

First and foremost we would like to acknowledge the incredible efforts of the chapter authors, without whom this book would literally not be possible. We are particularly grateful for their willingness to, in many cases, take a leap of faith: owing to the nature of the book, many chapters were written by co-authors who had never previously worked together. Separated by disciplines yet united by their interest in the topic, we hope the authors have learned as much working together as we have learned in reading their chapters.

Behind the scenes, a number of people also played key roles in helping this book come together. Mo Wang encouraged Russ and Lance to consider submitting a prospectus on the topic, and conversations with Doug Brown helped inspire the idea of bringing together researchers from social psychology and industrial-organizational/organizational behavior to collaborate on chapters. Rich Klimoski was instrumental in shepherding us through the early stages of submitting and revising our prospectus, and the great feedback on our prospectus from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Organizational Frontier Series Editorial Board helped improve the final product. Finally, on the publisher side, our collaborators at Routledge – Christina Chronister, Julie Toich, and Lauren Verity – kept us on track and on time, and were key to putting together the volume.

D. L. F.
R. E. J.
C. S.