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Note: Page numbers in italics refer to photographs.
Aldrin, Buzz
Apollo 11, 78, 83, 86, 87–88, 92, 101, 113, 123, 125, 147
biography, 87–8
lands on the Moon, 108–9
lunar module Eagle, 101, 102–8, 145
moon walk, 83, 123, 134–5, 135, 139–42
return journey, 145–8
aliens, 152, 209
ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package), 154–5, 161, 173
Anders, William, 68, 69, 71
Anglo-Australian Observatory, 242
AOS (Acquisition of Signal), 67
Apollo 1, 59–60
Apollo 2, 60
Apollo 3, 60
Apollo 4, 60
Apollo 5, 60
Apollo 6, 63
Apollo 7, 63
Apollo 8, 64, 66–75, 74, 89
Apollo 9, 78–9, 79
Apollo 10, 78, 79–81
Apollo 11
astronauts, 86, 92, 147 see also Aldrin, Buzz; Armstrong, Neil; Collins, Michael
‘Battle Short’, 187
command module Columbia, 101, 141, 146–8
computer systems and, 106–7, 185–6, 205
journey to the Moon, 99–102
lift-off, 95–7, 96
lunar module Eagle, 97, 101, 102, 105–9, 113, 140, 141, 145–7, 183
mission, 78, 89–93
reunion, 176–7, 191, 235–8
touchdown, 105–9
women and, 107, 111–12, 184–9
Apollo 12, 153–5, 161
Apollo 13, 157–71, 158, 166, 169, 189
Apollo 14, 172–3
Apollo 15, 173, 173, 174–5
Apollo 16, 173, 175–7
Apollo 17, 173–4, 177, 212
Apollo–Soyuz, 180
Apollo (Greek god),12, 237
argon, 179
Armstrong, Neil
Apollo 11, 78, 83, 86, 92, 93, 113, 119, 147
biography, 85–6
biometrics data, 127
life support checks, 123–4
moon walk, 123, 125–7, 133–5, 135, 137, 139–43, 236
pilot of lunar module Eagle, 102, 105–9, 182
return journey, 145–8
speech, 129–30
ASTRO software, 80
Apollo 11 biographies, 85–8
biomedical data, 64, 125, 139–40
and flight plans, 123–4
sighting aliens or UFOs, 152
weightlessness in space, 98, 100
what it takes to be, 35–7
astronomy, 155, 241–2
Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), 242
Australian space program, 217–20, 233
Australian Space Agency plans, 218–19
women and, 191
‘Battle Short’, 187
Bendall, Gordon, 50, 52
biometrics data, 127, 199, 202–3
Blue Marble, The (photo), 211–12, 237
Bolton, John, 31, 161
Borman, Frank, 68, 69, 73, 75
Burman, Vic, 108, 117, 121
Bush, George W., 225
Canberra (ACT), 38–45, 47, 180–2
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, 218
Canopus, 41
Cape Kennedy (Florida), 59, 95, 153
Carnarvon Tracking Station (WA), 49, 99–100
Cernan, Eugene, 221
Chaffee, Roger, 59
Chang’e 4 lander, 232, 246
China National Space Administration, 224
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 131
Clementine orbiter, 224
climate change, 213–14, 215
Clissold, Horrie and Betty,75, 117–18, 184
Cochran, Colin, 154–5
coding network, 185
Collins, Michael, 74, 78, 86–7, 86, 92, 93, 102–3, 113, 142, 146–8, 147
communications technology, 198–9, 201, 203, 206, 238
Compact Array (Narrabri), 242
computers, 24–6, 41, 52–4, 194, 204–5
Cooby Creek Tracking Station (Qld), 49, 156
CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), 30, 31, 161, 219, 242
Deep Space Communication Complex (Canberra), 218
digital clocks, 54–5
Dinn, Mike, 22, 121, 122, 162, 194
Deep Space Network, 185
desegregation, racial, 190
Dish, The (movie), 57–8, 119, 184
Dover Heights ‘dish’, 31–3, 31
Duke, Charlie, 176
Earth, 6–8, 178–9
Echo 1 satellite, 34
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 11
Elliot, Dik, 28
Emu in the Sky story, 5–6, 237
ESA (European Space Agency), 219, 224, 226
extinction event, 213
Fickle Finger of Fate, 62
Finley, Susan, 185
Foster, Alan, 122, 158, 159
Friendship 7 spacecraft, 24–5, 35, 187
fuel cells, 159, 171, 204
Gagarin, Yuri, 11, 14–18, 16
Gallegos, Kevin, 117
Geasley, Martin, 49, 170, 175
Gerada, Tony, 117
German V2 rockets, 12–13, 211
GET (Ground Elapsed Time), 94
Glenn, John, 24, 35, 187
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 54–5
Goddard Space Flight Center (US), 27, 80, 81, 117, 149–50
Goldstone Tracking Station (US), 91, 113, 118, 127, 162
Google Lunar XPRIZE, 233
Gorton, John, 108, 171
greenhouse effect, 212–13
Grissom, Gus, 59
Haise, Fred, 157
Hale, Brian, 22, 175, 194
Hamilton, Margaret, 106–7, 185–6
helium–3 isotope, 226
Hicks, Ron, 22, 27, 44–5, 50, 52, 53, 202
Hidden Figures (book), 107, 187
Hidden Figures (film), 187–8
Hill, Fred, 108
Hiten spacecraft, 223–4
Holt, Harold, 44, 44–5
Honeysuckle Creek Space Tracking Station (Canberra), 38, 41, 42, 63, 181–2, 218, 242
Apollo 8, 64, 66–71
Apollo 9, 78–9
Apollo 11, 89–93, 97, 119–27, 147–8
Apollo 11 reunion, 176–7, 191, 235–8
Apollo 12, 154
Apollo 13, 157–9, 162–3, 166–7
closes, 180–3, 181
computers, 52–5, 80, 106, 166–7
construction, 35, 41–5, 42
dish, 42, 57–8, 69–70, 70, 122, 195
Miss Honeysuckle Creek 196, 202
moon walk, 115, 119, 120, 123, 129–30, 135, 139–41, 182
NASA, 26, 172, 182–3
Parkes radio telescope, 161
simulation console, 172
staff, 49–52
Hughes, Les, 117
‘human computer’ women, 185
Hutchinson, Paul, 194
hydroponic systems, 210
HyShot scramjet, 34
IBM Corporation, 24, 27
ICESat-2, 213
Indian Space Research Organisation, 224–5
Ikara anti-submarine missiles, 26, 33
Internet, 26–7, 199–200, 201
iron, 7
Irwin (astronaut), 173, 175
Island Lagoon tracking station (Woomera), 35
Iwo Jima, 170
Jackson, Mary, 187–9
Japan’s space program, 34, 144, 197, 219, 223, 224
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 185
jet stream, 214
Johnson, Katherine, 187–9
Julian day, 54
Kennedy, John F., 9–12, 60, 136, 237
Kepler spacecraft, 208
Kosygin, Alexei, 165
LEO (Lyons Electronic Office), 25
life on other planets, 209
Lindsay, Hamish, 55, 68, 71, 73–4, 174
Linney, Mike, 57, 116, 125
Litherland, Len, 181
Lockheed Super Constellation aircraft, 60–2, 61
Loughhead, Don, 27, 117
Lovell, James, 68, 73, 74, 157, 164, 168
Luna program 223
Luna 1 spaceship, 11
Lunar-A, 224
lunar eclipses, 23, 82
lunar rover vehicles, 173–4, 175
LunarSat, 224
Macarthur, General, 62
Madrid Tracking Station, 102, 113, 146
Mariner 4, 35
Mars, 35, 178–9, 189, 196
Mechta spaceship, 11
meteorites, 94, 110, 137–8, 178–9
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 29, 106, 186, 205
modularisation, 193–4
months of the year, 75–6
moon buggies, 173–4, 175
Moon (Earth’s)
Apollo 8, 66–71, 89
Apollo 11 landing see Apollo 11
chips off, 94
crop growing on, 144
days and nights, 114, 228, 230
formation, 6–7, 178–9
hearing on, 128
holiday on, 227–31
lights on, 137–8, 222
lunar eclipses, 23, 82
manned exploration ends, 178
months, 75–6
moon base, 223, 234
myths, 119, 130–1
name, 45
samples, 110–11, 130, 134, 147, 172–3, 221–3
seeing by daylight, 46
shape, 23
size, 18, 23
solar eclipses, 23, 81–2
surface (‘regolith’), 30, 89, 94, 110–11, 111, 119, 127, 133, 144, 221, 227, 234
tides, 76–7
volcanoes on, 138
moons, 8, 19
Mopra Observatory (Coonabarabran), 242
Morgan, JoAnn, 111–12
Mount Stromlo Observatory (ACT), 242
Muchea Tracking Station (WA), 35
Mullen, Paul, 121 multi-spectral terrain photography, 215
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
computer network, 29, 121–2, 140, 154, 157, 185
formation, 14
Honeysuckle Creek (ACT) see Honeysuckle Creek
manned exploration ends, 178
mission specialists, 51
mission status, 80
mission time, 94
mission control, 111–12
NASCOM, 81, 157
Office of Human Exploration and Operations, 225
Parkes radio telescope, 160–1 see also Parkes radio telescope
racial discrimination and, 188–9 Surveyor spacecraft, 38, 40–1, 53, 111
Tidbinbilla (ACT) see Tidbinbilla
tracking stations, 27, 34–5, 99, 103, 127, 157
women in, 107, 111–12, 184–9
National Parks and Wildlife Service, 182
NET 1, 67, 117, 160
NET 2, 117, 160
Nixon, Richard, 89, 136–7, 147, 171
nuclear fusion reactors, 226
OAO-2 satellite, 35
observatories, 242–3
on the Moon, 216
Orroral Valley Tracking Station (ACT), 34, 182
oscilloscopes, 40
Parkes radio telescope, 31, 57–8, 118–19, 119, 125, 134, 160–1, 242–3
Paul Wild Observatory (Narrabri), 242
planets, 7, 19, 207, 209
Power, Colin, 22, 117
power fuel cells, 204
programming, 52–3
Hamilton, Margaret and, 106–7, 185–6
Project Mercury, 24
quasars, 154–5
radar, 30
radio astronomy, 160, 242
ramjet engines, 156 Ranger satellite, 35
real-time computing, 205–6
Reid, Tom, 161
Roberts, Macy, 185
Rodney Reserve (Dover Heights), 32
rovers, space exploration, 197
RTC (Real Time Command), 121
Russia see Soviet Union
SABRE software, 80
Sandford, Neil, 172
satellites, 68, 199, see also by name
satellite imagery, 215
Saturn rockets, 161–2
Saturn V rockets, 60, 63, 64, 67, 78, 93, 96, 97, 100
Saxon, John, 22, 117, 124, 167, 175–7, 194
Schmidt telescopes, 242
Schmitt, Harrison, 174
Scott (astronaut), 175
sea level rise, 213
Selene spacecraft, 223
Shenzhou spacecraft, 224
Siding Spring Observatory (Coonabarabran), 242–3
silicon chips, 193, 205
Skylab missions, 180, 186, 215
Slee, Bruce, 31
Smart-1, 224
software, 80
Hamilton, Margaret and, 106–7, 185–6
solar eclipses, 23, 81–2
solar wind collectors, 140
Soviet Union, 9–11, 64, 84–5, 165, 180, 211, 223
Soyuz spacecraft, 180
space, 65, 98, 103
space exploitation, 216
space exploration post-Apollo, 196–9, 216
future of, 225–6, 232–3
private companies, 220, 225, 233
rovers, 197
space-flight simulators, 83–4, 84
Space Race, 9–11, 180
Sputnik satellite, 11, 14
Stallard, Eric, 62
Stanley, Gordon, 31
stars, 19, 131–2
Sullivan, Bryan (author), 20–2, 27, 50
Sun (Earth’s)
lunar eclipses, 23, 82
months, 75–6
solar eclipses, 23, 81–2
tides, 76–7
suns, 19
Super Constellation, 60–2, 61
Surveyor spacecraft, 38, 40–1, 53, 111
Swigert, Jack, 157, 158, 168
telescopes, 155, 242–3
televised space flights, 83, 90, 118–19, 126–7, 129–30
Telstar 1 satellite, 34–5
terra-forming, 209–10
TIC (Telemetry Instrumentation Coordinator), 121
Tidbinbilla Deep Space Tracking Station (ACT), 38–45, 39, 70, 78–9, 91, 132, 181–2, 195, 242 tides, 76–7
Tiros 1 satellite, 34
toilets on spacecraft, 103–4, 168
tracking stations, 27, 34–5, 99, 103, 157, 205–6 see also Honeysuckle Creek; Tidbinbilla
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, 208
Turner, Laurie, 48
UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), 152
UNIVAC military computer systems, 52, 80
undersea mapping, 215
USS Hornet, 147
USS Yorktown, 74–5
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) see Soviet Union
Van Allen radiation belt, 34
Vaughn, Dorothy, 187–9
Venus, 178–9
video cameras, 203
Vietnam War, 33, 137, 174
von Braun, Wernher, 12–13
von Renouard, Ed, 26
Voyager 1 spacecraft, 207–8
Voyager 2 spacecraft, 207–8
Waugh, Bill, 53
White, Ed, 59
in Australian space program, 191
in NASA, 107, 111–12, 184–9
invisibility of, 192
Woomera (SA), 33–4, 49, 217
World Wide Web, 201
WRESAT, 33, 217
Young, John, 176–7
Zond 5 spacecraft, 64