Books grow the ways plants do. Each one starts as the seed of an idea, and in order for that idea to grow and bloom into an actual book, the author needs the right environment. The following people have created that environment for me and served as the sunshine, water, and fertile soil that made this book possible:
Erik Orelind, my extraordinary husband, who moved heaven and earth to support me in this endeavor and inspires me every day; Rosemarie Brennan, my mother and role model since I was old enough to crawl; Mary Ellen Smith; Joe Smith; Chloe Smith; Charlotte Smith; Katy Brennan; Genna Brennan; Caroline Brennan; Patricia Brennan; Bob Orelind; Greger Orelind; Susie Orelind; Alex Orelind; Emma Orelind; Sofia Orelind; Kajsa Orelind; Jackson Lamy; Niklas Lamy; Sylvia Decker; Tom Decker; Annie Decker; Alexander Decker; Rick Wilson; Rod Keith; Jared Champlin; Greg Brisson; Kevin Toukoumidis, Leslie Ramirez; Jeff Bailey; Nina Szidon; Tom Szidon; Jason Batchko; Lisa Oldson; Heiko Dorenwendt; Anne Marie Carver; Katherine Teske; Susanna Homan; Michelle Sanchez; Grant Deady; Barby Siegel; Joe Versace; Karen Farquhar; Curt Wang; Joao Varandas; Laurel Bellows; Mark Partridge; Daniel Rogna; our valued Female Factor clients; my speaking clients around the world; all the executives who’ve graciously shared their stories in this book; and the great team at HarperCollins Leadership, including Jessica Wong, Amanda Bauch, Jeff James, Sicily Axton, and Hiram Centeno, and Brian Hampton.