N North; Northern; Norway; Norwegian
n name; near; negative; nephew; new; noon; north; northern; noun; number; neutral; neuter; normal
NA North America
n/a not applicable; not available
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Naafa North American Association for Fatness Acceptance
NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (also Naafi, Naffy)
NAB National Assistance Board; National Association of Broadcasters
NAC National Advisory/Anglers’/Archives Council
NACF National Art Collections Fund
NACRO National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
nad no appreciable difference; nothing abnormal detected
NAfr North Africa
NAFTA New Zealand and Australia Free Trade Agreement
NAGS National Allotments and Gardens Society
NAHA National Association of Health Authorities
NAI nonaccidental injury
NAI register national register of children considered to be at risk of abuse and injury from parents or guardians
NALGO National and Local Government Officers’ Association
NAMH National Association for Mental Health
NAO National Audit Office
NAPF National Association of Pension Funds
NAPO National Association of Property Owners
nar narrow
NAS Noise Abatement Society
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)
NASEN National Association for Special Educational Needs
NAS/UWT National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers
nat native; natural; national; nationalist
NATCS National Air Traffic Control Service
NATE National Association for the Teaching of English
NATFHE National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NATSOPA Former National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants
NATTKE Former National Association of Theatrical, Television and Kine Employees
NatWest National Westminster Bank
NAV net asset value
nav naval; navigable; navigation (also navig)
Nazi Nationahozialisten = German National Socialist Party member
NB, nb nota bene = note well; no ball (cricket)
NBA Net Book Agreement (former); National Boxing/ Basketball Association (US)
NBC National Broadcasting Company (US)
NBG, nbg no bloody good
NC National Curriculum
nc, n/c no charge
NCA National Cricket Association
NCB National Coal Board; no claim bonus
NCC Nature Conservancy Council
NCCL National Council for Civil Liberties
NCCVD National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases
NCO non-commissioned officer
NCP National Country Party (Australia)
NCR National Cash Register Company; no carbon/ copy required
NCU National Cyclists’ Union
NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organisations
nd no date (undated); not drawn; no decision
NDA National Dairymens’ Association
NDE near-death experience
Ndl Netherlands (also Neth)
NDP net domestic product
NDT non-destructive testing
nee nee = French for born (ie, Mrs Joan Smith, nee Jones, indicates that Mrs Smith’s maiden name was Jones)
NEA North East Airlines (US)
NEB National Enterprise Board; New English Bible
NEC Nippon Electrical Company (Japan)
NEDC National Economic Development Council (also Neddy, both now defunct)
ne’er never
neg negative
Neg Negro
nem con nemine contradicente = no contradictions; unanimous
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
NESB non-English speaking background (applied to some foreign immigrants in Australia)
NESTOR NEutron Source Thermal reactOR
net after all deductions (also nett)
Neth Netherlands
new neurological
neut neutral; neuter
NF National Front
N/f, n/f no funds
NFA National Federation of Anglers
NFL National Football League (US and Canada)
NFS National Fire Service; not for sale
NFT National Film Theatre, London
NFU National Farmers’ Union
NFUW National Farmers’ Union of Wales
NFWI National Federation of Womens’ Institutes
NFYFC National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs
NG New Guinea; National Guard (US)
ng no good; narrow gauge (railway)
NGA National Graphical Association
NGC New General Catalogue (of nebulae, galaxies and star clusters)
NGk New Greek
NGL natural gas liquids
NGO non-governmental organisation
NGS National Geographic Society
NHI National Health Insurance
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai = Japan Broadcasting Corporation
NHS National Health Service
NI National Insurance; Northern Ireland; News International
NIC newly industrialised country; national insurance contribution
NICAM near-instantaneous companding audio multiplex system (digital recording)
NIHE National Institute for Higher Education
NII nuclear installations inspectorate
NINA no Irish need apply
Nimby not in my backyard!
NIRC National Industrial Relations Court
N Ire Northern Ireland (also N Ir)
NIREX Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Disposal Executive
NJ nose job; New Jersey
NKr krone (Norwegian currency unit)
NKGB Narodny komissariat gosudar stvennoye bezopasnosti - People’s Commissariat of State Security (1943–46)
NKVD Narodny komissariat vnutrennikh del = People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Soviet police 1934–46)
NL New Latin; no liability (Australia); Netherlands
NLF National Liberation Front
NLS National Library of Scotland
nlt not less than; not later than (nmt = not more than)
NLW National Library of Wales
nm nanometre; nautical mile
NMGC National Marriage Guidance Council
NMHA National Mental Health Association
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance scanner
NMU National Maritime Union
NNP net national product
no number (nos = numbers); north; northern; not out (cricket)
Nol No 1, Apsley House, Piccadilly, London, former home of the Duke of Wellington
No10 No 10, Downing Street, London, the British Prime Minister’s residence
nol pros nolle prosequi = abandonment of court action by plaintiff in civil cases (also nolle pros)
nom nomenclature; nominated; nominal
non res non-resident
non seq non sequitur = it does not follow, ie, a statement or conclusion that does not logically follow from what preceded
non-U not upper class
NOP National Opinion Poll
Nor Norway; Norwegian
Norm Norman
norm normal
Northants Northamptonshire
Northmb Northumberland
NORWEB Former North Western Electricity Board

An Initial Quiz

The answer to each of these questions is a single initial or letter from the first half of the alphabet. For answers see here.

  1. Second most famous early Ford motor car (not the Model T)

  2. Scrabble tile with a value shared by no other letter

  3. First letter on the standard Snellen Eye Test chart

  4. Highest key on an ordinary piano

  5. A learner-driver must display it

  6. James Bond’s secret service chief

nos numbers
Notts Nottinghamshire
Nov November
NoW News of the World (Sunday newspaper)
NP Notary Public; neuropsychiatry; noun phrase
np new pence (Britain’s decimal coinage introduced in 1971); new paragraph (printing); nickel plated
n/p net proceeds (also np)
NPA National Pigeon Association; Newspaper Publishers’ Association
NPD new product development
NPFA National Playing Fields Association
NPK nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertiliser
NPL National Physical Laboratory
NPV net present value; no par value
NQU not quite us (social status observation)
nr near
NRA National Rifle Association
NRC Nuclear Research Council
NRCA National Retail Credit Association
NRF National Relief Fund
NRFL Northern Rugby Football League
NRS National Readership Survey
NRV net realisable value
NS Nova Scotia; nuclear ship; not satisfactory
NSA National Skating Association
NSAED non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSB National Savings Bank
NSC National Safety Council
nsf not sufficient funds (also n/s, n/s/f)
NSFGB National Ski Federation of Great Britain
NSG nonstatutory guidelines (education: National Curriculum)
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSU non-specific urethritis
NSW New South Wales
NT National Theatre, London; National Trust; Northern Territory (Australia); New Testament
Nth North; Northern
NTP normal temperature and pressure (meteorological)
NTS National Trust for Scotland
NTSC National Television System Committee (US body controlling colour television standards)
NTV Nippon Television
nt wt net weight
NUAAW National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers
NUJ National Union of Journalists
num numerical; numeral; number
numis numismatics
NUM National Union of Mineworkers
NUPE National Union of Public Employees
NUR National Union of Railwaymen
NURA National Union of Ratepayers’ Associations
NUS National Union of Students/Seamen

Answers to Initial Quiz

  1. The Ford Model A

  2. The letter K

  3. The letter F

  4. High C

  5. L for Learner

  6. Mysteriously known as M

NUT National Union of Teachers
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
NWAWWASBE Never wash a window with a soft boiled egg (slogan from the 1940s radio programme It’s That Man Again (ITMA)
NY New York
NYC New York City
NYD not yet diagnosed
NYO National Youth Orchestra
NYPD New York Police Department
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
NYT National Youth Theatre
NYTO National Youth Jazz Orchestra
NZ New Zealand
NZBC New Zealand Broadcasting Commission
NZMA New Zealand Medical Association
NZRFU New Zealand Rugby Football Union
NZRN New Zealand Registered Nurse