
Wilderness did his best to convince her.

“Janis, you’ll be the decoy. If you’re looking for risk, if you’re looking for danger there’ll be more than enough for both of us.”

“I’m not as naïve as you think. I’m not looking for risk, I’m not looking for danger. I am looking to be significant. I am looking … I am looking … to make a difference!”

“Believe me, you will.”

“Fuck you, Joe.”

“Not helpful, Janis.”

“Me being a soddin’ decoy is hardly much of a step up from typing. Did you get me here just for that? Or are we going back to showing Carry On films as a cover for a dodgy booze racket?”

“Cheap shot, Janis.”

“At least your rackets made a profit!”

“Cheaper still.”

With her last insult some of the steam seemed to go out of her. She smoothed down her dress and shook the hair out of her eyes. Looked to Wilderness to be very disappointed in him.

“I have to go. Lord Brynmawr isn’t exactly the life and soul of the party. In fact, in less than a month I’ve concluded he’s a total twat who shouldn’t be allowed out on his own. And he’ll get his knickers in a twist if I’m not out there schmoozing.”

“Fine. Just let me know when the chain’s in place.”

A sigh of deep exasperation, an upward tilt of the head. In heels she and Wilderness were unflinchingly eye to eye.

“I’ll get a message to Kruger at Erdbahn … some sort of follow-up to tonight’s farce, a thank you, a suggestion to discuss things further … whatever … he’ll pass it to his bloke at Mělník.”

“A time and place?”

“Of course.”


“Oh, good? Happy now? Right, I’ll get back to me typewriter.”