There’s a story doing the rounds about a thirty-three-year-old Australian who won some sort of drinking contest, but at enormous cost.
This bloke, who worked in the computing industry but didn’t have quite as many megabytes of hard drive as you’d expect, keeled over after drinking thirty-four glasses of beer, four bourbons and sixteen tequilas in one hour and forty minutes. His blood alcohol was apparently .353. That’s more than seven times over the limit and way past a man’s ability to keep alive, let alone drive.
Our computer geek was partaking in a drinking competition which gave contestants 100 minutes in which to consume as much alcohol as possible. Under the rules of the competition, you were awarded one point for a beer, three for a wine and eight for a spirit. Our man scored 202 — the equivalent of 202 beers in 100 minutes — and won the competition by 44 points.
Unfortunately, he died before he could collect the prize and the barman was fined $20,000 for his part in the stupidity.