Bridget Brennan is the CEO of Female Factor, the world’s top consultancy focused on women consumers. She is the leading professional speaker on the subject of engaging women as customers and decision makers. She is also the author of the book Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World’s Most Powerful Consumers (Crown Business, 2011). In her work, she’s conducted research with thousands of women on their purchasing habits and preferences, and provides counsel to Fortune 500 companies on developing strategies to grow their businesses. She was named a “Woman to Watch in Retail Disruption” by the Remodista social think tank and is a contributing writer for Forbes.com. Additionally, she is a member of the Vikings Women Advisory Board of the Minnesota Vikings National Football League team and a frequent guest lecturer at universities.

In her work at Female Factor, Brennan developed a sales training program that has been implemented successfully at major companies throughout the United States. Based in Chicago, she is a sought-after presenter at conferences and industry events around the world. Learn more about her at www.bridgetbrennan.com.