1 The Self at Work: An Overview
D. Lance Ferris, Russell E. Johnson, and Constantine Sedikides
Fundamental Concepts and Theories
Jeffrey B. Vancouver, Mark Alicke, and Leah R. Halper
Douglas J. Brown and Virgil Zeigler-Hill
4 Social Identifications in Organizational Behavior
Daan van Knippenberg and Michael A. Hogg
5 Self-Enhancement in Organizations
D. Lance Ferris and Constantine Sedikides
6 Self-Control in Work Organizations
Russell E. Johnson, Mark Muraven, Tina L. Donaldson, and Szu-Han (Joanna) Lin
7 Emphasizing the Self in Organizational Research on Self-Determination Theory
James M. Diefendorff, Nathalie Houlfort, Robert J. Vallerand, and Daniel Krantz
8 The Role of Guilt in the Workplace: Taking Stock and Moving Ahead
Rebecca L. Schaumberg, Francis J. Flynn, and Jessica L. Tracy
9 Contextualizing Social Power Research Within Organizational Behavior
Michael Schaerer, Alice J. Lee, Adam D. Galinsky, and Stefan Thau
Jasmine L. Wheeler, Michele J. Gelfand, Ying-yi Hong, and Chi-yue Chiu
11 An Actor–Perceiver Model of Impression Management in Organizations
Mark R. Leary and Mark C. Bolino
12 Escaping the Self: Negative Self-Evaluations and Employee Alcohol Misuse
Cynthia D. Mohr, Sarah N. Haverly, Ariane Froidevaux, and Mo Wang
Applications to Organizational Concepts
13 How Future Work Selves Guide Feedback Seeking and Feedback Responding at Work
Frederik Anseel, Karoline Strauss, and Filip Lievens
14 The Self and Engagement at Work
Sabine Sonnentag and Doris Fay
Robert G. Lord and Susanna L. M. Chui