

A Note From Dr Karl . . .

A Note to This Edition

Introduction: the Emu in the Sky

How was the Moon formed?

Chapter 1: The Space Race

The German rockets of World War II

Chapter 2: The First Man in Space

Why does the Moon look bigger on the horizon than when it’s high in the sky?

What is the difference between a moon and a planet?

Chapter 3: A Tech Kid Grows Up

Why does the Moon look the same size as the sun?

Why does the Moon have different shapes?

Chapter 4: The First Computers

How the journeys to the Moon created the internet

Chapter 5: Australia Gazes at the Universe

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Chapter 6: Canberra, Tidbinbilla and Honeysuckle Creek

What is our Moon’s name?

Why can we sometimes see the Moon during the day?

Chapter 7: Science in the Wilderness

The dish in the bush

Chapter 8: The Apollo Missions Begin

What would happen if you were thrown out of a spacecraft into space?

Chapter 9: Orbit Around the Moon

The Moon and the months

How does the Moon make the tides rise and fall?

Chapter 10: Destination: Moon Landing

What is a solar eclipse?

What is a lunar eclipse?

Chapter 11: Preparing for the Moon

The Apollo 11 astronauts

Chapter 12: The Journey to the Moon

What time did the astronauts use?

Chips off the Moon

Chapter 13: Lift-off!

What does it feel like to be weightless in space?

Chapter 14: On Their Way!

What does space look like from a spacecraft?

How do you go to the toilet on a spacecraft?

Chapter 15: Touchdown!

The Moon’s surface

Would Apollo 11 sink in moon dust?

The lone woman in the control room

Chapter 16: The Eagle has Landed

The long days and nights on the Moon

Chapter 17: The Day the World Remembers

Moon Myth: The Parkes radio telescope was the first to send pictures of the moon walk to the world

Chapter 18: Ready and Waiting!

The world watches

How do you hear on the Moon?

Chapter 19: Showing the Moon to the World

Moon Myth: The journey to the Moon never happened

Chapter 20: Strolling on the Moon

What are the strange lights on the Moon?

Chapter 21: Working on the Moon

Can crops be grown on the Moon?

Chapter 22: Returning to Earth

The lost TV footage

Have astronauts ever seen any aliens or UFOs?

Chapter 23: Apollo 12

Colin Cochran’s story: The rocket in the bedroom!

Chapter 24: Apollo 13

Apollo power

Chapter 25: The Final Missions

Can the Moon tell us how Earth and other planets began?

Chapter 26: Goodbye to Honeysuckle Creek

Chapter 27: The Invisibles

‘Battle Short’

Desegregation at last

Women in the Australian space program

Why the women stayed invisible

Chapter 28: Apollo and the Information Age

Where is the Honeysuckle Creek dish now?

Chapter 29: The Technical Legacy of Apollo

The men who really did invent the internet

Broadband internet connections

Miss Honeysuckle Creek, 1966

Biomedical information

The video camera

The power fuel cell

The mini computer

Real-time computing

Chapter 30: Soaring to the Stars

Chapter 31: One Small Blue Planet, Spinning in the Black

Surviving the sixth great extinction

Chapter 32: Back to the Moon

The moon base that never was

A holiday on the Moon!

The call of the Moon

Chapter 33: Back to the Tracking Station

Chapter 34: Not Yet the End . . .

Where to Find Out More

Some Great Reading



About the Authors
