178

Latino/a critical legal theory. See LatCrit theory

Latinos/Latinas: and black-white binary, 78, 82, 93; definition of, 178; and identity, 141; issues, 92–93; and nationalism, 68–69; and nativism, 93

law reform: and counterstorying, 48; and homeostasis, 38; idealist strategies for, 25–26, 140–141; and legal research tools, 32–33; materialist strategies for, 25, 140, 141

Lawrence, Charles, 6, 106, 157

lawyering for social change, 36–37

legal concepts and categories, 32–33

legal doctrine, definition of, 178

legal realism, 126; definition of, 178

legal research tools, as hindrances to law reform, 32–33

legal storytelling and narrative, 11, 44–54; in court, 52–53; critique of, 53–54; definition of, 178; interpretations of, 44–45; power of, 50–53; use of, 45–46, 50–51. See also counterstorytelling; narratives and narrative theory

legitimacy, definition of, 178

lesbian legal theory. See gay/lesbian (LGBT) or queer legal theory

Levit, Nancy, 7

LGBT legal theory. See gay/lesbian (LGBT) or queer legal theory

liberalism: critique of, 22, 26–31, 64–65; definition of, 178

look-to-the-bottom strategy, 27

López, Gerald, 7

López, Ian Haney. See Haney López, Ian

Lowell High School (San Francisco, Calif.), and admissions, 83

LSAT (Law School Admissions Test), 132, 135, 143; and stereotype threat, 142–143

Lyotard, Jean-François, 51–52

majoritarianism, definition of, 178

Manifest Destiny, definition of, 178

maquiladoras, 136; definition of, 178

marketplace of ideas, definition of, 179

Martinez, George, 51

Marxism, definition of, 179

material determinism, 9, 20–24, 81. See also interest convergence

materialists: and nationalism, 67–68; and revisionist history, 25; and strategies for law reform, 25, 140, 141; and white self-interest, 21–22

Matsuda, Mari, xv, 6, 106, 127, 157

McIntosh, Peggy, and white privilege, 90

melting pot, definition of, 179

merit: critique of, 103–104, 132–135; definition of, 179

mestizos/mestizas, definition of, 179

Mexican Americans: effect of U.S. war with Mexico on, 81; and other white policy, 82, 83

microaggressions, 1–3, 144; definition of, 179

Middle Easterners, 4, 115; stereotypes of, 10, 52

migrant worker, definition of, 179

mindset, 50, 77; definition of, 179

minority middle managers, 83, 154–155. See also broker class

miscegenation, definition of, 179

mixed race. See multiracial

model minority myth, 94; definition of, 179

Monteiro v. Tempe Union High School District, 38–39

Montoya, Margaret, 6

multiculturalism, definition of, 179

multiple consciousness, 63; definition of, 179

multiracial: and the Census, 71–72, 93, 141; definition of, category, 180; definition of, person, 180; identity, 71–72, 141, 152–153

Muslims, animus against, 4, 24, 82, 115

NAACP: and Korematsu v. United States, 83; Legal Defense Fund and Brown, 22

NAFTA, 136; definition of, 180

narratives and narrative theory, 34–35, 44–54; in court, 52–53; and the differend, 51–52; and mindset, 50. See also legal storytelling and narrative

nationalism, 66–70; black, 66–68; definition of, 180; Latino, 68–69

nativism, 93; definition of, 180

naturalization: definition of, 180; and race cases, 86–89

negrophobe, definition of, 180

neocolonialism, definition of, 180

nomos, and narrative theory, 49

normative, definition of, 180

Obama, Barack (Pres.), xix, 24, 26, 30, 51, 89, 104

one-drop rule, definition of, 180

Onwuachi-Willig, Angela, 6

Operation Wetback, definition of, 180

oppression: economic, 13, 107–108, 136; hydra of, 90; and implicit bias, 144; and intersectionality, 58–59; and social change, 63–64; and social dominance theory, 144; and stereotype threat, 142–143; and voice of color, 11. See also discrimination

Ozawa. See Takao Ozawa v. United States

paradigm, 51; black-white, 77–84; definition of, 181

passing, 69; definition of, 181

patriarchy, definition of, 181

People ex rel. Joan Gallo v. Acuna, 121–122

Perea, Juan, 6, 106

performative identity, 74, 162–163

perspectivalism: definition of, 181; and intersectionality, 62; and white transparency, 91

plenary power doctrine, and immigration, 137; definition of, 181

Plessy v. Ferguson, 26–27, 82, 130

police and policing, 120–121, 129; and community relations, 124; and probable cause laws, 93; racial profiling, 121–122

politics of identification, 62

politics of respectability, 62

populist movement, definition of, 181

Posner, Judge Richard: and critique of legal storytelling, 54; and paradigm shifts, 51; and racial preferences, 28

postcolonial studies, and globalization, 137

postmodernism, definition of, 181

postracial, 26, 30, 104, 115; definition of, 181

poststructuralism, definition of, 181

poverty, 115–120; intersection of race and, 119

power: and demographic shift, 152–161; between lawyer and client, 52–53; and shape of knowledge, 77–97

prejudice, definition of, 181

principle of involuntary sacrifice, definition of, 181

prisons and prison building, 123–124

privilege, definition of, 182

profiling, definition of, 182. See also driving while black; racial profiling

property interest in whiteness, 86; definition of, 182

public-private distinction, definition of, 182

push-pull theory of migration, definition of, 182

queer-crit. See gay/lesbian (LGBT) or queer legal theory

race, 49; biological view of, 168; and black-white binary, 77–84; and body image, 142; and class, 115–120; definition of, 182; intersection of, and poverty, 119; social construction of, 9, 21, 184; traitor, definition of, 182

racial depiction. See stereotype(s)

racial epithets. See hate speech

racial fraud and box checking, definition of, 182. See also box checking

racial insults, 26, 80; and emotional distress, 80, 126–127. See also hate speech

racial profiling, 121, 122–123

racial progress and retrenchment, 81–84

racial realism, 20–24; definition of, 183. See also interest convergence

racial reform: and conservatives, 30–31; strategies for, 25–26, 64–66

racialization, definition of, 182. See also differential racialization

racism: and beggar story, 19–20; color-blind remedies for, 8–9, 26–28; definition of, 183; and innocence, 91–92; kinds of, 31–32; and microaggressions, 1–3, 144; ordinariness of, 8; quantity of, 11–13

realists. See materialists; racial realism

reasonable racist, definition of, 183

Reconstruction, definition of, 183

redistricting, definition of, 183

redlining, definition of, 183

Regents of University of California v. Bakke. See Bakke, Alan

reparations, 52; definition of, 183

restrictive covenants, definition of, 183

reverse discrimination, 91; definition of, 183. See also affirmative action

revisionist history, 25–26; definition of, 183

rights: critique of, 28–30, definition of, 171

Rosen, Jeffrey, and critique of critical race theory, 53

Ross, Tom, 7

Ruiz v. Hall, 128–129

rule of law, definition of, 183

Samaha v. Wash. St. Dept. of Tran., 144

Sander, Richard, and critique of affirmative action, 133

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), 116, 132

segregation, definition of, 184

sentencing guidelines, 123–124

separate but equal, 130; definition of, 184

separatism, definition of, 184. See also nationalism

serving two masters, 36–37

Shelby County v. Holder, 139–140

Sherry, Suzanna, and critique of critical race theory, 55, 102–104

Sidanius, Jim, and social dominance theory, 144

silencing: cure for, 50–52, 66; definition of, 184

Simpson, O. J., verdict, 53

social construction of race. See race: social construction of

social dominance theory, 144

social justice. See racial reform

social well-being of minority groups, 12–13

standardized testing: and class, 116; critique of, 116, 132–133

standing, definition of, 184

State v. Buggs, 49

status quo, definition of, 184

Steele, Claude, and stereotype threat, 142–143

Stefancic, Jean, xvi, 7

stereotype(s): definition of, 184; of racial groups, 10, 34, 52

stereotype threat, 142–143; definition of, 184

stigmatization, definition of, 184

stock stories: about African Americans, 47; definition of, 184. See also legal storytelling and narrative

stories and storytelling. See legal storytelling and narrative

structural determinism, 31–39; definition of, 184

subordination, definition of, 185

sweatshop, 136; definition of, 185

Takao Ozawa v. United States, 87–88

Taylor v. Metzger, 26, 80, 126–127

Tea Party movement, 89

terra nullius, definition of, 185

three-strikes-and-you’re-out case, 122–123

Title VII, definition of, 185

Trail of Tears, definition of, 185

transparency: definition of, 185; of whiteness, 91–92

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 93

triangulation, politics of, 115

tribal sovereignty, definition of, 185

triumphalism, critique of, 5

Tucson, Arizona: Latino studies program banned, 68–69

Tushnet, Mark, and critique of legal storytelling, 54

unconscious racism, definition of, 185

undocumented worker, definition of, 185

United Nations, and index of social wellbeing, 13

United States: demographics of, xix, 152–153; effect of economic downturn on minorities in, 114–115; immigration policy of, 137–138; and war with Mexico, 80

United States of America v. Leviner, 123

University of California at Berkeley, and admissions, 84

University of California at Davis Medical School, and affirmative action, 131

University of Chicago, xiii–xv

U.S. Department of Justice, and school desegregation, 23–24

U.S. Department of State, and race relations, 23

Valdes, Francisco, 6

vigilante, definition of, 185

Virginia v. Black, 160

voice: of color, 11, 102; definition of, 186

voting, 139–140; cumulative, 139; and felon disenfranchisement, 124, 139, 155; and stringent requirements, 140

WASP, definition of, 186

wealth gap, 13, 118–119

Weinstein, Judge Jack B., and empathy, 35

welfare, 118

White, Lucy, and stories in clinical lawyering, 53

white collar crime, 50, 121

white privilege, 89–91; and standardized testing, 134–135

white studies. See critical white studies

white(s): identification of other groups with, 82, 83; and Plessy v. Ferguson, 26–27; supremacy groups, 89

whiteness: definition of, 186; and immigrant groups, 86–89; and innocence, 85–86, 91–92; legal definition of, 87–88; normativity of, 86, 91; as a property interest, 86, 186

Wildman, Stephanie, 7

Williams, Patricia, xv, 6, 45

Williams, Robert, 6, 158

Wittmer v. Peters, 27

Yamamoto, Eric, 6

Yoshino, Kenji, 74