
We extend our utmost appreciation and thanks to Dr Stuart Ryder of the Australian Astronomical Observatory who cast his eagle astronomer’s eye so diligently over the information in this book. Thanks for the backup, Stuart!

It is impossible to give sufficient thanks to Hamish Lindsay for his extraordinary efforts in collecting and saving so much information that would otherwise have been lost. In the days when ‘officialdom’ cared so little about the historical significance of Australia’s role in the Apollo program, and all of the Honeysuckle records ended up in a rubbish tip, it was Hamish’s foresight and determination that kept Honeysuckle’s history alive. Throughout his time at Honeysuckle Creek Hamish took on the role of unofficial historian and photographer years before anyone realised how vital and invaluable such a record would become.

Others who deserve unstinting thanks are John Saxon and Mike Dinn for their websites and the sheer enthusiasm that brought so many of the team together again; Mike Linney for his wonderful collection of amusing anecdotes; Alan Foster, Colin Cochran, Henry Gilkens, Brian Hale, Colin Power, Ed von Renouard and Martin Geasley for sharing their memories; and the rest of ‘the team’ for the camaraderie and excitement of those days at the station.

Finally many thanks to Colin Mackellar for setting up a website totally dedicated to the people of the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station.